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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. Thought the Killie penalty was soft as shite so that soft as shite one evened it up to be fair.
  2. That’s fucking brutal to chop that goal off. Nothing wrong with that.
  3. Just watched the Killie pre-match interview with JMcG. John [emoji7]wubs[emoji7] Sam Stanton.
  4. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven’t read the court verdict. I urge you to set-aside a couple of hours and read it. If you still have the same opinion after reading it then there’s no hope for you.
  5. Val is coming across as a bit of a dick in that tweet to be honest. She’s directing her anger to the wrong football club surely? Why is she not angry at Clyde for signing him? Comes across as “I’ve still got beef with Raith” rather than anything else. From a selfishly Raith point of view I think this is the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. A chunk of his wage will now be paid for by someone other than us and if that article is to be believed he’ll be off to Clyde permanently in the summer and we won’t have to pay him at all any more. Amazed that Clyde have agreed to take the horrible rapist arsehole back but simultaneously delighted.
  6. Raith are worse…. But only marginally, by virtue of the fact that ICT still seem to be able to score goals.
  7. I disagree with being angry about the fact he's still on the books. We've said he won't play or train with the club so there's no benefit to us 'keeping him on the books'- it's obviously just taking time to iron out the legal implications and that's why he's not officially gone yet, but to all intents and purposes he is gone. I also don't see the difference between paying him off in one lump or paying him monthly as per his initial contract. We have to pay him what he is due legally so why does it matter how it is done? (I can understand worrying about where the money comes from, but not when it is paid).
  8. Excellent statement, especially this bit which I wholeheartedly agree with. Up until this transfer I hadn't heard of any grumblings of discontent around the board so I don't think they need to go, as long as they 'accept that they failed the club' and 'support positive change'. This part is also encouraging;
  9. No, no wish to sweep this under the carpet from me. Lessons need to be learned and change needs to happen, but I also understand that in organisations like this, these type of changes cannot happen immediately. And I also know from experience that the thought processes of ‘management decisions’ should not be shared publicly until the decisions have been made. You cannot and should not keep everyone 100% in the loop all the time, not matter how much we as fans feel we may be entitled to it. I feel that having a go at Raith TV (or any volunteers) for returning when nobody knows what dialogue has taken place smacks of point scoring and faux-outrage. These people are providing a service which lots of people rely on and should not be criticised for helping fellow fans.
  10. Rival fans have been great throughout this. Standing by us and having sympathy rather than taking the piss. Most are still the same but there are a few starting to point score and act like they are outraged at every comment made (or not made) by the club.
  11. This has now got to the stage where no matter who does what someone is (or pretends to be) offended that they’ve said the wrong thing, said too much, not said enough, gone too far, not gone far enough etc etc etc. It comes back to what I said in the immediate aftermath about people treating the situation like it’s black and white when clearly there is a lot of nuance in the background that we as the general public will never (and should never) be party to. And now we have rival fans starting to pile in with their faux outrage too. Well done Raith TV for taking the stance that helped to make sure a rapist never played for our club. And well done Raith TV for returning to ensure that the connection with the fans that rely on your service is not irretrievably lost.
  12. What's the going rate to look after a motor these days?
  13. We did also confirm that he is not training with Raith, so yes, gardening leave essentially.
  14. On another note, good to see a Raith TV of sorts back for the pre-match interview. Production values weren’t quite up to the standards of the usual team but I enjoyed Gordon’s interview style and he asked some good questions. Interesting that talk of the rapist wasn’t off limits. Had to chuckle when he asked if there was any chance we’d be bringing in another striker before the loan window ended though [emoji23]
  15. How about we all just agree to remember that’s what you think? That way you won’t have to post the same tedious shite so often.
  16. Pretty obvious I meant within the professional (i.e men's) game. I don't think there's likely to be a lad culture issue in the women's game. Do you know of any footballers, managers, coaches or board members of any of the SPFL member clubs who have spoken out?
  17. Yeah, I agree with the above takes on it too. But.... does that mean he should no longer be manager? I think this episode has shown that the attitudes towards 'that type of thing' in football are outdated and that the vast majority of men working in football need educated. There hasn't been any condemnation of the signing from anyone who is currently involved in playing or managing in Scotland as far as I can remember. So will it do any good replacing McGlynn with another manager who probably feels the same way but was just lucky enough not to broadcast his lack of understanding to the world? Or would we be better seeing some sort of pledge from those at our club to ensure that we become the gold standard on tackling, and trying to eradicate, the lad culture that exists within the game by educating our employees? Realistically I think as well as being the right thing to do morally, a public and visible education program for our players and management team is the only way we'll win back some sponsors and fans.
  18. On the flip side, if it had been Locke or any other poorly performing manager I can guarantee Grant wouldn’t be screaming so loudly for him to go.
  19. Are you reading the same posts as me? This isn’t the voice of someone desperate to be outraged and sack the manager at any cost. ®ATM is certainly not one of the perma-outraged ones on here, there are a few but he’s not one of them. His posts are generally well balanced and avoid the hysterics. Personally I’ve changed my opinion on whether McGlynn can stay or should go umpteen times. Having seen that interview I agree with the above- the tone was right, the man looked absolutely broken. It was a genuine apology, not an “I’m sorry there’s a fuss but I still don’t see what was wrong”. Without Val McDermid, his (and the boards) feelings on the amount of outrage generated is probably spot-on. They just didn’t bank on her being so vociferous and giving others the courage to also show their feelings. I’m still not sure what I think to be honest.
  20. And to be fair, a number of us have been saying for most of this week that we acknowledge the possibility that 'the club' might not be able to release a statement until legal matters are sorted and that we'd be happy if 'the club' released a statement to that effect. Sound like this could be that statement.
  21. Best post in a while on the subject. If I could give 10 greenies I would. I initially said Monday evening was my red line for putting out a statement but agree that the immediacy has died a little. We absolutely 100% cannot play another football match without further comment though, even if it is just an explanation of why we cannot comment fully at this stage.
  22. Not sure that’s true. Hopefully society as a whole can be a winner as the story has brought the subject into the public awareness. If that means that the attitudes of certain groups of people regarding what they class as ‘harmless fun’ or ‘just being a lad’, as opposed to what they class as rape, may change then everyone is a winner.
  23. See if I never hear the term ‘rape apologist’ again it’ll be too soon.
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