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Posts posted by qos_75

  1. How long would it take to build the new stand?

    I think it would be better to sell the whole lot off and move elsewhere but I can imagine that wouldn't be popular with some.

    I would be all for relocation as long as it was still within the town. Out of town stadiums are not the way forward.

    That said, there are not many areas left in Dumfries big enough to build a stadium on, albeit I have often thought that Park Farm or St Joseph's College playing fields at Larchfield & Georgetown would fit the bill. That said, I can't see the residents of either areas agreeing to that.

    I know this is all hypothetical but who owns Park farm? I know the rugby club play there and it would be easy enough to get to via the bypass for those out town, albeit there are not really many pubs etc nearby.

    As a Larchfield boy I would be in favour of St Jo's, as it is big enough to have a stadium and training facilities that the community could use as well (Does the council own St. Jo's playing fields now?). Oh and of course there are pubs in the shape of the Mount Sydney and the Jolly Harvester on the door step and others like Greens and the Five Arches etc nearby. If I win £160 Million on the Euro lottery I will happily put up £20-30 million for that project!

    Anyway back in the real world there have been so many different proposals over the last few years I hope whatever happens they are looking at the long term devlopment. There is no point putting up a new main stand if it does take into account future interlocking renovations to the Portland Drive or Terregles Street terracing.

  2. Not too exciting then. Prompted more by the terminal decline of the existing facility, rather than by any notion of particularly upgrading. I know SPL compliance isn't exactly urgent at the moment, but it'll be galling if a big overhaul doesn't really address this issue.

    No doubt necessary and welcome, if of course it happens this time.

    Hard to get worked up about though.

    Indeed. I think there is always a story like this every year or so and nothing ever happens.

  3. However, you could figuratively be said to have invited it in a 'tempting fate' type of way, and Morton fans certainly invited the schadenfreude which followed for the rest of us.

    Much in the same way Livi fans did in the run up to the opening game of the season against us. However, that result seemed to cool things down in that respect. If I remember correctly there were a few Morton fans on that ripping them for getting ahead of themselves too.

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