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Everything posted by unitedbino

  1. Saturday already feels like a huge game. Win and it could set the tone for another enjoyable season. Lose and I worry that the feel-good factor of last season and the League Cup run will start to fade.
  2. I was expecting a really difficult season. I still expect we'll be 'down there,' and we'll get cuffed at least a couple times, but I reckon we'll be really competitive
  3. Sensational day. Anyone else starting to re-assess their expectations for this season? I realise that is probably foolish, but still - it's been such an encouraging start!
  4. We kind of fell out the game a bit in the second half today, but very encouraged by our performances so far. Would still like an out-and-out winger to be signed, though
  5. That was very encouraging. Didn't look out of our depth against a team surely targeting playoffs again this season. If anything, I think we edged it. Referee was a shambles. Have no idea what the Alloa freekick was for and really not sure about our penalty. But on the whole, we have a solid team that clearly has good foundations from last season, while Hilson and Milne have added quality. Really positive.
  6. Will we be able to pay at the gate at the Recs tomorrow night?
  7. Unfortunately couldn't make it today. How did we play? Bit gutted when news of the late equaliser came through
  8. It's nice (and I will be purchasing). I was hoping for something a bit crazier, though
  9. Yeah, got the Trust renewal email. And also got my season ticket one last night. All good! Alloa and Falkirk away in our first three fixtures!
  10. Hmmmmm ok. Should I be concerned that I haven't received anything?
  11. I know there's stuff happening with the site and a new ticket partner, but this doesn't feel like it's been handled very well.
  12. I'd quite like to be able to renew my season ticket at some point soon...
  13. Here I was wondering why it was so quiet on here... and then I find out you're all in a new L1 thread!
  14. How many Dales does your club have? If it's fewer than two, I don't want to hear about it
  15. Fans are obviously free to vote however they like, but I would strongly encourage others to vote against. I know some might feel it doesn't affect us much, but besides our greater duty to Scottish football, the introduction of colt teams won't stop with this new 'Conference League.' You can guarantee that before too long there will be a proposal to push these teams into the top four leagues, and then it very much affects us. If Celtic/Rangers truly had the development of Scottish talent in mind, they'd be playing kids in these dead rubber games at the end of this season (Postecoglou still playing team full of internationals in meaningless games). They are trying to dupe us all. Don't fall for it.
  16. Congrats to Spartans, but sad to see Albion Rovers go. The SPFL will feel weird without them.
  17. I like that we're getting so much business done while plenty other teams are still playing matches. I just really hope the new signings improve the first team. We need a bit more quality in some key areas to survive.
  18. 8 matches against Alloa/Falkirk next season. You love to see it.
  19. We're kinda talking about different things. But yes, theft is theft. Would have been justifiable to get cops involved.
  20. Mate, this is boring. You're the only person on here incapable of having an actual discussion. My thoughts are pretty simple - trouble-makers should be weeded out. Any misbehaviour - like we saw against Forfar or Albion Rovers - should be condemned by the club. Anything criminal is a police matter (where the club can assist where possible). But any notion of banning the 1945 group as a whole is heavy-handed and unnecessary. Let's look for actual solutions, one of which would be to open up a terrace where they could be contained (I'd imagine the 1945 would also like having a section to themselves).
  21. I'd be more than happy to be part of a group of volunteers to help get them ready over the summer
  22. Why shouldn't an entire group of fans be arrested because one of them stole a scarf? Is that a real question?
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