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Everything posted by the_bully_wee

  1. the_bully_wee

    FIFA 21

    Folk will have been using him in an SBC, for which the 'cheapest' solution on Futbin would have included him. Happens all the time, people exploit the Futbin mechanics and price fix virtually non-existent cards which show up as minimum price. The fall of the card's price will have been down to another solution becoming cheaper.
  2. Back on Netflix. You love to see it!
  3. You do realise that false positives are proportional to the overall number of positive tests, meaning that genuine cases are still also increasing at a rate of knots? You're right, we don't know how bad it is - despite countless testimonies from NHS workers about a) how stretched they are, b) ambulances queuing outside of hospitals and c) how the Nightingale operation was disbanded due to staffing/resource issues, the government and the media are largely unwilling to come out and admit just how grim the situation is. This is only five days after Christmas as well, and judging by the amount of folk I'm seeing completely ignoring restrictions tonight it could be a very, very bleak few weeks. Another thing to consider is that the more prevalent the virus is, the more likely mutations are to occur. All it takes is one bad piece of luck and you're talking about a variant which we don't have a vaccine for, which has a very different profile of spike proteins and basically means that we have to choose between what we have just now in perpetuity, or just accepting that we have to compromise all the vulnerable in society for the 'greater good'. As for restrictions, it is pretty much entirely the governments' (Scottish and UK) fault that we are where we are right now. You can blame China all you want, and they've obfuscated huge aspects of the initial outbreak and origins of the virus, but once it spread worldwide it then became about the response of each individual country. Ours has failed miserably, perpetually dragging its heels and displaying a reactive strategy throughout, one that's without any consistency in messaging and has left people completely disenfranchised. And that's just the tip of the iceberg regarding their behaviours, particularly in the case of the UK one. To anyone who seriously thinks there is a conspiracy at work here and a "truth" to be found, I ask this: what exactly is there to be gained from measures being tougher than they have to be? There are people winning out of this virus, as there are when it comes to literally any situation, but economies are largely goosed and the fallout from this will last for decades. And to think I was starting to be depressed simply by Clyde fans' over-the-top forecasts of doom.
  4. Calling all Clyde fans! You're in charge of bodying players out of the club and freeing up wages going into January. Esteemed head of recruitment, Graham Diamond, has told you that 3 players must go. Let me kick things off: Scott Rumsby - just not good enough. A solid player in League Two and a man who will be fondly remembered for his important contribution to our promotion. His two-year extension was awful business, based purely on sentiment rather than any logic. Chris Johnston - 'Frodo' has shown in flashes the talent which had us all thinking he would be a marvellous signing for us. A complete lack of end product and rank inconsistency throughout his time here mean, though, that he will best be remembered as a Clyde fraud. Lloyd Robertson - Danny Lennon took a leaf out of The Great Big Jim Duffy Released Youth Prospect Signing Tombola Handbook this summer with this desperate addition. A very beige young footballer who plays in our weakest areas, but can't get a start. That says it all. Who would you unceremoniously release into the wilderness of League Two or non-league football come January, and why?
  5. Goodwillie maintains his innocence; while, as a civil case, it was determined that he was more likely guilty than not, there still exists a reasonable degree of possibility that he is an innocent man. Why on earth would he show remorse and contrition if that's the case? Lithgow literally couldn't protest his innocence, because it was a pretty open-and-shut criminal proceeding for his particular beasty behaviour (fondling himself before strangers, publicly, on four separate occasions across two separate days).
  6. If we chuck Rumsby and get Syvertsen and Shiels back soon, I honestly think we will be alright. Two absolute howlers from a normally dependable player (don't really want to crucify Rumsby any further, but it's a goal a game now) killed us today. Fair play to big Nicoll and McNiff who I expected to get absolutely embarrassed today, but that never really panned out. Cuddihy is much, much better further forward.
  7. The Howie situation is utterly bizarre. Acquitted himself well and as the better of a Howie/Rumsby partnership at times last season. At best, Rumsby is in dire form, at worst he is miles off being good enough to play in this team (which is saying something). He's made about 5 glaring errors so far in this game.
  8. The first two are very little to do with training or ironing out issues to be fair, just two absolute clangers which you can't legislate for from an experienced keeper who really should be doing better. The third is the real worry in that sense, week after week we are gifting pot shots from the edge of the box.
  9. Two absolute howlers from someone who very rarely makes them. Sad!
  10. Nicoll starting and nothing other than Lamont on the bench. Give us a 0-0 draw now!
  11. I work in a branch of the CS and an email was sent out last week (or thereabouts) advising that work from home for CS staff would continue until, at the earliest, April, so I can see this one being plausible (assuming you're not in a position whereby you can WFH). Obviously that's comparing apples with oranges a wee bit, but gives an indication of when the government thinks things might start (meaningfully) calming back down.
  12. the_bully_wee

    FIFA 21

    Now 15-8, so I will be leaving it there this weekend (at the very least). A timely and grim reminder of just why everyone uses the exact same players! That was absolutely unplayable tonight, have never felt as though a team was more useless in my puff. There is unfortunately no reward for trying to defend manually in FIFA any more (though that's been the case for a few years) - the only thing that reliably works is leaving your back four to the AI and running back to pressure with midfielders or attackers who are ahead of the ball, until someone gets into your box. Same issue of all the meta/high end players being comically sticky as well, which just makes it nigh on impossible to compete using an inferior team unless you're some distance better than your opponent. I hereby label every player in the team I proudly displayed last night a giant fraud, the only exception being Koundé I would say (but even he is miles off the level of a Varane). Based on how fundamentally unenjoyable UT has once again become to play in the competitive modes, I really doubt I'll play much of them going forward. If any of you fine chaps would like some coins (PS4) then do get in touch and, in the spirit of festive good tidings, I'd be happy to redistribute some of my wealth to those who may use it to derive some fun and enjoyment from the game.
  13. I think reducing him to merely competent when he won POTY that season ahead of the likes of Goodwillie, Rankin and Grant is a tad harsh. He won it on merit and there wasn't exactly contention around him having won it at the time. Bit harsh on Duffie as well, who was never a stand out but filled in more than competently for us while he was with us in League Two. A complete ringer in League One, but he turned in a lot of steady performances for us before that.
  14. Cuddihy was outstanding at right-back in League Two, in a team which dominated the ball in most games. He was found wanting last season because that no longer continued to be the case; he also lacks the burst of pace over 10 yards required to be effective there at this level. He's got a bit of a thankless task at the moment having to protect the middle of the defence pretty much on his tod, I think he'd be okay with a dedicated (and competent) sitter next to him and deployed in more of a shuttling role himself. His ceiling though in terms of being at a good side at this level is as a squad player who can cover a few positions, though. Similar to McNiff, who was also handed a mad two-year deal after promotion. Rumsby isn't even at that level, IMO, despite having a strong season for us in L2 himself.
  15. the_bully_wee

    FIFA 21

    Not really, I had the usual suspects (Varane, RB Gimenez, Mendy, Ter Stegen, Neymar, RTTF Sanches) and decided to sell them all for the time being. A combination of being fed up using the same players against the same players and the fact the market is likely going to take a fair dip in the next two weeks ahead of TOTY. Ever since I started playing UT back in FIFA 13, my main joy has come from beating/competing against significantly better teams with cheap and lesser-used players, so it's good to get back to that (even if the last few years have placed an unreal emphasis on using specific players to be successful).
  16. Yep, far too soon to say much on Palmer but he is a clear upgrade on everything else we currently have in there. A big thank you to Scott Davie for his mentions of our dire away record!
  17. Who should we give our £150k to in our attempt to buy a midfield?
  18. How do I enter the competition that Rumsby won to play for Clyde?
  19. Can confirm that we are, indeed, going down!
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