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Posts posted by qos_75

  1. There's a couple I always see at the swimming pool who I fucking detest. The woman is extremely fat and insists on wearing a bikini so her MASSIVE stomach is on display at all times (she sepnds most of her time wandering around the side of the pool watching her kid splash about).

    The husband (who actually has a very athletic build) is always grabbing her, rubbing his hands on her stomach and kissing her. One day I'm just going to lose my cool and shout something at them.

    They make me sick.

    I thought petting was frowned upon in swimming pools? Or is it just heavy petting that's not allowed?

    I'm not sure why their appearance should have any bearing on the issue though.

  2. :huh:

    Is that aimed at me because I'm a (sweary word) turncoat? :P

    No, not at all mate. If anything I was thinking of myself there, as the thought occured to me the other day, that if Livi were reinstated, we would get another bite of the cherry at getting three points instead of the one we took from the Airdrie game. All of this after my principled rants of late July and early August. :lol:

    I quickly felt disgusted with myself for thinking in such a way. ;)

  3. Disco 2000-Pulp. B) itunes genius is good at making play lists for me. :D

    Aye genius is quite good. I just downloaded the This is Hardcore album (Deluxe Version) earlier and it's good. The Cocaine Socialism is on the 2nd disc (the deluxe part) and is quality, so I would recommend that if you like pulp.

  4. This is suicide! :angry::angry::angry:

    I think you could be right.

    I take it another deduction of 15 points will be made for missing the next match?

    Starting the season on -30 points for something that was completely avoidable doesn't fill you with confidence that these jokers are going to be any different from the rest. Instead of a possible promotion season and looking forward to the future, Livi will be paying for the churlish behaviour of their new owners.

  5. Where do you start with this?

    On the decision Livi badly need to dry their eyes and get on with it. A majority of SFL clubs have backed the decision what do Livi hope to accomplish by continuing?

    If they scratch this Saturday that should be it for them, if they don't want to play in this league then punt them and look for someone else that does from next season.


    They are going in the right direction for a smacked arse. :angry:

  6. So McGruther's "we will accept our punishment and move on" translates as "we will NOT accept our punishment, we will NOT move on, and we will take our case to the Intergalactic Court of Appeals if necessary."

    That's the one.

    The longer this goes on the more I think the SFL should have just pulled the plug on them. I don't want to see them go, but they really are taking the piss now.

  7. Well I would suggest if they do not play tomorrow they would be gone forever. The consortium really are playing dangerous games here and are doing no favours for the Livi supporters.

    Failure to play tomorrow would surely incur a 15 point deduction, as happend when Hamilton failed to play Stenhousemuir. That being the case, I believe the consortium will walk away and consign Livi to the grave. These guys were supposed to save Livi, instead they are making Massone and the previous crowd look half competent. They really are fucking idiots. They should take the medicine and act like the adults they're supposed to be.

    Perhaps it's better if Livi die, as this lot look like a bunch of clowns as well.

  8. That's a fair point,but to gain entry into our footballing bodies owners should be foregoing the right to do as they please,instead being expected to act with more integrity than other businesses.

    The majority of club owners will be decent people and will try their best for the club. However, I would assume even these guys would resist foregoing their right to do as they please, stating they are in a better position to judge what's best for their particular club.

  9. Perhaps a small country should not be run by 3 seperate bodies who by all accounts can't work together for the greater good of our game.

    The problem with accepting the consequences is that I as a fan of club have absolutely no say in wether my club is run by a mature/immature person,as with other clubs the supporters will be there long after the baton holder is gone,the rules should be introduced to protect the clubs of the supporters not to allow anyone with a few bob to do as they like.

    That is the thing with owing your own business though. You can do what you like - even if that is running it into the ground.

  10. its time to introduce a set of regulations so we all know what exactly is going to happen when the next "Livi" comes along- and also a system whereby clubs can be helped when they are in financial difficulty.

    I agree with you IDB new rules and regulations are the way forward. However, by introducing these, if we turn over the stone now, we have to be prepared for shock that's underneath. If the jungle drums are right, then there are at least three clubs, that would need a helping hand.

  11. Why don't you post your suggestions including those that might impinge on your own team,my earlier suggestions would affect my club on at least 2 counts but I still think such rules need introduced b4 we start losing even more clubs.

    I agree that there should be financial checks in place.

    I also agree with SD that to suggest anyone with a financial gripe against a club, no matter how small, could have a team of forensic accountants sent to a club is outrageous. That in itself would bankrupt the SFL, never mind the clubs.

  12. Time for change then.

    What other organisation would carry out disruptive disciplinary action three days before a league campaign?

    So if Livi had gone tits up in June, you would have no problem with relegation? Howver if they go into administration 3 weeks before the league starts it should just be a points deduction?

    Perhaps clubs faced with going down the administration route in future would try their best to hold off until three weeks before the season started, rather than doing it earlier and being relegated.

  13. You surely don't think they left it THIS late just to call the League's bluff, do you? :blink:

    No I don't, I was highlighting that unless the SFL had prior knowledge that this was going to happen three weeks before the start of the season, what else could they have done? Yes it would have been nice and tidy to have known after the last game of last season, sadly these things do not follow nice, neat timescales, you have to act when it happens. It was you that accused the SFL of dragging their feet. I don't think they had the time some people think they had.

  14. (Am I still allowed to post on here?)

    I can't be bothered trawling through pages of celebrations, so I'll just post up my thoughts. Apologies if these points have already been covered.

    1. In terms of the rules, we cannot complain about the punishment itself. However, it sets a precedent - any SFL club that becomes 'insolvent' can expect relegation to Division Three. Will that actually happen? Doubtful.

    No it dosen't. Gretna were the precedent last season.

    2. The way it has been handled is a disgrace. If the SFL were intent on doing this as early as last week, surely it should have been conveyed at the meeting last week. As it is, it just highlights how spineless the SFL are - look like the heroes one week, then stab in the back the next, if you like. Why get hopes up, and allow the club to start planning for Division 1? Shambles.

    I can see why you got your hopes up last week, but to be honest it was always on the cards something like this would happen, so I don't know how you can say the SFL were spineless. If anything they stood up to the bullying of the potential new owners.

    Heroes and backstabbing? I don't think they were or did any of these things.

    3. I'm assuming that the thinking behind Division Three is that it is the only league we can afford to be in, int he eyes of the SFL. Because, if you are talking about the unfair advantage of spending out with your means, the worst we could have been had we lived within our means is the Second Division.

    I'm not sure it has anything to do with what you can or cannot afford. I think it has a lot to do with showing that punishment will be hard on any club going into administration for a second time.

    4. McDougall, Rankine and Nixon are not ready to walk away. We might, just, survive.

    I hope not either. As harsh as the punishment may seem, I do believe it was just. If you cast your mind back to a week ago it was looking like Livi were dead. That being the case I'm sure many would have settled for 3rd Division football if given the option then. In fact many on here said they would bite your hand off for that option. I think the false hope that people thought Livi would survive was due to the timing of the start of the season and the bluster comming from the prospective owners. That really was pie in the sky stuff and hence why a lot of Livi supporters are feeling gutted right now.

    That said, I think if these new guys take over and as SDA highlighted earlier, Livi can grow and prosper into the club you and indeed I think they can be, and hope they will be.

    Surely the prospect of 3rd Division football with this very achievable progression path, is much more palatable than the death of the club, which was looking very likely last Wednesday morning?

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