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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. Also, anyone else think the commentator sounds like he’s trying to say Mendy in a Dundonian accent?
  2. We are looking more dangerous than we did on Wednesday but we’re always vulnerable on the counter like that.
  3. Leanne Crichton saying we’ll be more solid with Mendy as he’s been impressive all season. [emoji15]
  4. Dundee fans are also funny c*nts. [emoji23] And you’ve got strength in depth of funny c*nts too- nice to see [emoji1360][emoji23]
  5. Dundee fans are generally good c*nts. But I tell you what, if you go up I’ll not miss the ‘thank you’ posts.
  6. It’d be difficult to chose who I’d want to win the final between Dundee and Killie. Quite like Dundee as a club, see them as similar to ourselves (probably as we spent a lot of time together at the top of the 1st div in the mid/late-nineties) so would prefer them to do well than another nothing west-coast club like Killie. But then I’d rather go to Dens next season than Rugby park, and I think Killies budget would be far bigger than Dundee’s if they were in the championship next season. If Dundee are playing Ross County then ‘mon the Dee.
  7. Charlie Adam is like your fat uncle who turns up to the family BBQ 6 cans down and then proceeds to absolutely take the piss out of the lads who think they’re plers with a can of Tennents in one hand and a tab in the other.
  8. Good to see you’re not still raging that Hendry turned you down to sign for us [emoji23]
  9. That’s your first mistake Ludo- most Rovers fans ignore fantalk now cos it’s full of roasters.
  10. Managed to listen to the k107 show with John Sim on it today. (As an aside, not enough love is shown on here for that show- it’s really excellent, with interesting guests every week, and Graeme and Stuart are really good hosts. Fills the void the treatment table podcast left when it disappeared many moons ago). A few interesting things Sim said that I thought were worth mentioning in no particular order; The pitch we laid was ‘accidentally’ a rugby pitch. He said he wasn’t quite sure why our pitch is generally thought to be better than other ‘similar’ ones such as Livis, but it could be that we chose a longer blade length (60mm compared to 50mm I think) by accident which is generally used for rugby pitches. Selling Keiron Bowie was a mistake. He said that in hindsight they shouldn’t have sold Bowie but didn’t elaborate on why. Maybe he thinks that he would have been a useful addition to the side this year. Maybe he thinks if we’d developed him for another year we’d have got a bigger fee. I’m not sure. Was surprised to hear that as I don’t think that it’s a view shared by the fan base. Safe standing. Seemed to think it was realistic for it to be installed within ‘a few years’. Floodlights Our current lights aren’t actually up to championship standard. The standard is 600lux, ours put out 592. We’re upgrading them so that they will be champions league standard and put out 1100lux! They can be dimmed/turned down though so they won’t be that bright for community use. Widening the pitch. Plan is to widen the pitch from 63m to 68m which is UEFA standard. Didn’t specify when but it didn’t seem like he was talking about when the pitch was being relaid. The North and South stands are rotting. He said both stands were not built correctly and were ‘rotting from the inside’ but this is being fixed. Was also surprised to hear him criticising the players for ‘not turning up’ to some games and making comparisons with what he’d do to other employees who ‘didn’t turn up’ sometimes [emoji23] Those are just a few of the things I picked up from it and I might have picked them up not exactly correctly. I find him a really interesting character to listen to and feel really comfortable that he’s the top man at the club and is dictating the direction the club is taking. He sounds like he won’t take any shit from anyone though! Future is bright for us off the park anyway I think, let’s hope that translates to success on it.
  11. I think we can definitely agree that there would be a good crowd [emoji1360][emoji12] Always liked games against Dundee in the 90s. My United supporting uncle lives in Dundee so we’d always go with him to Dens. The smell of his aftershave and the Dens Park main stand are now inextricably linked in my mind. Good times.
  12. States opinion about potential crowd sizes more than a year since any crowds have been in any championship ground then says; Braw [emoji23]
  13. Seems strange to be facing a team who’s fans are actually confident they’ll win. Have kind of got used to the “we’re shitter than you” etiquette this season.
  14. Anyone know if there’s live commentary on sportsound tonight? Doesn’t look like it according to the schedules I can find but the bbc sport website isn’t even showing the fixture for tonight [emoji849] P.S I’ll be in the car for the first half, hence wanting audio commentary. But to be fair, I paid £12 to watch us get hammered at East End last time so don’t fancy doing the same again [emoji12]
  15. I’m not sure it’d make that huge a difference because McGlynns main strength in my opinion is his recruitment and specifically building a squad to suit how he wants to play as well as well as being a team of guys that want to play with each other. If he inherited Crawfords squad I think he’s a better manager so would probably do better than Crawford but I doubt he would have had them challenging for the title this year. Now if the question was what would happen if you swapped budgets, that would be a different answer.
  16. That is phenomenal. Would be amazed if anyone was genuinely traumatised by the sight of a bear in a cardboard box but there you go. You dirty townie hoors. [emoji8]
  17. ‘Woke’ obviously hadn’t been invented back then but it’s the same sort of folk- love to be offended on behalf of someone else who, in most cases, isn’t offended. Anyway, back to the game. Both sets of fans showing absolute apathy and lack of confidence. We both know we’ll not be getting promoted so neither of us can really be arsed is the vibe I’m getting. Hopefully a couple of entertaining games but that’s hope more than expectation. Can’t see there being another 4 or 5-1, two cagey affairs and the winner being a lucky dip.
  18. You do realise that almost all Rovers fans thought that was quality banter? The people who were offended by it are the same people who get offended on behalf of Muslims because schools celebrate Christmas. I.e people who are too fucking ‘woke’ and want to be seen as some sort of paragon of virtue, when in actual fact the object of the perceived offence couldn’t give a shiny shite. I must apologise, last nights result seems to have put me in a terrible mood....
  19. Not really anywhere near the same thing is it? Once it gets to the final then aye, Premiership forum. Quarter final where it’s two championship teams? Championship forum.
  20. Taking the piss surely? You genuinely think we were better in the first half?
  21. That’s us fucked for the play offs now with Davo suspended leaving us with only one decent cb. And he never should have walked for that, never touched the boy.
  22. He’s been murder. Looks very out of his depth, his distribution is shocking.
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