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Bluegrass Bairn

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Everything posted by Bluegrass Bairn

  1. Interesting stats. However, it would be interesting to know out of the 14/15, 9/10 and 8/10 scenarios, how many league leaders who were top after those 28 games were only a single point ahead at that stage... When was the title last snatched from a league leader to a second-placed team on the final day? (excluding obvious examples at SPL level).
  2. Yes a landslide, given the clubs were backed into a corner. Talk about playing with loaded dice. Only 48 hours to consider a single proposal and cast a vote, when since then there's been a bunch of alternative options suggested, with no recourse to consider them; the unseemly rush to get this through, in mid-April, before UEFA or FIFA make any decisions about how/when next season's dates will be organised; and crucially, tying the vote into pay outs. I get that every club needs the financial bale-out, but binding the two issues together was/is seriously flawed. Can't help but wonder if the clubs had been given an interim payout whether everyone would have made the same call.
  3. Honest comment; can't help but wonder how Turnbull Hutton would have responded to the timing, structure and content of the SPFL proposal and their mis-handling of the whole sordid affair, given the respect pretty much every non-OF fan had for the guy. Not getting into a petty Raith/Falkirk angle on this - just fecked off at the utter shambles Doncaster is responsible for... vote by 5pm Friday, or well, actually, within 28 days; missing votes; re-cast votes; a "no" vote can change to a "yes" vote, but a "yes" vote can't change to a "no" vote... I mean, WTAF? Utter nonsense.
  4. That's right, it is. And its unfair to relegate Partick when they've played a game less. Do you think they would be relegating the New Rangers if they were still working their way up through the leagues and were in Partick's place?
  5. Don't really want to drag all this out again, but that's not how I remember it; it was the SPL line that Falkirk couldn't guarantee primacy that would avoid a home fixture clash with Airdrie. Conveniently ignoring that its the SPL who organise the fixture lists - hence the Arse-cheeks never both play at home on the same day. And irrespective of ICT or Gretna ground-sharing with top tier clubs, Celtic ground-shared with Queens Park, did they not? Anyway, whatever. This current fiasco is sadly predictable, and whatever ultimately happens will decidedly NOT be "in the best interests of Scottish football", as casualties seem inevitable and certain Colt teams seem to be slithering ever closer to reality. Sad days indeed.
  6. The players option could be to either (a) sign a rolling short term contract, month to month, which gives you a wage, or (b) don't sign, its your choice, which gives you nothing, but instead sit in limbo as clubs won't be signing new players while the financial/league set-ups uncertainty continues.. .
  7. Yeah I agree with this. The distribution of interim payouts doesn't at all need to be tied to imposing current league tables as final. This season wouldn't finish until mid-May, players will be under contract until the end of May. Offering 3-month extensions to those players out of contract would mean there's all summer to assess the ongoing status of the pandemic... And if there's no re-start in August for season 20-21, which seems likely right now, then to argue that extending this season will fcuk up next is a moot point.
  8. entirely predictable F-you attitude to all the lower league dross from The Cockwomble & cronies. Am sure the dialogue would have been the very very same if the Sevco Zombies were still shambling around in the lower leagues. And why the rush to give the directive just now anyway? The league runs til mid-May by the time we would work through the play-offs, player contracts are end of May. Boo! Boooo!!
  9. Yeah, no contest for us we're an embarrassingly/depressingly/shockingly easy choice in this debate. Honourable mention for Gary Miller, hopefully he stays as captain next season - whenever that may be - as he's really made a difference in the second half of the season. But we've clearly only got the two stand-outs.
  10. Long time since I've seen those highlights... what a great day, (and night out) that was... it reminded me - Jim Dempsey & Roddy Manley kept at bay a combination of Mo Johnston, Brian McClair, Mark McGhee & Alan McInally... Who'd've thought? I flat shared with a Celtic fan in Byres Road at the time, and watched the game with him in the Celtic end. He very quickly - and very kindly - pinned my arms at my sides to stop me going wild when Jimmy Gilmour scored, otherwise I'd surely have taken a serious doing from the mutts around us. Roy Aitken. What an utter cnut. The penalty award was an absolute disgrace. GIRFUY.
  11. My fave ideas so far - 1. Falkirk v Raith playoff behind closed doors, with both teams in big comedy foam suits like 'Its a Knockout' but with added air tanks. Live on BT Sport. 2. The return of Quizball. All 10 clubs in League 1 put up their team of 4 eggheads, and play out their remaining fixtures on general knowledge, sport, tv soaps and spelling. 3. Lee Miller v John McGlynn play Swingshot from Gladiators for the Championship.
  12. As a wee afterthought I liked the look of today's 4-1-3-2. Miller as the 1 and Gomis (rather than Danny Devito) as the middle of the 3, & LM giving much-needed (and sadly lacking until today) proper support to Declan would be ok by me. P/head were awful today, for sure, but thought our set-up looked promising.
  13. Do you usually go to the South Stand bar or no bar before it? SS bar is the correct matchday stadium drinking venue IMO. Cans like but it's still decent. Usually up the town pre match but we gave the westfield a try just to be contrary. SS having no draught is the issue, and the taste out a can is rank.
  14. You still talking hospitality here Marsh, or are we watching the game now?
  15. Just for a wee change, decided to give the westfield lounge another try for pre-match... Should have known better. Its only 1:45, and 4 out of 5 draught beer taps are already out of action... Fair got us in the right mood for the game.
  16. That's the worry though; as you say, we're evidently not good enough to go on a lengthy winning run, ( ie not draw, draw, win, draw; but win win win win) yet defeat tomorrow puts us 4 behind, and until now we've not shown we can up our rate sufficiently from barely 1 win in 2. Yeah, I think we need to win tomorrow.
  17. Fair points there; however despite it being a first defeat since Nov we're still chasing top spot. Most Rovers fans seem to think its a must-win for them, but even a draw isn't much help to us. We're in must-win territory here. And I'll be really surprised if we get it.
  18. M & M making a huge difference. Irrespective of Forfar's deficiencies, and a dull dull dull first half, the team tried to play wide and direct, and quicker, rather than McKinnon's safe & square plod.. The attitude to keep going after the 3rd goal was good to see, & LL's skill for the 6th showed exactly how important he can be. Actually enjoyed watching us for some of that today, rather than it just being a chore, which is a massive step in the right direction.
  19. Empty Leitch, MacLean, Miller, Moore, Dixon, Durnan, McShane, & Johnstone. Add 3 left-footers between defence & midfield, and our now-traditional January squad re-build needn't be quite so excessive this year...
  20. Yup. Totally agree. The only time Dixon should be left back is... left back in the dressing room. Boom-tsh.
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