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O'Kelly Isley III

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Everything posted by O'Kelly Isley III

  1. Anyway, I thought Sturgeon was decent in her interview with Marr this morning, especially her closing remarks on Scotland being lectured in 2014 about EU membership.
  2. Aye, it would be interesting to quantify how many Leave voters thought that their vote to exit the EU was about to magically halt the immigration inflow from Asia, Africa and elsewhere - I reckon if they were factored out we would be down to about 12 million. Many of them are/were that thick.
  3. From previous postings on P & B I've gathered that you are a student. In the years to come you'll either come to thank those who protested and managed to steer Brexit in the direction of sanity or, if that fails, you will probably move away from the UK. And there will be hundred of thousands like you.
  4. I wouldn't trust Gove to run a whelk stall; shag it maybe, but not run it.
  5. It's a fervent hope of mine that over the next few weeks the tensions in the Tory Party boil right over into civil war, accompanied of course by at worst a very soft Brexit.
  6. I note the references to 'England & Wales' - presumably the rest of us can GTF.
  7. This. In normal times mild diversions are fine but right now we have an embattled Board of Directors trying to deal with an 'interesting' major shareholder and they can do without kites flying about the place.
  8. 'Do you enjoy sex Mr Smith' ? 'I sure do'...'Good, well here's your partner for the evening, Mr Jones...' Even an intellectual dwarf like yourself will maybe get the gist. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  9. Any referendum must include a 'Remain' option given what the electorate now knows.
  10. Worst in what regard ? In that she now risks seriously imperillng the UK economy and the future living standards of its people ? Or that she places the narrow, sectarian interests of both herself and the Tory Party above what is best for the nation ? Maybe it's her continuing obsession with prosecuting the result of an advisory referendum which was an affront to democracy. Or maybe it's simply that she has now made the transition from being the nasty, right-wing, stubborn, stupid politician of renown to a risible, internationally discredited and ridiculed buffoon. Still, if her legacy is to drive a stake thro the heart of the Conservative Party it may all have been worth it.
  11. Remind me never to be eating my breakfast whilst reading this thread, that is a truly troubling image.
  12. Anyone seen Old Scrotum and his mate Drew Diligence ?
  13. LOL, I don't expect anyone to take mine seriously. Naw, I just like challenging unionist trolls.
  14. Safe in the knowledge that if May's deal get's a triple whammy then we move on to Le Plan B.
  15. That is a truly disturbing Twitter feed, some real b*****ds on there.
  16. I'm now almost wishing for No Deal to give this Ruritanian excuse for a country the cathartic shock it needs and deserves.
  17. Which only yourself, Corbyn and White Rose Killie think Labour would win.
  18. All this has been done to death - we need to factor Corbyn AND May out of any rational solution to the current situation; if that means internal party revolt on either side then so be it, although I seriously wouldn't be hanging my hat on that outcome. Again though, I can't believe the UK collective of domestic and multinational business, industry, academia et al are simply going to act as bystanders as a cabal of crazed zealots takes the country under.
  19. Leadsom's reported meltdown in Cabinet this morning is further proof of the desperation of the Brexit lobby, and for the first time I'm feeling confident that the EU are about to have May completely over a barrel. I expect the outcome to be a soft Brexit at worst.
  20. It's a fascinating scenario.... there are some Tory dingbats who would glory in a No Deal outcome, and possibly nutters like Hoey, but there is no way that the majority of the Government would even countenance being the people who signed the death warrant to the UK economy. However, if the bams continue to hold May's feet to the fire in the hope that the apocalypse comes to pass then there is no way she can provide assurances to the EU; in that event I expect the 27 to demand that matters pass back to the electorate in return for an extension.
  21. I imagine the EU would absolutely relish Little Britain being kettled politically and economically by Ireland, Scotland and mainland Europe.
  22. Yep, I thought this was quite breathtaking, the suggestion that because the outcome of the vote could change that in itself should transcend Bercow's (correct) interpretation of Parliamentary procedure. Worse than that, I'm sure I heard on Newsnight a suggestion that May will tell EU leaders later this week that the DUP are on board and a short extension will suffice. I trust they will tell her that will simply not cut it.
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