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Everything posted by Hawk89

  1. Be as well just liquidating the club now we've lost a bounce game.
  2. Would take a goalless shiftfest of a draw right now and move on to next week.
  3. I was feeling quite comfortable that we would be alright until last night. Now I'm considering lobbying my local politicians to have football cancelled until July. Just can't see where we will pick up points as every game I've made it too this season we've been incredibly poor. Tag to that our two main strikers are possibly missing (Ashford certainly / Adeloye unknown) for Saturday and things are not looking good at present.
  4. Must have been a few clubs tied up in the Icelandic banking collapse? Think Icesave were the big one that most councils lost million to. Seem to remember reading about the "advice" their government took from an economics professor at Harvard with a very familiar surname in the banking sector about opening up their financial sector.
  5. That would have been around 2010/2011 wouldn't it? When we had a prolonged freeze. Absolutely booted the arse out my fuel card driving to all the midweeks from Grangemouth....sorry visiting sites. Think that was around the time we sold the car park to stay afloat and there was some form of inflatable training dome that a poster on here was absolutely raving about?
  6. DEC or UNHCR are the two you want just now. Both specialise in humanitarian response and refugee support. I'm always a little wary of organisations who have very little track record of handling large sums of cash, their total donations in 2020 was less than £7k.
  7. Would assume he'll be building an entirely new backroom bar Moff remaining as fitness coach. Best guess is atleast 3 changes in backroom staff - White and Tait back to their academy duties (they've gone way above and beyond to support so far), Timmins away. Not sure about Stillie, is he still about?
  8. To be honest under our previous two managers I think we'd be down and out by now. Real feeling of the club start to reach and build. Long way to go yet, but the early signs are promising.
  9. Poor day at the office for both sides, no chance any football was getting played in that weather. Queens took their chance, we didn't. Will need to see the highlights for a better angle but our big chance in the first looked harder to miss? Weird performance from Steve MacLean this afternoon, was almost split personality between the first and second. Seemed to be letting the game flow in the first half. Last half hour he just wanted to call everything.
  10. Probably helped by a couple of waves of breeding that couldn't learn the behaviour to find food every second Saturday during lockdown.
  11. First election I've gone into that I don't know who or what order I'd vote. SNP only continue to dishearten me having had my vote for years. Our local SNP councilor doesn't bother her arse responding to e-mails so I can't be arsed voting for her. The local Labour guy is very active and has responded to me when I tried him as the second port of call a couple of times. But, that would mean voting Labour as #1. Not sure who else will stand here probably the usual list of jobbers. We do have an oddball who is embroiled in a hate mail campaign about the Labour guy over the fact he claims the Labour guy used his position to engineer his daughter to the front of the council house list. So periodically we get leaflets through the door with pretty personal abuse. The guy in question is currently banned from being a councilor. I have a feeling he will try run and campaign even if blocked, he also caused the council to piss thousands of pounds against the wall as they called a by-election for his seat before his appeal was heard. Paul Mack
  12. Was genuinely quite excited when we signed him, having never heard of him before but, having the "ex Celtic youth" tag on him and being a young lad at the time. Didn't take long for that to be torpedoed. We've generally had solid keepers over the years, even when money was tight you could feel pretty confident about the guys between the sticks.
  13. Cheers for flagging, had been wondering about Apple TV. We lose our Virgin service as of tomorrow, basically we don't see the point of paying them £65 a month for an incredibly poor service and TV that would make your eyes bleed. As such are having a crack at going internet only and using streaming services, bonus of saving on the TV license as well.
  14. Genuinely astonished the way this is going. Two places we are straight up cursed: Inverness and Dumfries. Roll on April against a Wullie Gibson led Queens
  15. It is all fine and well saying they will look to rebalance the board, my assumption here is that to be on the board you will likely need to invest? So not only do they need to find someone willing to give their time but also a sum of money to club who aren't having their finest moment.
  16. White middle aged man with dyslexia to cover the persons with disabilities angle.
  17. Central belt is to be hammered tomorrow into Thursday, so might be fall out from the storm that is rolling in.
  18. Should send footage from earlier in the season to the home office.
  19. Think he was simply trying to let the game flow and trying not to get involved if he could get away with it. FWIW, I thought he had a good game and it never felt like it was getting out of control at any point. Would rather that than a ref who is card happy stopping and starting every 30 seconds.
  20. Looks very comfortable at this level so far, not sure what you were feeding him in Airdrie but it has worked. Fully expect him to bag a few screamers before the end of the season, been getting closer by the game.
  21. Noticed another on about a minute into the highlight where he elbows Murdoch in the face well away from the ball in the lead up to the opening goal.
  22. We apparently already spent a fortune on the pitch recently by buying the highest quality grass seeds available. It certainly isn't anywhere near the worst in the league . The purist with me would like to stick with grass, but I can also see the benefit of a decent artificial surface like Raith's. At the risk of causing a cold snap, we haven't had the frozen pitch issue for quite a while along the main stand side.
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