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  1. You make a decent post then spoil it with a juvenile spelling which even if it had been funny the first time it certainly diminishes with constant repetition. Can we all just talk fitba? ( that includes certain Clydebank supporters)
  2. Aaah, that Medda! Specs have been cleared. Apologies.
  3. Okay, horse discussions, anything but schoolboy insults.
  4. Cheers Cardinal, they’re a bunch of overgrown weans. We’ll maybe get some football discussions now.
  5. Council owned, run by Holm Park Community Football Academy which is comprised of the council, Clydebank and Yoker.
  6. Darvel will get a share of the gate at Newlandsfield next week. Go to the game, don’t paint yourself into a corner.
  7. Unless JB appeal the keeper’s red. It did seem a bit harsh.
  8. Aye, but we did try to sign Harry Haddock from Clyde.
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