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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. If you bump into him again, tell him I gave up with his latest after 100 pages and started on a Where's Wally.
  2. Another fail I said I understood why folk took time off work. You were so far up Swampy's arse that day you fell for his bullshit assumptions. Faced with 2 or 3 hours stuck on the M25 because the buses and trains were cancelled would have probably been enough for me to call in as well.
  3. I've seen the Gaz double out running round Polmont. Might have mentioned it in this thread as well.
  4. I await Skyline Drifter's reply in declicious anticipation.
  5. Death of a Ladies Man? I've just started it, OK so far.
  6. The Incredible Adam Spark by Alan Bissett. I loved it, largely due to being able to place all the locations etc as it's set in Falkirk (like his first book Boyracers). I used to stay in Hallglen as well so it's a novelty to read a book based there. It's also, again, written in the local dialect. It took me a few pages to get used to this but after that it makes the book incredibley easy to rip through. I have encountered many a biff in Falkirk that speaks exactly like Sparky. Adam Spark is a fantastic character (funny, loveable yet intensely creepy) and I suppose the highest compliment I can pay is I hope Bissett revisits Adam Spark, Judy and Bonnie sometime in the future.
  7. As Gaz said - £19. Comet stock them as well, beside all their iPod stuff.
  8. Don't push it too much early on. I'm getting over an ankle injury because I hammered it too early on a few months ago. Your body will tell you when you've had enough. Nike+ isn't essential but it's a great motivational tool.
  9. Saw Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure on Sunday morning. The film was a solid 6/10 (not as good as the first Tinkerbell movie) but it was great watching TM Jr enjoy her first trip to the cinema.
  10. Party was after the university open day. His Dad was on the mend as well (his brother became his carer) but I just saw it as getting away from his house and his mates. He wanted the campus life and the car was the glue that kept him and his mates together. Once that was gone there was nothing keeping him in Falkirk. Although Stirling is just as shit. Actually, more shit.
  11. The way I read it was I like the bit when Will Smith punches the alien in the face
  12. That one I'll give you but the others? I suppose the Rosies thing doesn't ring true only because we are from the area. If it was set in Dundee I'd be none the wiser about the likelyhood. The parties and the physics things though - oh aye.
  13. 2 for me. JPOD by Douglas Copeland - 8/10 It's excellent - gaming programming, the rise of China, ballroom dancing and dead bikers. It's seriously funny. Boyracers by Alan Bissett - 8/10 Catcher in the Boag? At first I thought it was heading down the Trainspotting-rip off route (mad adventures described in local dialect) but it turns into a fantastic tale of growing up in a shithole town with nothing to do. A real novelty reading a good book set in Falkirk.
  14. I'm ploughing ahead with the half marathon, although I'm nowhere near ready. I took a dull one to the back of my ankle playing hockey a few weeks back and it takes few gentle miles before it eases off. I'm not going to gun for a PB either as I'm off on holiday the following day and don't want to hobble for two weeks. The route takes me past all my old haunts - I'm treating it like a gentle trip down memory lane rather than a full on race. Should be fun.
  15. Drag by I'd imagine. We were overdue and it was hell waiting. Oh Christ, I'd forgotten about that It's one of these things your not sure about mentioning to pregnant folk, that and episiotomy. All the best Haitch and all the best Debbie and Ryan. Good luck to everyone else nervously waiting. It really is the best thing that ever happened to us, hopefully everyone has a similar experience. p.s. being owned by G-Man - how rubbish.
  16. Funnily enough, we repaid our debts in full as well. What mugs!
  17. Quite. I feel sorry for Ayr in all this. Their chairman was busy building all these SPL complient stadia whilst neglecting his own side. Actually, I don't feel bad for Ayr at all. They are still in existence while the sides that chased the 10K dream drift further and further up shit creek.
  18. Nonsense. What you are saying is that the only teams that season who should have been allowed to sign anyone were Clyde and St Johnstone. We signed the 5 jobless Airdrie players and 1 Ayr Utd player from the 1st division. Hardly weakening our opponents. In a way, the stink we kicked up in 2003 because, thanks to signing these players, we won the title fair and square may have led to the SPL's comedown on entry requirements the following summer. Shut it Duffman. Just like Raith Rovers, your club have shown an inability to keep a balance between satisfying SPL entry requirements and balancing the books. Why didn't Clyde challenge the SPL back in 2003 like we did? Why didn't you fight for ICT's promotion place in 2004? How much did it cost to keep your side near the top of the table for 2 years and is that a reason you can't pay the bills now?
  19. You kow, I was sorry to see Airdrie to to the wall (even though we benefited - oh the irony that Airdrie Utd stay in the 1st now) and felt gutted for Bankie fans for the subsequent take over. Today however I'm in a gravedancing kinda mood I know that won't go down well with the decent Livingston fans who post on here and it's nothing personal against them. It wasn't the fans that were fucking over the opposition as they clambered their way to the SPL and silverware. I'm just glad that karma has finally proved itself. Is there any of the old Meadowbank support in existence and is that a route these fans can take (as Clydebank fans have?)
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