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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. I thought that was tremendous stuff tonight. Eagerly awaiting series four now.
  2. Similarly, I got fitted in a running shop then headed to Sterling Mills and picked up some cheap Nikes.
  3. I haven't been to the Falkirk parkrun but this thread has confirmed it contains something called the Murder Hill. The Cally Park is pretty steep in parts and I think the route takes these in.
  4. 2013 Roundup/2014 Aims I only ran the Great Scottish Run in October. My training start off fantastic but with 8 weeks to go I injured my right knee. Of course, the injury came just as the sponsor money started rolling in. I was faced with letting everyone down or running. I scrapped my training programme and in the 4 weeks leading up must have ran only about 7 times. Slowly. I ran on the day without my iPod or a watch as to stop myself from clockwatching. My aim was to get round safely without pushing myself. What a revelation. I had my name of my charity vest for the first time and the Glasgow crowd were spectacular. The encouragement and noise was second to none. Whether this is down to the great route that makes it easy to spectate I'm not sure. It certainly blows any Edinburgh based run out of the water in terms of atmosphere. Because of this (and probably due to my very careful preparation) I felt no pain on the day. The first I was aware of my time was as I entered the final straight and could see the finishing clock. I crossed the line exactly 5 minutes slower than my 1/2 marathon PB, which I was overjoyed at. Either my base fitness was far better than I had anticipated or my previous (2011) training had been utter shit. Regardless, it was the biggest running buzz that I'd ever experienced, and that includes 2 full marathons. I've kept my running to the gym since and it's been sporadic to say the least. I've got myself a new sensor for my Nike+ which will help in the coming year. I've tinkered with Endomondo etc and I know the Nike+ has it's limitations but it does the job for me in terms of being a motivational tool. My early plans are to hit the gym hard in January to loss a bit of weight and increase my outdoor runs in Feb. The Grangemouth Roon Ye Houses and The BUPA Great Edinburgh 10 miler in April are early targets. In all honesty I can see me entering the Great Scottish Runa again (especially as I'm doing the Family Run on the Saturday with my kids (they'll be 7 and 4) and hopefully my Mum (who'll be 65). If I don't enter that one it will be another race around Sept/Oct. Whatever I do, I'll try to keep PB's out of my mind. I'm really enjoying my running more whilst not worrying about splits and pacing.
  5. My concern over Carrie Fisher extends to Mark Hammill also. I'm basing this entirely on Karen Allen's appearance in IJ4. Like Allen, they have both kept themselves out of the immediate media glare, doing voice work, theatre and very small scale appearances. For years. Allen looked like a rabbit in the headlights and, despite all the will in the world on my part, was rubbish. I'm really hoping bringing back the actors from the original trilogy isn't a cringey mistake. To be fair to Karen Allen, she had a bit part in a CGI clusterfuck of a mess. Unfortunately, the chances of a Star Wars movie that doesn't involve headache-inducing green screen acting are very, very slim.
  6. i'm thinking of knocking the outdoor runs on the head until the new year. Maybe just hit the gym until my new Nike+ chip arrives. Lazy b*****d.
  7. Jizzfest. Ritchie's on his 3rd pair of pants already. Dreadful draw in every way but financial.
  8. There are massive differences between Latapy signing for his mate Yogi and Riordan potentially coming to us. The most glaring is that Riordan is a massive p***k.
  9. It's only till Jan? So everything is great until then. After that?
  10. There was a boy in my street who went by the moniker of 'Boner' due to his habit of popping a stiffy at the most inappropriate moments. There's a guy in my office gets called Wilmot Brown because he looks like a rapist.
  11. Stop hiring guys with no managerial experience.
  12. Does Falkirk Shop still post in this thread? The club are missing a trick. I tried to buy top for my wee man yesterday but as he us older than 2 but not yet 5 I'm out of luck. Oh well, a Scotland or Barca top it is then.
  13. I bought a marathon photo in 2003. It was taken within the first 3 miles (so I looked human) and it cost nowhere near £20. The Marathon photographers managed to snap me twice this year round (and could only identify me the once).
  14. The BBC ended their coverage about 3 minutes before I crossed the line. Had there not been the delay there is every chance id have popped up on telly. I was sprinting too. Had I known I'd have jogged it
  15. Congrats to everyone here that ran (especially Baggio, had no idea you were running today). I stunned myself with a 2:00:40 finish in the half. I had prepared for 2:30. The new course is great and before I knew it we were at 11 miles. The people that came out and supported were magnificent. They certainly helped give me a boost. The last mile was tremendous, felt like I found a 5th gear from somewhere.
  16. Could be worse. The first Edinburgh marathon in 2003 started at Meadowbank Stadium and sent us up and round Arthur's Seat.
  17. The start on Sunday might put paid to a very quick start, unless you hit the front and stay there. It's proper congested and up hill. I'm aiming to take it very easy up St Vincent St and the Kingston Bridge, hoping to make up for it after about 60 mins of easy running. I managed 8 miles yesterday and I think that will be that in terms of running. I'll fill the rest of the week in with stretching and swimming to protect my chocolate knee.
  18. I was having knee pain but instead of resting, I was training up to the point it was sore (shortened distance, dropped the pace). It's benefiting from the exercise and getting stronger by the day. Hence a very slow half marathon for me on the 6th.
  20. I was going to ask a similar question in reverse. I've recently been running in my 'tights' and feel much better for it. I'd say see what the weather is like on the day. I hate wearing too much, especially when the weather turns halfway round.
  21. I feel very sorry for McGrandles. Every time I've seen him he's composed, has great footwork and works hard. Some of the stuff you read about him seems very unfair. I thought he was just about the only guy last night with pass marks. Jay Fulton would be everyone's favourite if he didn't hide his hands up his sleeves. Phil Rob(in bast)erts had a shocker. I can accept strikers looking poor due to lack of service. I can't excuse moaning twats looking to whinge at every turn.
  22. I sent the Alzheimer's Society a couple of emails over the last few months to enquire about my vest. "Nae worries big man, chill" was their reply on both occasions. I'm beginning to wonder if I actually entered the GSR this year.
  23. If I taper off my training now I'll be sitting in the house. I'll do a final run on the Friday before but up till then I'll be carefully building my strength up. Still don't have my number from GSR or my running vest from TeamAlzheimers....
  24. Nice one Morton, some result. It gives the likes of Livingston a reprieve though as Ratface has just bought himself more time in the job.
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