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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. And are you implying that two Partick Thistle supporters are required for each vaccination - wow; that's tough. Never mind vaccine supply; can the thistle supporters breed that quickly?
  2. And the vaccine doesn't give immunity. Actually those who are vaccinated could actually be more dangerous at spreading than those that haven't as, based on the data we have at the moment, if you develop covid after the vaccination you've a far higher chance of being asymptomatic. Effectively you could wander around thinking your fine but spreading it to every poor sod that comes within a couple of feet. I imagine face masks etc. will continue for some considerable time.
  3. As far as I can see Lars hasnt had a start in the Raith team since the beginning of November. He showed some raw talent in the few games he had for us (mainly in the cup) but honestly couldn't see him getting near the first team any time soon. Also considering that he's probably living out of digs on his own; away from his family and healthcare; I wouldn't be surprised if this was mainly his choice.
  4. Surely he's experienced to know better but apparently not. How was that ever going to end well?
  5. I need to apologise to our diddy brother as it looks like they'll need to face a Celtic side without Brown next week; surely a stronger side than with him. Sorry lads.
  6. He'd have been tested with Bradford if he'd been training with the but I got the impression from his interview that wasn't the case - but I'm just guessing here. On Saturday we seemed to have a bigger problem on the other side with Devlin/Mullin keep getting shut down by Luxalt however, as he is apparently a second string player, I'm hoping he's not playing tonight.
  7. No chance Longridge will play; apart from hardly having played at all in the last three months; he only travelled up to the club yesterday so isnt there something about having seven days Covid clear reports - or did I just dream that one up? Anyway surely Jack McMillan would deserve a shot if you're not picking Brown/Serano/ATS? Funnily enough Gary Halt always seemed to throw all new signings into the first team starters irrespective of whether they'd played recently or not. Martindale seems a bit more cautious in that respect.
  8. Just been outside; one heck of a thaw going on at the moment. Looking more positive provided the drains don't get blocked again.
  9. Ah but I disliked Jim Goodwin as a player but have built up a grudging respect for him as a manager. Surely I'm being sectarian against job types/grades?
  10. I cant imagine what was in his head when he made that statement - I mean did he possibly think it would improve the situation?
  11. Looking at the BBC weather it seems they're predicting a blizzard from about 8pm. I wonder whose going to get the blame for that one?
  12. Interestingly in the live feed; one of the presenters was bemoaning the fact that Celtic didn't seem to have any recognised strikers in the starting eleven with the statement "surely we have some available in the under 18's who want to make their mark". Aren't all the Celtic under 18's currently furloughed?
  13. See that the Sevco match originally scheduled for 27th; has been move to the 28th so that it can be covered by SKY. That's now every single one of our home games against the old firm covered on SKY; getting a bit farcical now!!!
  14. Its at Celtic Park so obviously its not on Sky its only the games that the OF play away from home that are televised on Sky to cut down on OF season ticket holders not getting their money's worth.
  15. If that doesn't catch a marlin; there's no justice in the world.
  16. Actually one bright item in an otherwise depressing thread brought about by the predictable match called off because of the weather. Is now the right time for me to start talking about summer football?
  17. Unfortunately I'm 63 - the later I eat the longer I have to stay up. Ever wondered why the parents/grandparents have their tea at 4 in the afternoon whereas you can pick up a fish supper after the game? Furthermore, at most grounds (remember when we were actually allowed in) the steak pies had run out by half time and the only thing left was a greasy scotch pie with extra grease or a highly suspect macaroni pie (which might have been sitting their since the last home game)..
  18. At the risk of upsetting my diddy alliance brothers; you have to admit he has a point. One thing though, it was probably covered elsewhere so apologies, was the penalty for the breaches or not having sufficient players available to fulfill the fixtures - of course if your squad is four times the size that probably doesn't matter.
  19. Was sitting in my living room; pies freshly out of the oven; pint of ale sitting by my arm watching a bunch of glum faces shaking their heads and thought "this doesn't look good"; particularly as the alternative was to sit there with my wife watching The Repair Shop". However, all that aside, who thought it was a good idea to kick off a midweek game in January at 7:45 when no fans were travelling and only authorised personnel were allowed into the stadium? Some games previously had kicked off at 6pm which interestingly was apparently when this game was originally approved to go ahead. Secondly, with a amber alert coming in why did they try and press ahead with this. Had the game been played; the Aberdeen squad would have been travelling up the road in a blizzard at night; doesnt sound particularly safe to me. Maybe the conditions were better in Angus; Perthshire and Aberdeenshire but its a bl00dy white-out here. No-one on this forum has any answers so I'm just bumping my gums; however it was a game I was really looking forward to and the weather phuqued up my evening again.
  20. Sleet all afternoon. It brushes away easily provided it doesn't freeze. There's a lot of water around though - there'll be almost zero grip tonight.
  21. Baltic outside but forecast for 2 degrees most of the day with rain turning to sleet. Not pleasant but I imagine the game will make it.
  22. Joking aside surely Celtic employ some PR people? At the moment, as soon as anyone at the club opens their mouth, it just becomes another disaster. Each time I see a statement; I think it cant get any worse and yet there pops up another to prove me wrong.
  23. Right; in typical Livi pessimism can someone please remind me of the number of points normally viewed as "safe"? I have in the back of my mind the number 44; but that might be my post-Christmas waist size
  24. East Fife are league one so they wont be needed anyone until March
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