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Posts posted by qos_75

  1. Well Raith & the Pars have one and of course the last few match threads have gone off on a tangent regarding our off field affairs. For that reason this is probably as good a thread as any to air your views and there is much to discuss.

    With Queens looking for a completely new squad and management team (likely part-time) next season there are some uncertain times ahead at Palmerston. At the moment the team look to have chucked it and I suppose you can't really blame them. Players that have given their all look to have been treated with poorly and questions are being asked of our Chairman and board.

    Anyway chart the twist and turns here.

  2. I'm not a darts player but I do like the darts on the BBC just after Christmas. I have talked the good lady into going down to the Lakeside over new year this year. Should be a good laugh. Tickets are on sale now as well. :D

  3. You could try The Parkstone. Near the golf course and esplanade, it's a mere 5 minute stagger to the main street and all the pubs (try Elliots for beautiful people, food and prices to match, or The Golf Inn for great beers and atmosphere), and it's a 2 minute taxi ride to the Airport. Rooms from £59 and it's pretty decent.

    I will probably go for the Parkstone.

    I think I visited the Golf Inn the last time I stayed over at Prestwick. A nice wee bar, good beer and a fantastic steak. It's just a pity I can't remember the name of the hotel I stayed at!

    Elliot's will just have to do without my loveliness on this occassion.

    Good work gents. :D

  4. It's because the woman is so inappropriately dressed for her size, and shoot me down for saying it, but seeing rolls and rolls of fat on a horrid looking woman repulses me. That combined with the touchy feely just drives me over the edge. Their kid was once legging it around the side of the pool unchecked, slipped, faceplanted and began crying. Oh how I laughed!

    There are a few other serial petters and although it irks me, my rage for them is minial. If you want to heavy pet each other, go to the steam room - that's what it's there for!


    I never thought of that.

    Fair enough about the touchy feely and unchecked kids. Luckily there are no kids at the gym and pool I go to, although I have noted touchy feely in the spa bath and pool itself.

  5. There's a couple I always see at the swimming pool who I fucking detest. The woman is extremely fat and insists on wearing a bikini so her MASSIVE stomach is on display at all times (she sepnds most of her time wandering around the side of the pool watching her kid splash about).

    The husband (who actually has a very athletic build) is always grabbing her, rubbing his hands on her stomach and kissing her. One day I'm just going to lose my cool and shout something at them.

    They make me sick.

    I thought petting was frowned upon in swimming pools? Or is it just heavy petting that's not allowed?

    I'm not sure why their appearance should have any bearing on the issue though.

  6. :huh:

    Is that aimed at me because I'm a (sweary word) turncoat? :P

    No, not at all mate. If anything I was thinking of myself there, as the thought occured to me the other day, that if Livi were reinstated, we would get another bite of the cherry at getting three points instead of the one we took from the Airdrie game. All of this after my principled rants of late July and early August. :lol:

    I quickly felt disgusted with myself for thinking in such a way. ;)

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