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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. The worst thing about the season ticket and Connolly announcements is that it’s sucked a bit of the feel-good factor out of the club. I was properly buzzing for next season after the absolute belter of a season we’ve just had but the Zanatta and Connolly signings do not paint the picture that the club is looking upwards and the ticket pricing doesn’t sit with the ‘we’re all part of the community club’ feeling which has been building for a few years.
  2. That’s a cracker to be fair [emoji1360]
  3. Didn’t say it would be fine, said it wouldn’t be a disaster. As long as we stay in this league it’s not a disaster. But we absolutely should be aiming to win promotion, just with the caveat that if we don’t it’s not a massive failure given where we’ve been recently.
  4. That’s an interesting point. Sim stated publicly that we budgeted for 7th last season. Having finished 3rd last season I highly doubt we’ll be so pessimistic as to budget for 7th again but where do we aim? I’d say budgeting for 4th or 5th and hope to over-achieve again is probably sensible, and would likely ensure that we achieve our main aim of survival in the ‘difficult second season’. And if we finish 7th or 8th then while it’s disappointing it wouldn’t be a disaster and in theory we have the additional un-budgeted prize money from this season to cover the shortfall.
  5. Dunfermline also had a horrendous purple and green away strip in ‘94/‘95 when we pipped them to the title. I’m taking that as a good omen.
  6. Maybe we’ve just got different definitions of pushing the boat out. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said above. But I think that for Regan the board will have put together absolutely the best package they could manage, and possibly explored things like outside financing in a way that they would never have done with any other player. That doesn’t mean I think they’d make him an offer that would put them in financial difficulty. Fingers crossed whatever they’ve offered is enough....
  7. That’s one take on it. The fact that nothing has been announced regarding Hendry yet would suggest to me that we’re pushing the boat out for him. If we couldn’t get near what he’d been offered elsewhere then it may have already been announced that he was leaving. I don’t doubt that we’re being ‘fiscally prudent’ but I don’t take it to mean that we’ve said take it or leave it to Hendry. Of course, the most likely situation is that everyone knows he’s leaving but he just hasn’t decided where he’s going yet so he hasn’t officially rejected our offer, just in case.
  8. You’re right gentlemen. Neither player is irreplaceable. Sorry for the outburst of pessimism. In McGlynn we trust.
  9. Zanatta for Armstrong is a big downgrade. With MacDonald away too there’s a good chance there’ll be a downgrade at left back. If (when) lose Hendry we’ll likely have a downgrade in midfield. It’s hard not to start to feel a bit pessimistic. But we’ve got McGlynn so I’ll try and keep the pessimism in check.
  10. Just seen Bene on the BBC news getting interviewed on his way to Portugal for a golfing holiday. Lewis Vaughan also tagged on Instagram with Regan Hendry, Robbie Thomson, Ross Matthews and Tony Dingwall on a golf course in Portugal. Obviously a wee Rovers holiday. Well deserved.
  11. Christ, not this shite again. At least ‘demoted’ is better than the ‘voted down’ nonsense that the hearts fans trot out.
  12. Good to see vikingtons weird obsession with clubs giving two year deals to players continues.
  13. Really nice to see John McGlynn being so emotional in his post match interview. The man clearly loves the club, and he’s so obviously immensely proud of the players and everyone at the club for the season we’ve just had..... and quite rightly so. There’s honestly not another manager in Scotland I’d take in place of super John. Not saying he’s necessarily a better manager than a Gerrard or a Jack Ross, but I can’t imagine anyone else being a better fit for our club. Thanks for the wonderful season John, here’s to going one better next year [emoji1360][emoji482] Oh, and also- I fucking love supporting this little provincial club.
  14. Absolutely bang on there. No way we would have played so direct or Dundee would have sat back in the first half so much. Genuinely don’t think Dundee were any better than us over the two legs. Adam made the difference in the first leg and our lack of threat up front really killed us but we can gout out with our heads held high.
  15. Is the blatant diving a feature of this Dundee team or is it just shithousing tonight? Didn’t see them doing it on Wednesday.
  16. How can Stewart see that replay and then still stick to his guns that it wasn’t a dive?
  17. Totally agree. We’re playing a completely different game to what we’ve played at any point this season and making a good fist of it. What a fucking team.
  18. Also, anyone else think the commentator sounds like he’s trying to say Mendy in a Dundonian accent?
  19. We are looking more dangerous than we did on Wednesday but we’re always vulnerable on the counter like that.
  20. Leanne Crichton saying we’ll be more solid with Mendy as he’s been impressive all season. [emoji15]
  21. Dundee fans are also funny c*nts. [emoji23] And you’ve got strength in depth of funny c*nts too- nice to see [emoji1360][emoji23]
  22. Dundee fans are generally good c*nts. But I tell you what, if you go up I’ll not miss the ‘thank you’ posts.
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