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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. Those Dundee kits are fantastic, especially the home [emoji1376][emoji1376]
  2. Oh well, better luck next year. Cove away for Raith on the opening day.
  3. Fixtures announced and our first game is away to Cove. First home game the following weekend against Dundee. Home to Morton on Xmas eve, away to Hamilton on 2nd January. Last game home to Partick on the Friday night again. Full fixture list https://www.raithrovers.net/rrfc-news?id=55023
  4. There’s no accounting for taste…. It looked like a carrier bag from the corner shop [emoji12]
  5. Agree, and in addition to this I don’t think Falkirk is the sort of environment we want to be sending our young lads to. Might be a bit better with McGlynn at the helm but it’s been a basket case of a club for a few seasons, and the expectation and pressure to get promoted means the fans are on the players backs. Not a good environment for young guys to develop. The obsession with sending players there just because McGlynn is there now can get in the sea.
  6. McGlynn being adamant that he wanted all of his players to train every day doesn’t worry me- I think that’s fair enough. Not doing their homework on an injury/condition that would clearly limit Keatings ability to do that is the bigger concern for me. And he’s clearly not the only player we’ve signed who had previous injuries which have continued when they’ve joined us. Hopefully Murray’s due diligence on signings will be better.
  7. Not sure if your post was aimed at me Hank but I said in my post I liked them. Trying to put out something cool or clever might have gone very wrong, doing the usual boring announcement is fine but dull- the cringy/ ironic/light-hearted videos are cracking.
  8. The new signing announcement videos are cringy as f*ck. I like them, more please!
  9. McPake isn’t as bad a signing for Dunfermline as he would have been for Raith. He achieved his target at Dundee with the second biggest budget in the Championship and I seem to remember Dundee fans saying he did have an eye for a player. You’d have to imagine he’ll have a similar budget advantage with Dunfermline in league 1 so he might do ok. Without the budget advantage at Raith he’d likely have been a disaster but it’s all about getting the right fit and he’ll be better than Peter Grant anyway….
  10. Nothing unexpected in his interview but he speaks well, praises the way McGlynn had the team playing and emphasises that he wants his team to be fit and hard-working. Welcome to the Rovers Ian.
  11. Yes please. Far more appealing that any of the other candidates. Always speaks eloquently and honestly and doesn't tweet about the Rangers. Not really any idea how his teams play but he'd be better than any of the guys we realistically have a chance of appointing. Surely he's got enough credit in the bank that he'd get the chance to get you back up though even if you were relegated?
  12. Are you sure you’re not Niall? [emoji12] I stand corrected Zen. Apologies for the mistaken identity Niall.
  13. Can we have the old Tx back please? The one who relentlessly championed the young lads regardless of whether they’d had any experience, and who wanted folk to ride the pine for a few games. This über-cynical Tx is getting a bit tedious.
  14. Sobering to see that Vaughan scored more goals in 5 games than Varian did in 36. And that he was our fifth top-scorer despite playing only 5 games. Oh what might have been if Lewis had stayed fit all season.
  15. They've got form for leaking something to see the reaction and then completely ignoring the reaction I suppose.
  16. Aye, if he’d been appointed as manager when Barry Smith left I would have been delighted. But nobody will even touch him now by the looks of things seeing as he isn’t being touted amongst the usual names.
  17. Seems appropriate to listen to my 'everything Scott Hutchison ever released' playlist on Spotify this week. Also vividly remember confirmation that they'd found him four years ago today. Never ever mourned a 'celebrity' before or since, still feel a bit like I've lost a mate. I'm off to turn the volume up.
  18. Character. Pure and simple. The type of character he portrays is not what we need to rebuild the standing of the club. Of course he might not carry that persona into management and if we appoint him I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but I'd rather not take the risk, especially when combined with the risk his complete absence of managerial experience brings.
  19. He could be a decent guy, I’ve never met him. My opinion of him is based on someone who’s played against him several times saying that he is indeed a twat, and someone who has had contact with him in matters not related to football saying the same thing. Those accounts back up the public persona. I hope he doesn’t get the gig but if he does I’ll give him a chance to prove he’s not a twat.
  20. Yes. I understand the hypocrisy in that, but following the terrible decisions made in January (in which McGlynn played a part) we definitely should be making sure that we don’t hire a manager whose role-model credentials could be brought into question.
  21. If we’re serious about building bridges with the community and being a family club, Scott Brown should be nowhere near our club. Whether the hard-man/ bully persona is genuine or a facade (I’ve heard from a couple of sources that he is indeed a bell end, others on here have said he’s actually a decent guy so who knows) someone who happily projected that image throughout his 20 year career is not who I want as the figure-head of my club.
  22. That’s what annoys me most- we had a very talented manager who, before the last 3 months happened, was never ever going to leave us searching for the next rung on his way up the ladder. Continuity, stability and a long term strategy are very undervalued attributes in football managers at this level. But I agree, it’s highly unlikely that we find another older guy who will do the same job as McGlynn, so why not give a young and hungry guy the chance? The last time we did that was with McKinnon and that went ok. If we could persuade a young guy to buy into a plan that gets us both to the Premier together in the next 5 years or so that would be the ultimate outcome. I’d rather we tried and failed with Thomson/Naismith/Berra than plucked someone who’s tried and failed elsewhere off the merry go round.
  23. I posted this almost a year ago to the day. How times change. Anyone got a copy of the season saved from about the end of November that we can re-load and try again?
  24. Even if they have offered him a deal on more cash, I like to think that it wouldn’t “come down to if Rovers match it”. Of course it could be an enormous increase in which case who could blame him but if it’s a few hundred pounds a month in his pocket then I’d like to think that the attachment he has to the Rovers, competing in a higher league, less chance of getting the sack if he doesn’t get promoted, and having the nucleus of a squad he assembled himself already in place would tempt him to stay. Having said that, if the Rovers board are willing to lose McGlynn over a few quid without a belter of a manager already lined up then they need their heads examined.
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