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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Anyone else heard the rumour that's going about Facebook and Twitter that Man City tried to swap Guidetti for Tankulic after the friendly but we said no?
  2. Might make-up a rumour that Man City tried to swap Guidetti for Tankulic after the friendly but we said no.
  3. Yeah was actually pretty good.
  4. Respect for on the living wage and looks like the board are doing a great job. No pyro, no party though.
  5. Although the whole "eat clean and exercise" mantra seems simple, I've always thought it over-complicates things massively. It you want to lose weight then get into the habit of tracking your macro-nutrients and get in a calorific deficit. Easy as that.
  6. Surely you're not seriously considering letting your son go to St Andrews though?
  7. In Edinburgh Uni library now. Very hard to get any work done because there's too many attractive females going about in yoga pants. Should've stayed in Dundee and I would've got a first easy.
  8. Development League game, Dundee vs Aberdeen being streamed online for free tonight if anyone's interested. http://www.dundeefc.co.uk/news/20s-on-dundee-fc-live
  9. English isn't a part of Scotland "national heritage" because some parts speak Gaelic rather than English.
  10. It's clearly not just a West coast thing if I'm from Dundee/Edinburgh and I will speak it in the future.
  11. Already a few bites in this thread and I only said I was thinking about learning it two hours ago. Think this justifies my reasoning.
  12. BoredomGuy finally found something to laugh about?
  13. Just like the thought of some cretin giving it the "What's the point in Gaelic, nobody speaks it anyway" and me being able to pop up with "I do". Such scenes. Much seethe.
  14. Looking to sign up to classes to learn a wee bit of gaelic. Think I'll be able to cause all kinds of seethe with just a few basic phrases.
  15. According to Twitter there is a gunman on the loose in Cockburn Street in Edinburgh. Helicopters and police everywhere apparently. Probably bullshit.
  16. Getting a retro top for a Christmas present to myself. And a pair of these
  17. Mid-day New Year's derby is better than the prospect of it in the evening. Will probably stay-up and power through the match followed by my traditional New Year's curry then collapse in bed.
  18. BarraJag posts asking a genuine question about forum moderation policy. A moderator then privately messages him effectively telling him to shut-up. This is a worrying time for free-speech.
  19. Why do the mods on here all hate Dundee FC. They must all be no-voters.
  20. Tbh unfortunately you failed to pick up on the tone in which my comment was posted and have therefore be wooshed.
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