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Posts posted by repeat_offender

  1. All packed up ready for another saturday to wednesday jaunt to yorkshire.

    Hopefully the football will be better than the recent fare we have seen but given the player only got patial payment of their wages am not going to hold my breathe.

    It's bad enough travelling 15 minutes up the road to watch some of the dire performances we've endured since Christmas, commuting from Scotland quite another.

    Hats off to you.

  2. What the hell is going on at Leeds. Looks like the are going to head back to the dark days of the early 80s at this rate.

    Well it looks like we're deep in debt, future income has been mortgaged and it's likely a convicted fraudster is about to take control at the club.

  3. Was doing a bit of reading there and did you know that in the 2000/01 Champions League, Lee Bowyer was joint 2nd top scorer in the entire competition? This is pretty mind blowing stuff. Had a look at some highlights on YouTube and all I could find was pretty fluky goals, but still - LEE BOWYER.

    I didn't know that but I do remember him in the form of his life while on trial for the attack on Safraz Najeib (which I think was that period). The effect the trial had on Woodgate on the other hand was markedly different.

  4. Well Leeds got a win after three straight league defeats.

    Not sure how we managed it even against 10 men, we miss the worst penalty Ross McCormack has ever taken after their keeper was sent off.

    Still he made amends when he scored after a great ball in from Warnock.

    We then give away another shocking goal as Lees let it go over him instead of jumping and trying to head clear.

    Then a good move ends with Poleon scoring the winner.

    Still a wins a win and hopefully stops the rot.

    Derby away on saturday is another bogey place to go and McClarens 1st game in charge,so anything could happen.

    If there was a prize for crossing the ball into the box behind your strikers we'd of won it hands down Tuesday.

    On the upside Mowatt looks to have some potential.

  5. Was getting updates throughout the match from one of my mates who was at Elland Road and it does seem like the whole atmosphere and attitude around the place has completely changed since Ken Bates got told to f**k off.

    33,500 there today too which is pretty impressive.

    Your mate is 100% correct.

  6. Bates was sacked because he committed the club to a private jet contract to ferry him to and from Monaco without authorisation, seems the club were paying 5K a month for Bates office in Monaco. On top of that as I think we all knew the club were paying for the many court cases Bates was involved in.

    He seems to say he is going to sue GFH for missed payment involving a company Bates claims to have nothing to do with (Lutonvillle).

    Bates is also attempting to blame the GFH for the huge cashflow / financial liablities they inherited which of course were a result of Ken's activities.


    Looking forward to the Brighton games as well DFTR, looks like we might have a decent crowd.

  7. Pleased to see the back of the toxic, divisive tosser.

    Some of the positive press he's received relating to his time at Elland Road defies belief.

    Party to celebrate his departure in town for the Brighton match.

  8. an atrocious refereeing performance from Michel Kitabdjian.

    Quite a boy, it seems he had a hand in Fifa's decision to introduce penalty shoot outs and ban the coin toss to decide matches. http://www.thesquareball.net/2011/01/28/looking-for-kitabdjian-part-2/

    Two stalemates in Tunis and Casablanca meant Tunisia and Morocco would play-off on neutral ground for a place at the 1970 World Cup finals in Mexico. The Mediterranean melting pot of Marseille and its Stade Vélodrome were the natural choice and on Friday 13th June 1969 the scene was set. In unabating sunshine, Tunisian goals three minutes from the start and the end of the regulation 90 minutes cancelled out two Moroccan strikes and the game headed into extra time. Thirty further merciless minutes demanded that the tie would be decided in the manner of the day: the toss of a coin.

    Enter Michel Kitabdjian. ‘I sent for a coin of Moroccan design,’ he explains in conversation with Football Magazine in the week of the 1975 final. ‘Alas the Tunisians, already outraged at the state of the pitch, claimed the coin should be in their favour.’ On this occasion he fails to mention what transpired, which was thankfully dredged up by some quarters of the French press in the aftermath of the debacle in Paris.

    ‘In the middle of about 100 excited onlookers,’ my dog-eared copy of Miroir du Foot reports, ‘Kitabdjian launched the coin and the Tunisian captain Habacha leapt into the air.’ But something fishy was going on in Marseille – and I’m not talking bouillabaisse. Much like Lorimer’s, it was short-lived joy for Tunisia because Kitabdjian ‘changed his mind, annulled the verdict and locked himself in the changing room where the coin “chose” Morocco!’

    Well, well, well. Six years later, despite describing the episode as a ‘farce’ the referee remained unembarrassed at his role. ‘It’s the match, I recall,’ he said with a hint of pride, ‘Which prompted FIFA to approve penalties and abolish the coin toss.’

  9. Went to the game yesterday and it was 11 V 14 as the officals gave brighton everything.

    Not a dirty tackle the whole game but the ref manages to send off 3 players.

    Worst set of officals i have seen in over 35 years of watching football.

    And i have seen a lot bad officals in scotland but these 3 are even worse than our guys and that saying something.

    The style of football is much better under the new manager in my opinion, at times the stuff Colin served up was mind numbingly bad.

    The jury is out on GFH for me so far, the saving grace for that lot is they'd have to work very hard to be as bad as the previous owner.

  10. If you support Leeds then you're a total scumbag.

    I was pretty sure I'd clocked you posting previously, from memory a bit of a qwerty cage fighter. A quick check of your previous posts confirms I hadn't mixed you up with another poster.

    Not backwards in coming forwards when it comes to dishing out the insluts via the keyboard it would seem, I understand that it happens now & again but the level you manage seems a bit odd. Better than taking it out on some poor unfortunate in the real world I suppose but odd nonetheless IMO.

    It's hard to be offended by your comments when it seems a habitual thing for you. 2/10

  11. The photo's below were taken inside the home dressing room at Elland Road during a stadium tour 2011 - 2012 season. The letter is from an Ex Serviceman to Ken Bates (I assume it was sent to Ken during the 2007 relegation season) it was blown up, made into a poster and fixed to the dressing room wall. The intention was to motivate the players, I did wonder what Becchio made of it.

    Credit andrewata for the photographs.




  12. Beast United IMO.

    Isn't that video from before Savile died & long before accusations were made public?

    Not really a riot either more a case of a couple of blokes prancing around in fancy dress waving scarves.

  13. Trying to bring Hearts into this. Dearie me we are debating the vile disgusting club Leeds United here.

    Deflect all you will. We all know what a scummy support Leeds are.

    I've made it clear that the fan deserves all the punishment he will get, that he was wrong & I've condemned his behaviour outright. You can choose to ignore past incidents involving your club if it suits but to me it seems a case of people in glass houses flinging stones.

  14. You've had plenty of opportunities to post a link to this alleged incident.

    Grasping as straws James I'm afraid. Lots of info public, if you want to keep the blinkers on that's up to you. I'm a lot of things Jimmy but I'm not a bull shitter,


    Published on Tuesday 4 May 2010 07:53 A TOTAL of eight football fans were arrested by police after violence flared following Sheffield Wednesday's relegation from the Championship at the weekend.

    Police made seven arrests arrests for violent disorder and one for assault.

    The Football Association is expected to launch an inquiry into the crowd trouble.

    Crystal Palace player Clint Hill was assaulted by fans as he left the field after Wednesday were relegated from the Championship as a result of their 2-2 draw with Palace in the last game of the season.

    While Palace players were celebrating, fans ran on to the pitch, clashing with rival supporters, police and stewards.

    Violence continued outside as yobs hurled missiles at police and vehicles.

    Eagles defender Hill said: "I know they're frustrated, but should they be throwing punches at people? A good few landed and I'm a big lad and can take them, but should they be throwing them? I wasn't inciting anybody.

    "Once one has a swing at you, everybody gets a bit brave and starts having swings. At one point there was maybe seven or eight on me.

  15. Leeds fans are one if the several scummy groups of fans from the seventies and eighties that have hillsborough blood on their hands because they made fences and riot policing seem like a reasonable response. Read lots of preachy stuff on hillsborough thread about how police policy was to treat football fans like animals ....but an easy strategy would have been not to behave like animals. Talksport had debate few weeks ago about how hooliganism was dead now and footy fans should be treated like Olympic or rugby fans but that simply isn't the case sadly.even when its prevented in stadia it still occurs around towns n cities

    Give your head a shake.

  16. I'm more than happy to have a glance at this alleged incident if you post a link.

    To be fair to the Leeds support they're not the most vile and pathetic fans in England. They're only second from the top.

    The incident is well documented, you don't need me to post a link just ask google.

    I've seen a few players assaulted by fans first hand in recent years, Casper Ankergren the keeper now at Brighton was on the receiving end at the Den as was Shane Lowry up at Carlisle. I only mentioned Clint Hill as it was recent & at SWFC.

    The Hearts fan on this thread seems keen to dish it out but given the attempted assault on an opposition manger at Hearts in recent years it seems to me at least a case of pot calling kettle black.

    I'll leave the formulation of vile league fans to others, in the 80's the the flag and the bull dog did that sort of thing.

  17. I have absolutely no intention of hunting down this incident. If you're so disparate for me to condemn this alleged incident feel free to post a link.

    "alleged", scraping the barrel there, I'm not desperate but at the same time I like to think I'm subjective and not selective.

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