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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Two minutes of pleading doesn't count as foreplay! So the missus tells me.
  2. Sorry but this is the Scottish game being discussed isn't it?
  3. If my aunt had baws she'd be my uncle....what's your point? We got a great result against the in form team in the league...you'll be hard pushed to find a Livi fan that wasn't happy with the draw Personally I was pretty sure we'd get beat - the only question in my mind was by how much. As you say there wasn't a single post by Livi fans that I noticed that seemed to contradict that viewpoint before the game. To think that we should have come out an competed toe to toe with then when we were missing our recognised striker; had an unproven goalkeeper and missed a normal odds-on CB start is surely a disaster waiting to happen? Pretty much no-one gave us a hope before the game; we've been punching above our weight and defying the odds for years but this seemed like a step too far. As a reult I would amend L4E comment and say this was a brilliant TEAM performance; it may not have been entertaining or pleasing to watch for the neutral but, for me, it was "job done and done well".
  4. Tiffoney? Good gawd I'd forgotten about him; he'd have been the ideal partner for Hamilton.
  5. Not so sure about the "threadbare" tag; it still looks pretty strong to me. However I can virtually guarantee that if Bartley isn't fit then his place will be taken by Ambrose as a defensive midfielder. I'd also like to see some support for Hamilton either in the form of Robinson or Kouider Aissa but who gives way for them is another matter - maybe in the second half?
  6. Seriously doubt we'll be splashing out any money for players at the moment. After costs, and sell on fees for QoS, it's doubtful that we'll end up with near £1.5 in the bank; also how much of the fee is going to be based on appearances? Currently we're in the midst of a pandemic and are possibly one c0ck-up from having football halted again. If that happens it will hit clubs particularly hard but none harder than those that have paid for new expensive players but without the revenue to back it up. They will have an inflated wage bill but no income to meet it. Can we honestly believe that no player in the premiership isn't going to be arrogant enough to think the rules don't apply to him.... for a whole eight months? The money we get for Dykes could provide us with financial security for a whole season; its not a case of ambition; this is about survival.
  7. Hopefully we've got the sprinklers on already so the pitch is as slippy as #### come Sunday. Frankly its the only way I can see us currently getting anything from this. Am really struggling to be optimistic here; obviously our midfield has vastly improved from the first two games but those defensive lapses still give me nightmares.
  8. He wasn't universally loved straight away here either tbh. We lost more than him in January but IMO he was our biggest loss. I've already posted our GA stats since his departure and Brownlie's departure would have played a part but I put it majorly down to losing RM. He did much more than just saving shots. I suppose he could take a moment to settle; it wont have been helped by our defence looking so uncharacteristically shaky of late but he did seem to find his voice for the second half on Wednesday night.
  9. Stewart is 95% competent keeper and 5% c0ck-up artist in my opinion. That being said I'm not sure I've seen much from McCrorie to indicate he's any better.
  10. Dolly Menga is apparently number 24 on the player sponsorship page. Pepe and Stewart are indeed missing.
  11. One of the brighter moments in the second half was when the main commentator said something like "at this moment I'd be apologising for the.... unsavory language from an element of the support but but unfortunately that's the players" Under normal circumstances I'd say a pound to a penny that was Devlin but, as he normally plays right back, he'd have been the opposite side of the pitch at the time
  12. Personally I thought both teams seemed well off the pace; perhaps understandable in the circumstance. In previous years we've been a bit spoilt by the friendlies followed by the first handful of games played out in the Betfred League cup, or whatever its called now, which virtually every premiership club used to test out formations, new joiners, and decide on what worked and what didn't. In the past, if we've played with five at the back, two have been unashamedly wing backs. Maybe that was the plan for Saturday but I'm not sure anyone explained that to the players. As others have said Dykes was continually isolated. One on one that isn't necessarily a problem but St Mirren often had two or even three defenders on his coattails. Unlike several others I actually had no problem with the feed; once I found a line that worked (line three for me) I seemed to get stuck on the St Mirren commentary which was poor in the firt half but worked in the second. Fortunately the guys weren't as partisan as some of the other sites I've visited (Bairns; you know who you are ) and gave a reasonable assessment of the proceedings. However, I have to say I found the whole thing dreadful. Watching my team in the almost sterile atmosphere of my own livingroom (with my wife asking about 50 times "why cant we hear anything") it seemed really distracted. Maybe thing will settle in as the season progresses but at the moment it really is very strange.
  13. The thought had occurred to me although, with Ross and Gary in the squad, maybe the strategy isn't so unreasonable.
  14. Hmmmm About three lines about Steve Lawson and the rest of the article about some guy from the rangers recommending Steven Lawless to Burton
  15. On paper there's seven out and only five in so numbers are slightly smaller but the potential lack of a reserves league is a challenge. In the event that we follow other leagues examples we'll be permitted nine substitutes on the bench per game; given also that there are now probably at least four players long term injured or unlikely to get a first team place; it doesn't seem so far over the top.
  16. I actually thought he would have been av more than adequate replacement for Lawless - turn of speed; chips in a few goals and a confident penalty taker?
  17. There are better photos on the on-line shop. Looks like the shorts and the arms of the shirt are amber whilst the body is canary yellow. Actually I don't mind the collar but it could be a bit of a mess in the winter when supporters try to wear thermals and about seven jerseys underneath.
  18. Tend to agree although comparing him against Sarkic is probably a little unfair. Sarkic didn't have the best of games in the betfred but then really seemed to settle and was an excellent keeper by the time he left us. McCrorie was fairly average in his few games with us but could probably have settled as well. Certainly the Doonhamer fans seemed to rate him highly albeit at a lower level. Can't recall him making any obvious gaffs tbh. Not having him for the games against the rangers will be a pain though; particularly if Stewart goes out on loan again.
  19. Didn't Jordyn Sheerin score something like 60 goals in one season before coming to us? Personally I've always thought the over eighties nudist leap-frog league to be a little overrated.
  20. I don't know how I feel about that tbh. He's a decent keeper but he won't be able to play against Rangers which seems a bit pointless. Would rather we got a permanent deal for a keeper or a loan from another league. Sarkic was better, from what I saw, but no doubt he's out of our price range. Maybe he just needed time to settle in butI still remember our experiences with Hardie showed that he didn't exactly shine when offered a significant extension to his "the rangers" contract. The Doonhamers seem to rate him highly but i'd be interested to know how long it took him to settle in. Him being excluded by the games against "the rangers" would also be a significant pain; particularly if it meant we had Stewart or Malley in goal...
  21. Don't mean to have a downer but some of those goalkeeping displays were just laughable. Quite a few, the headers in particular, had a good chance of going in anyway but some of those attempts made Gary Malley, on a off day, look excellent. His composure for penalty taking was pretty impressive even if his physical build was more reminiscent of Jordyn Sheerin.
  22. My dad could probably do better than Erskine did last year and he served in the Royal Engineers during the latter parts of the second World War.
  23. Interesting that he's from Algeria; Souda's down as French Algerian. Last season there was a bit of a stir about our "French Connection" until that left back (Savane) left.
  24. Menga and Souda are definitely more left wing. Tiffoney is certainly a right sided player. Incidentally no-one's mentioned Hamilton?
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