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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. Right if you could just stop all the drama and excitement and quietly see out the last couple of minutes that would be grand.
  2. I’d imagine it would be far more beneficial to take training and analyse Dundee via video.
  3. I genuinely don’t think McGlynn would go anywhere, even given the chance. He’s had a go at managing his boyhood team and it didn’t work out. He’s had another go at managing in the premier and it didn’t work out. When he came back he said Raith was the only gig that would tempt him back to management. Sometimes people and clubs are just perfect fits for each other and McGlynn and the Rovers are exactly that. I could be wildly wrong of course but another team coming and pinching McGlynn is not something I worry about at all, I think we’ll have him for as long as the partnership is successful.
  4. Dunfermline to pip Inverness to fourth, then beat Dundee in the quarter final. I think we've got a better chance of beating Dunfermline than either of the other two. Then we can pump them in the semi and Ross County in the final. That's my dream scenario anyway......
  5. Draw. ICT win. Dundee win. That's the order of preference. Nae idea what Embow has been smoking thinking that a Dundee win is the preferred option for Raith. We absolutely don't want to play Inverness in the play-offs but a Dundee win vastly reduces our chances of coming second so we want that even less.
  6. Not inconceivable that Hearts draw their next three games, leaving them on 50 points going into the last game. If Raith win their next 4 they’d be on 48 going into the last game. More unlikely but still not inconceivable. Hearts have Raith at Starks on the final day. A Raith win there gives the best final day since.... ever?
  7. Quite sobering when Livi fans are giving us advice on how to be a big team. I mean, it’s perfectly justified- if you’re under the age of around 25ish Raith have never been a team challenging for promotion to the top flight. To me Livi are a new club who are around the same size as us or slightly smaller and should have similar ambitions and have been punching above their weight. But that’s just because my perceptions are stuck in the late nineties. Hopefully we’re on the right track to get to where Livi have been in recent years. And hopefully we don’t have to rename the stadium after a shit restaurant to get there [emoji12]
  8. It’s difficult to make it obvious that your tongue is in your cheek in text form.
  9. Yeah but he said “best player in the league” and we all know Falkirk are just a wee league 1 team.
  10. Great to see the real Jamie Gullan again. The football we played tonight was just phenomenal. Going too far to say it’s reminiscent of the Nicholl teams?
  11. Not really that bold considering the form they’ve both been in.
  12. I don’t think I would actually. I won’t be disappointed with a draw at full time, and I’m not sure where our goals will come from, but I wouldn’t settle for a draw now. How do Pars fans feel?
  13. Doesn’t seem like the type of signing a club with ambitions of playing in the premiership, or indeed finishing in the top four of the championship, next season would be making. A very underwhelming signing. But he did show flashes of talent in there somewhere. If McGlynn can get him to cut out the diving and screw the nut à la Kevin Nisbet then maybe we’ve got a player. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt because the baldy messiah deserves the benefit of the doubt.
  14. Never thought about that to be honest... I guess you’re probably right but I don’t know.
  15. Guinea-Bissau play again on Tuesday. Even if Mendy arrives back in Scotland on Wednesday he’ll need to quarantine for 10 days which takes him to the 10th April so he’ll miss four games minimum (Morton on Sat, Dunfermline on Tues, Livi Sat, Arbroath sat 10th). Still think you’re right that we won’t sign anyone but it’s quite a few games.
  16. I think the majority of football fans in Scotland would rather have no Old Firm teams in the league structure than four of the bigoted horrible glory-Hunter-magnets. Get them tae f**k.
  17. Thing is, if he doesn’t stay fit for the rest of the season he won’t get a sniff of a deal elsewhere. In that case we could probably offer him some sort of play as you play deal which would be relatively risk-free for the club. I’d be amazed if he’s not with the Rovers next season.
  18. I’ve never even considered us not offering Vaughan a new deal assuming he’s still fit. Can’t imagine us standing by him for the last two years only to let him go when he’s out the other side of it. Also can’t imagine another side taking a risk on him at this stage. You never know though.
  19. Where did you hear that? John was clearly angry at the red card in the interview but it wasn’t clear if the anger was directed at the player or the official.
  20. Big John not looking/sounding too happy in the Ayr pre-match interview. Notable by their absence were any questions from Niall on Davos red card. Would love to know John’s opinion on it.
  21. Curious to know Tex, did you watch the 90mins or are you basing your performances against ICT on the highlights? Maybe the highlights didn’t show much of Tumilty’s threat. I’d say he was certainly where the majority of our attacking play came from from.
  22. I thought Tumilty had a really good game on Friday, probably my man of the match. Hendry also looked decent I thought, certainly one of our better performers. King wasn’t terrible but was largely anonymous. Strange how we can all see the same thing an interpret it so differently.
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