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Posts posted by Macshimmy

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-18995585

    Staff tied up during copper raid on Ibrox firm Police have appealed for witnesses after thieves tied up employees and stole copper from a business in Glasgow's Ibrox area.

    Two members of staff at an air conditioning firm on Dava Street were restrained and forced into a room between 17:30 and 19:00 on Wednesday.

    Two men loaded copper into a blue Iveco van and made off down Broomloan Road.

    The van was found abandoned in Cambuslang Road, Rutherglen, at about 03:30.

    Police said the two male employees, aged 24 and 33, were not injured but were left very shaken by the incident.

    Det Insp Alan McAlpine said: "Thankfully the two men were not physically injured, however, this was an incredibly harrowing and very frightening experience for them both.

    "The two suspects knew what they were doing and had no issues with intimidating the two employees by holding them against their will.

    "Officers are currently checking CCTV from the area and are making inquiries with local businesses.

    "We know that the two suspects were seen leaving the yard in their van around 23:30 and that it was recovered in Rutherglen about 03:30 hours this morning.

    "We need to establish where the van was between leaving the yard and being abandoned in Rutherglen."

    One of the suspects is said to have an Irish accent, and was wearing a green or khaki jacket with a hood, dark trousers, a hat and a mask, or possibly a balaclava.

    Police said the other suspect was wearing dark clothing and had an English accent.


    Super-Swally disguised as a heavy-duty Tarrier in a classic false-flag attack, Green giving the game away with his Yorkshire accent and Grey Poly Suit?

  2. Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

    Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

    Cracking rant man.

    I'd buy you a pint if I could, have a greenie instead cool.gif

  3. Have a wee read here Kincardine and look at Alan Brazil's 2009 statement about Jock Stein in the Jim Torbett section :whistle.


    Apparently Big Jock never had a fucking clue ! and the Big Jock Knew campaign coming from the RAGERS support is nothing other than a sick pathetic attempt to discredit the club and offend their support and collect some point scoring whilst insulting the victims of a very bad catholic priest.

    Nah, Stein is implicated. It was the same shite as at that American University, they were desperate to cover it up,

    and by so doing they allowed it to happen again - after Stein was dead mind.

    That said, it was a long time ago, and provides an excellent example of why covering up abuse is counter-productive in the long run,

    so I think we can let it go now.


    Back to The Sevco - Giovanni Di Stefano appears to be something of a serial necrophiliac. This time last year:


    'Devil's advocate' Giovanni di Stefano sets up online version of the News of the World HE has tried to defend some of the world's most evil men.

    But now former Dundee director Giovanni di Stefano faces his biggest challenge - trying to clean up the News of the World.

    The controversial Italian - branded the Devil's Advocate because of a client list including Saddam Hussein, Charles Manson and Gary Glitter - has swooped to register an online version of the disgraced paper.

    Di Stefano, 55, is urging former staff at the News International title, shut down amid the phone hacking scandal, to join his web business.

  4. You haven't missed it.

    The 'Official' Liquidation day has still to come. If someone with a spare £200 million steps forward ... willing to pay off Rangers debts - £140 million and pay the Green consortium's asking price of £50 million for the assets ... Rangers can still be saved from liquidation. laugh.gif

    Although... The BTC is still just a hundred ton weight poised over oldco's head:

    By a quirk of fate I’m dealing with two specific press offices at the moment. One is the advisors to His Excellency President Assad of Syria, the other is the Tribunal Service attached to the judiciary in the UK.

    Over the past fortnight I’ve had about the same level of service and information from both.

    Which is odd since one is a notorious police state mired in kleptocratic corruption, civil war and generally violent systematic meltdown and the other appears to be British civil servants facing no such difficulties.

    Yet try as I might it is next to impossible to puncture the extraordinary secrecy surrounding the First Tier Tax Tribunal where the fate of Rangers is to be determined.

    Let’s start with some really simple information which, astonishingly, the judiciary service press office did manage to supply – they told me the names of those running the Big Tax Case hearing.

    They are Mr Kenneth Mure QC (judge), Mr Scott Rae and Dr Heidi Poon.

    So at that point I thought I’d try another easy question like when exactly did the Tribunal begin?

    Mysteriously, we are not allowed to know this. When I asked why, I was informed that:

    “The hearing was in private and it is possible that the identities of certain witnesses could be anonymised in the decision notice. So no details of names of witnesses or dates of proceedings can be released at present. The reason dates are confidential is that disclosure could enable identification of who attended.”

    So apparently telling us the start and finish date could lead to witnesses being identified. I fail to understand any logic to this and the press office has failed thus far to explain any reason.

    Nor can they explain any reason – reasonable or not – why witnesses need to be anonymous in the first place?

    It is not a trial it is an appeal in effect. But it is a judicial process and justice is about being seen to be done. The process of appeal courts, crown courts, civil courts, magistrates’ courts, sheriff courts, public inquiries – the judicial process is open. So why are Tax Tribunals so avowedly secret?

    Again, no explanation to date.

    What many people want to know is what has delayed the Tribunal? We know there’s been a problem because both Tribunals press office and HMRC told Channel 4 News that the decision was expected “shortly after Easter”.

    Here we are, three months on or so, not a hint of explanation at this (very expensive) delay. I’m sure there’s a perfectly straightforward explanation. So why can’t we know it?


    Yet again, week in, week out, the Tribunals press office simply ducks the question. In the end they seemed to get a wee bit testy about anyone asking simple questions:

    “I’m afraid the tribunal have declined to give any further information in this case until judgment is given,” wrote a press officer last week.

    I can tell you they have received no complaints about the Big Tax Case from the HMRC about which there were various dark rumours in recent months – but as to when any decision will happen – who knows?

    So I can only apologise for this rather Kafka-esque tale. I’ve tried and as I have left our shores for a while it seemed only fair to answer people who’ve asked what is going on?

    Of course I haven’t answered, just passed on your questions. I don’t doubt that justice is being done as to whether Rangers FC’s tax arrangements were in order.

    But I have very serious doubts that justice is being seen to be done and the taxpayers are owed an explanation.


  5. This is getting silly.

    1. Rangers ceased to be a "club" in 18-whatever when they incorporated as a limited company. They later became a PLC. The idea that there is/was a "club" existing in parallel to the "company" is just plain wrong.

    [Pause for tasteless joke involving Andy Goram].

    2. The debate about history is totally pointless. As Winston Churchill knew, history is written by the winners. Only time will tell who are the winners here, but my money is not on Sevco/Rangers.

    Controversial :o

  6. f**k the ICT Chairman. I'm not just saying that cos i'm a Staggie either.

    I second that. He's no fool, he has made a very calculated statement of intent for Monday.

    The silver lining is he's blown the whole illusion that ICT were acting out

    of anything other than short term self interest,and fully expected the SFL to play along.

    He's abandoned that game altogether, and is inviting other clubs to shed their false colours.

    Now we'll find out in short order which other clubs are prepared to bend the knee.

    Monday could see a few cartwheels I'm afraid.

  7. STV News ‏@STVNews

    Green also describes SFL decision to put newco Rangers into Third Division as the 'ultimate punishment' for the club http://bit.ly/MpxQFM

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    What planet are they from?

    Judging by SevcoMedia, Uranus.

    Record books surely about to be re-written.

    just having a look at the fixture list for us in SFL3 really hits home what these games are going to be like.... home games against teams playing with part-time players, high school boys & the local milkman :lol:

    Some of these games will descend into farce with scorelines regularly exceeding 7-0.

    There surely must be all sorts of world records Rangers can add in there along with our unrivalled 54 championships.

  8. My view is this is a last desperate attempt to jeopardise proceedings.

    Both Airdrie and Dundee know it will be suicide now to vote "yes". But to vote "no" leaves the door open for a potential legal challenge to the vote on the premise that they both have a conflict of interest (forget the fact, even if it is true, that so do Dunfermline technically who could potentially regain their SPL spot - and for that matter did Rangers during the SPL vote). Rangers have already shown they don't care about FIFA's prohibition on settling sporting matters in courts of law.

    It wouldn't matter if the end vote saying "no" to I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Rangers (thanks for copying my joke today, Daily Telegraph!) was a massive majority so that two votes wouldn't count either way. It wouldn't matter that it would be a case that Rangers could never hope to win. It would allow that spiv Green to go to court and seek an injunction on the start of the SFL/Ramsdens Cup unless he got his own way, at massive cost to the clubs and buying Sevco 5088 more time, which right now is their biggest concern.

    If that is the plan - and the Hampden beaks behaviour has been so disgracefully against the interests of the other clubs to date that I would not put this skulduggery past them - this could get even messier.

    If that is the case, then they could avoid the issue by abstaining I guess.

    Time is not on Sevco's side though.

    Time is money.

  9. Anyone else feeling genuinely nervous about the vote?

    Football's been a huge, huge part of my life for over 25 years now and, with a kid on the way, something I was hoping to take him / her along to. Now it all comes down to today and I'm genuinely feeling worried about the whole thing.

    f**k yeah.

    I stupidly told the wife if they rigged the game to get Sevco in, I'm walking.

    This is a battle for the soul of Saturday Afternoon.


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