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Posts posted by Macshimmy

  1. To my eyes it's all set up with Whyte knowing all along that he would decide when to play the administration joker card to position himself as main creditor. I genuinely believe some sort of deal will grudgingly be accepted by HMRC. There will be pain for Rangers - but they will indeed dodge the big hammer blow. Short term pain, longer term, they'll weasel a way to rise phoenix-like from administration, as I say, like so many morally bankrupt cheating football clubs before them.

    Thoughts? Hopefully not just of a 'LOL' nature! Really looking to see what you guys seriously see the end of this actually being when the dust settles.

    A clear run then for Ashley to setup Rangers whatever way he wants. If he says he will bring in a new competent football manager and give him a war chest of £50mill or so over the next 5 years, the fans will back him and kiss his feet (and anything else he has available).

    It is amazing what you can do when you have the cash. Something significantly missing from the other "heroes" from David Murray, White, Green, the bus boys, King, Murray II.

    Ashley enjoys his poker. This game will be an easy one for him. He already holds all the aces. :)

    Deja Vu? :)

  2. FORMER Rangers owner Craig Whyte today gave the club a vote of confidence - and said he still a fan.

    Mr Whyte said it was inevitable that Rangers would return to the top of Scottish football.

    And he said he would always be a supporter.

    Mr Whyte was speaking after leaving the High Court in London where he had appeared for the latest hearing of a legal dispute he is involved in with a ticketing firm.

    Reporters asked if he thought that Rangers would return to the top.

    He said ‘inevitably’.

    Asked if he was still a fan and would always support the club, he replied ‘of course’ and ‘yes’.

    A judge had adjourned proceedings in Mr Whyte’s dispute with Ticketus.

    Mr Justice Newey said complaints against Mr Whyte would be examined at a later date.

    Still a crazy fantasist then. Kind of touching that he doesn't 'bear' any grudges, after all the grief that his association with oldco caused him.

    Mans a saint. :angel

  3. Some quality commentary from Newcastle fans on that Guardian article:

    "Can the board confirm that renaming Ibrox will not be part of any underwriting deal?” asks Chris Graham, a spokesman for Rangers’ Union of Fans. “And that we will not see the garish Sports Direct signage defacing our iconic main stand?”

    Once you become Mr. A's chattel, he can tattoo Sports Direct direct onto your arse if he pleases.

  4. Tell me in two sentences why this is either interesting or informative without using words like 'maybe' or 'possibly'. If you can't then you're just another diddy poster thinking that shite articles about The Rangers are worth referring to.

    Can I play?

    In their CEO's statement to the LSE on relaunch in July, they state:

    "We also hope to be able to announce important progress in resolving the Company’s historic pension deficit before the end of the year."

    The Telegraph's most juicy piece of info though, is that a certain cowboy is on the horizon - as he still has an 8% stake in Worthington:


  5. Wallace is a better player than Robertson in every way possible. Stronger, Faster,Better at defending and far better going forward. At this moment in time i would play Whittaker before either one of them though...Not a great fan of Whittaker at left back but Wallace has been carrying an injury and Robertson just isn't very good at all. It doesn't really matter though what we think..Strachan will make the decision come the start of the qualifying campaign


  6. it parallels almost every religion which will have its fair share of nut jobs and extremists

    Rangers are a religion?


    James Carmine, chair of Carlow University's philosophy department, proposes a three-pronged test to distinguish "authentic" religions from pseudoreligions:

    Any religion lacking a guiding coherent theology is a pseudo-religion.

    Any religion entirely self referential is a pseudo-religion.

    Any religion whose only fruit is adherence to itself is a pseudo-religion.

    Pseudoreligion, or pseudotheology, is a generally pejorative term applied to a non-mainstream belief-system or philosophy which is functionally similar to a religious movement,

    typically having a founder, principal text, liturgy and faith-based beliefs.

  7. All that would remain of Ibrox is the facade ...

    Well, Laxey do own a controlling stake in this rather intriguing business:


    About groupCeltic Property Developments S.A. is a holding company that controls a group of subsidiaries concentrated on development projects in the market segment of offices and apartments.

    The Company’s activity consists in purchase of lands, on which it constructs apartments or offices, and in purchase of existing real properties with a potential for creation of additional value by change of their intended usage, increase of their standard or optimisation of their area. The Company has offices in Warsaw, London, Milan and Budapest.

    The Company’s main market is Warsaw. It also possesses commercial Hungary. So far, the main role in the Capital Group’s business has been played by the offices segment, but at present the Company is concentrated on residential activity, mainly realisation of its key project in ursus, a district of Warsaw

    ursus m (genitive ursī);

    1. a bear
  8. I think to suggest 5,000 is on the low side........

    However, their STs went on public sale today. So if you were feeling particularly anally retentive, you could go on the website and count the number of seats sold/unsold to date!!!!!!!:


    Certainly looks like there is plenty availability for those swayed by Wallace's and Elbows' propaganda from yesterday

    Pleasingly appropriate the wee People's Front of Govan Vs Govan People's Front image at the heart of things there:


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