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Posts posted by repeat_offender

  1. I haven't seen the incident. I haven't read anything about the incident. Therefore I'm not going to pass judgment on the incident.

    What I have seen is Leeds fan acting like the disgusting, vile scumbags that all decent football fans know they are.

    Nice one, just as I thought.

  2. I've never been a great Leeds lover after watching them at close hand in derbies with Bradford City in the 1980's. Setting fire to a chip van at Odsal Stadium less than 18 months after the fire disaster was pretty sickening. A year later I saw them wreck Valley Parade and surrounding areas and cause utter mayhem to innocent bystanders at Bradford Interchange Stadium. It's only a minority give the rest a bad name.

    But what a pleb that kid was tonight. Yes, the home side are responsible for security but if somebody makes a run for a target 15-20 yards away it's hard to stop it. Make an example of him and jail for 5 years or so and make a stand against especially if he has form for it.

    I watched LUFC home and away during the 80's,no doubt in my mind at least that Odsal was nothing short of a full scale riot, it was the first game LUFC suspended the club member away ticket only policy.

    I don't remember Leeds wrecking Valley Parade during that period although I didn't attend the West Riding Cup Games, which game did Leeds fans wreck Valley Parade? Do you have a link to the episode? To be fair I remember disorder at pretty much every LUFC / BCFC match during the 80's but not the wrecking of Valley Parade.

    You mention the Bradford Interchange Stadium, I've never heard of it. Who plays there and where is it? I always associated Bradford Interchange with the train station / bus terminal.

  3. It's obvious why you asked the question. You were attempting a tactic often employed by Old Firm fans. I think you know the one I'm talking about.

    Again, I think the bloke who attacked the keeper deserves the punishment he will get, I have never and would never try to defend his behaviour. I have no idea what tactic you're talking about, if Old Firm fans are willing to condemn bad behaviour amongst their fans without reservation then I'm guilty as charged.

    You mentioned earlier that you weren't aware of the Clint Hill incident at SWFC, you are now. What is your opinion of SWFC as a club & their fans? (I have no axe to grind with SWFC by the way).

    I ask this question & the initial one because I suspect it says more about you than me.

  4. But you won't condemn him either?

    I'm unaware of the details of the incident you refer to so naturally I've not passed comment. What I am aware of is the incident tonight where Leeds fans were acting like, well, Leeds fans tbh.

    I think what he did was wrong & he deserves to be punished.

  5. Leeds fans really are utter, utter cretins. Disgusting club supported by absolute fucking scum.

    I wouldn't attempt to defend the bloke who attacked the keeper, out of interest did you post similar comments online when Clint Hill was assaulted at Hillsborough?

  6. This isn't a Leeds messageboard.

    Leeds have a scumbag manager, a scumbag chairman and have now signed the king of the scumbags as a player.

    Fair enough I'll re-phrase the question.

    At the same time the player in question has played for a number of clubs, did you post similar comments on the particular clubs message boards or threads dedicated to the club in question when he signed contracts in the past?

    Plenty of scum bags in football, you won't find me defending Diouf however.

  7. I didn't think this club could get any scummier.

    It's clear you're not keen on the latest signing & I can understand why people think like that. At the same time the player in question has played for a number of clubs, did you post similar comments on the particular clubs message boards when he signed contracts in the past?

    Why in your opinion are Leeds United any "scummier" than any other club, what are they guilty of that other clubs haven't been?

  8. Jesus. I was hoping to get down to a couple games this year, how much is it on the gate?!


    Re Season Ticket prices, you do get £15 discounted against additional tickets purchased. I realise that's not much but it's more than we've had in previous years (bottle opener / pin badge etc).

  9. BBC 1 will screen a programme investigating Leeds United / Ownership issues. To be shown on Monday 10th of October 10.30 ( Yorkshire Region only). Those not in the Yorkshire Region can watch it on Sky Channel 976 or on iplayer.


    Guardian journalist David Conn investigates the ownership of Leeds United. Who has really owned the club for the past six years and are the fans getting a good deal?

  10. Membership of the Leeds United Supporters Trust is now FREE. Only takes a minute to register online here Register at Leeds United Supporters Trust

    Please consider joining, it's important that fans have an independant voice.


    Leeds United Supporters Trust is delighted to be able to offer all Leeds fans (aged 16 or over), FREE membership of the Trust for the duration of the new season. We feel it is vital for Leeds United fans to have an independent voice and the Leeds United Supporters Trust can provide that voice. We urge every Leeds United fan all over the world to join the Trust and make our collective voice heard.

    Over the past year the Leeds United Supporters Trust has made great strides, helping to push and challenge on the issues important to Leeds United fans. We now aim to kick on again this season and firmly establish the Leeds United Supporters Trust as the vehicle to give Leeds United fans the representation they deserve.

    We will consult our membership on all issues Leeds United and then represent and push the issues that our membership feel are the most important to them. Sitting at the top of our agenda is one simple aim: To represent the views of and help Leeds United fans.

    Leeds United Supporters Trust. One Voice, Your Voice.

  11. Guardian Journalist David Conn & the BBC's "Inside Out" team have completed filming a piece which investigates Ken Bates & his tangled history at Leeds United. Unless Ken manges to halt the broadcast it will be screened before the end of the month.

    Think it may only be screened in the Yorkshire region only but don't know for sure , if I find out a fixed date / time for the broadcast I'll post the details.

  12. From LUST re Ken Bates & the current football governance enquiry.

    Ken Bates will face a parliamentary demand for a government inquiry on Tuesday in order to disclose every detail of the transactions that led to his taking over Leeds United.

    Have your say and contribute to the debate on on the Trusts facebook page right now.

    The former Chelsea owner has been chairman of the Championship club since 2005 barring a short period during the club's 2007 administration during which time he served two separate consortiums of anonymous offshore owners. The obfuscated ownership structure finally came to an end last month, when Bates took over 73% of the club in a transaction whose cost has not been disclosed. But the lack of transparency remains a major concern of the ongoing parliamentary inquiry into football governance.


    Now Damian Collins, the Conservative MP who sits on the football governance inquiry, has set up an adjournment debate at Westminster Hall next Tuesday. "The principle is that it should never be allowed to happen again that football clubs are bought by offshore trusts of which we have no idea who the owners are," said Collins. "Even though Ken Bates has now taken the club over, I do not think we should forget that. There remain a lot of unanswered questions about the whole process which warrant a full investigation."

    When Leeds collapsed under the weight of £35m in debt in 2007 its anonymous offshore creditors refused bids that would have earned them £8m more, simply because they wanted Bates to retain control as chairman. That insolvency process also led to HM Revenue & Customs receiving only a fraction of the £7.7m it was owed in unpaid taxes.

    Collins added: "I think we should investigate how Leeds was bought by Ken Bates and whether there are issues for the government to look into, given the millions of pounds of unpaid tax in the administration. We should also consider whether there is a need for the government to look into how the money was raised to buy the club, and where it came from."

  13. QPR game on saturday live on BBC1 kick off at 12.45pm

    Seen on the OS that Uncle ken has finally done the needful and bought out the OTHERS to make him the sole owner of us.

    Splitting hairs here so apologies in advance but if I understand the current structure correctly Ken now publically owns the controlling share 72.85%, 27.15% still owned by unknown individuals (for now at least).

    Diagram below from thebetengeneration.com http://www.thebeaten...p2011_980px.jpg


  14. Recieved the following e-mail from Leeds United Supporters Trust, confirms pretty much what most suspected.

    Statement from the club -

    There has been much speculation in the media as to the ownership structure of Leeds United and its compliance with the relevant regulations of The Football League and The Football Association. The speculation has been further fuelled by the coverage of the Football Governance enquiry and the political obsession with the ownership of Leeds United.

    Both the Football League and the Football Association have confirmed that the current ownership structure of Leeds United complies with both their regulations.

    The scaremongering arising out of the football Governance enquiry has not been helpful and, whilst the Board were always confident that there were no issues, recognise the concern the unknown outcome of any Premier League questions, may have on our Members.

    To address this issue and in the hope that this brings an end to the speculation, the chairman, Ken Bates, has completed the purchase of FSF Limited for an undisclosed sum. FSF Limited is now owned by Outro Limited which is wholly owned by Ken Bates.

    This change in ownership structure makes Ken Bates the controlling shareholder of Leeds United and delivers the transparency sought.

    The revised ownership statement is now on www.leedsunited.com and can be found following the link below.

    Ownership statement

    The revised details have been submitted to The Football Association, The Football League and the Premier League in accordance with their regulations. Further to the submission of these details both the Football League and the Premier League have confirmed that the new ownership structure satisfies their regulations. The Board do not anticipate any issues in securing approval of the Football Association in due course.

    The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) of the Yorkshire Division of the Football

    Supporters' Federation will take place on Sunday 8th May from 1.00pm at the

    Peacock Public House Elland Road Leeds

  15. Great win today which keeps us right in the play off hunt.

    For those interested please see links to today's matchday programme below.

    Today Ken Bates refutes allegations that he is a regular attender at a North Leeds Lap Dancing club. Celebrates his court win over Robert Weston & Melyvn Levi & Announces further action is in the pipe line. Gives his view on the Palimentary Select Committee, politician's expenses,the gaurdian & journalist Charle Sale.

    Ken Bates Programme Notes P1

    Ken Bates Programme Notes P2

    Simon Grayson's Programme Notes

  16. On the subject of The Don, bbc radio 5 are doing a piece to mark the 50th anniversary of his appointment as Leeds manager.

    <H1>Today, 21:30 on BBC Radio 5 live


    Mark Chapman is joined by former Leeds United players Eddie Gray and Peter Lorimer to talk about Don Revie - the most successful manager in the club's history.

    To mark the 50th anniversary of Revie becoming Leeds player-manager, we also hear from his son, Duncan Revie.

  17. Links to pages from yesterday's programme below. Looks like Ken is looking forward to appearing before the parliamentary select committee, as usual he can't resist having a dig, this time Lord Triesman, Lord Mawhinney, Leeds United Supporters Club & Prince Andrew are all on the receiving end. It seems the club are also investigating ways to broadcast more 1st team games live on LUTV

    Ken Bates Programme Notes P1

    Ken Bates Programme Notes P2

    Simon Grayson's Programme Notes

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