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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. You're playing Hibs in a week's time aren't you? A result for Livi on Saturday and this could get really interesting. Expectations in West Lothian are still relatively low key. The team have been performing excellently but we remember that its not too different, personnel wise, from the team that was being horsed at the beginning of the season. The manager's changed and so have the tactics; plus putting detomidine in the away team water bottles might have helped.
  2. Also remember Lee Bailey notched up an impressive 41 but some of those were for Meadowbank so may not count in this respect.
  3. Sorry but that list cant possibly be right unless its limited to like only the last 10 - 15 years. David Bingham alone scored 50 goals for us Even Barry Wilson, with 25 goals, doesn't appear on the list. Also I can only see Ian Russell down for 44 goals whilst playing for us?
  4. Thought it amusing when they did a shout out for votes for the Killie man of the match and got a huge number of votes for Scott Pittman. Fair do's to the guys for owning up to that one.
  5. Don't be silly; do you really not understand that the whole of Scotland are only interested in games involving the old firm and the only reasons the other sides exist is to give the old firm someone to humiliate? [IRONY MODE = MAXIMUM]
  6. The video wasn't great for that but it looked like a 50/50 ball with both players committed; if anything Pittman gets there first. Mind you the post match comments from Dyer that it should have been a free kick and maybe even a booking somehow effected the outcome of the game? Sorry guys; I'm afraid I don't get that one at all. I appreciate the guys under some pressure but that sounds like a classic case of attempted deflection to me. Funnily enough the Killie commentators though Bartley's yellow was soft; I actually think it was the right decision; intentionally or not his arm is over the guys neck and he make to move to try and throw him off. I appreciate he was being tugged and held back but really does need to be careful - just too many silly yellows.
  7. Stryjek, Devlin, Fitzwater, Guthrie, Brown, Bartley, Holt, Forrest, Pittman, Mullin & Reilly. Subs - McCrorie, McMillan, Longridge, Serrano, Lawson, Sibbald, Kabia, Emmanuel-Thomas & Robinson. A surprisingly attack minded setup.
  8. I think Brown's contract was up last summer with Cardiff but they extended him - not sure for how long but its unlikely if its just one year given that they farmed him out again almost immediately.
  9. Honestly the team did the square root of phuque-all on Saturday. Leastways they had a game on Sunday.
  10. We will control the first fifteen minutes - what happens after that is anyone's guess.
  11. Not sure if its been mentioned elsewhere but David Sinclair, ex-Livi, went to play football in Iceland. What he didn't realise that as part of his contract he was required to work in a fish packing factory on his days off. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/iceland-not-plaice-david-sinclair-3620467
  12. Really? Listening to some its like he was the second coming?
  13. Thanks for that. That was when you had Angelo Alessio as manager wasn't it; I'd forgotten he'd even existed. Two things to watch out for as you get older; one is short term memory loss... And the other is short term memory loss.
  14. Afraid you wont find a lot of Livi supporters with much respect for Hughes either. His time here was less than auspicious and effectively left for Huddersfield to avoid getting dumped. He got us playing some of the worst tippy tappy; pass back at all times football I think I've seen in the past almost 60 years of watching football.
  15. TBH I'm not really sure what the point of this conversation is. Is anyone actually questioning that Miller was shite for us? About the only time he was even half decent was when we were playing lower league sides in the Betfred cup but even then he had some really baffling defensive choices dropping one of our most experienced central defenders; playing himself up front but spending most time as a defensive midfielder etc. Also as far as I know it was actually Millar who resigned when Ward told him to stop picking himself although he could argue that his position was untenable. Our accounts show a steady improvement through revenue and not by any sudden injection of cash; a large part of that will be as a result of our immediate, and somewhat unexpected, promotion from the Championship.
  16. Yes; I remember Kenny Miller throwing a hissy fit when he was told to stop putting his name on the team sheet and concentrating on managing the team that had, until then, been struggling. He was a good player once but it kept seeming like we were a man down whenever he was on; and he always delayed substituting himself even though his legs had patently gone. Left us for Dundee as a player manager where I think he continued in the same vein although the Dundee supporters can probably advise better. They were relagated at the end of the season which his probably where we would have been if he'd stayed in control of us. Sorry but I don't think you'll find any Livi supporters with anything positive to say about him. As for Hughes; I surprised he hasn't signed Anthony Stokes seeing as how he was singing his praises after he'd left us without kicking a ball in anger. Still; the window isn't closed yet.
  17. Its a funny thing about the press that they seem to want to go to extremes; All this media darling stuff its a bit embarrassing for him and us; he's never courted such publicity; just wanted to get on with it and rebuild his life. I appreciate the comment about victims of crime, that's very relevant, but I also know that Martindale have been active in raising money for a local mental health trust. I'm not suggesting this absolves him of passed mis-demeanours but hopefully demonstrates a desire to make a difference in some way with the community. For some reason that line from Terry Jones in "Life of Brian" keeps popping into my head "He's not the messiah; hes just a very naughty boy!"
  18. I'm with you L4E. I cant recall a single occasion when we've had an easy game against Killie. Their manager may not be flavour of the month with the support at the moment but he's no fool and will have seen us plenty of times recently so will have a good idea of what to expect. We need to be like we were in the first fifteen minutes of the semi-final - not the remaining seventy-five.
  19. The "names" within the SFA historically hate being told what to do and seem to almost relish going against the assumed logical argument.
  20. TBH nothing would surprise me about the SFA decision process.
  21. Someone used to pop in occasionally a while back trying to infer he was somehow Rankin's front man - but that seems as Donald Trumpish in it accuracy as any other. Ultimately there will always be Some who will say something like "a leopard cant change its spots" or some such. I was sceptical when he first got involved as it didn't seem to fit with the family friendly image but his continued work and dedication has won me over. His story has certainly worked for the team; many of whom already had baggage and some were on the verge of giving it up altogether. Personally I do find it a bit amusing when watching the live feed from our opponents and to hear the predictable "we apologise if you heard any "language" just then; Unfortunately its not something we have any control of". I do find some of the press coverage (over-the-top Cinderella spin) to be a bit much. Ultimately he appears to be a good guy; a good father and an exceptional manager.
  22. A difficult game to watch frankly. If we'd continued in the tempo we'd started the game we could have gone in at half time 3-nil up and my nerves would have been a lot better. Unfortunately after about quarter of an hour our game got a lot more ragged with unforced errors; missed passes etc. Whether that was down to us becoming over complacent or St Mirren doing a better job at breaking us up; I'm not too sure. Certainly if St Mirren had been at their best; the could, and should, have beaten us in our second phase performance; We seemed far to relaxed at times; whether that was over=confidence or tiredness through the fixture congestion I'm not sure but we cant afford to play like that against St Johnstone. Was surprised, and pleased, when Connally went off; he's started to cause us a few problems in the center and did a reasonably good job of breaking up any counter attack. St Mirren's defence did surprise me; its not the kind of strong; well drilled outfit that I'd expected from a team with Goodwin in charge. Maybe the occasion got to them? I was surprised when we brought Longridge on for the final ten or so minutes. It was a bit of a slap in the face to McMillan and Lawson who are a lot more experienced playing with this team and have been around, waiting in the wings, for the last couple of seasons. Commiserations to the St Mirren team but they do have a number of young guys in the squad so may well get another chance.
  23. Try losing 5-2 to Stranraer after taking the lead in the playoff; almost certainly condemning us to dropping out of the championship (or was it called the first division then). Won 4-3 in the second leg after extra time to compound the agony. Most supporters of their local teams will experience this sort of thing which makes those brief periods of success even sweeter.
  24. Much as I'd like to disagree with you; I think you're spot on. If any fans are allowed back they'll be severely limited.
  25. Sorry but protecting against serious illness is not full immunity. You can still catch the virus; its just the symptoms don't appear to develop; or if they do its in a far milder form. I got vaccinated against Measles in the 60's and believe I am fully immune; I get the flu jab every year but can still get flu. Pedantic; I know, but there you go. I am desperate to get back into see live football again; although maybe not the game on Wednesday with the blizzard etc. although the chance to laugh at Scott Brown might just have been worth it.
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