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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the best programme so far of the festive season. John's reaction to Sherlock coming back from the dead was brilliant.
  2. Look. A fucking massive hole: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-25554549 Peak District sinkhole appears in Foolow, Derbyshire Local caver Mark Noble said two similar holes appeared near the site at Foolow in the 1970s A large sinkhole has appeared in part of the Peak District in Derbyshire. The hole, which eye witnesses said measures about 160ft (49m) wide, has opened up in the village of Foolow. Caver Mark Noble, 58, from Eyam, said he saw the hole during a walk on Christmas Day, but believes the land began to fall the day before. He said he has explored the caves at Foolow in the past as huge cavities were left in the area from an old lead mine. Mr Noble saw the giant hole during a walk with his wife Wendy on Christmas Day Mr Noble said: "It's quite a large hole and it's getting bigger all the time. It's probably increased by about 10% since it opened up. "It is quite interesting but there are two other similar large holes that appeared about half a mile away from this one in the 1970s, so it's not a new thing." Eyewitnesses say the sinkhole is about 160ft (49m) wide
  3. For me, one of the most touching scenes is when the German general is giving a speech to the men after they've been captured by the Allies, and Liebgott translates it as it's being made: "Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond, that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace."
  4. Eccleston doesn't have anything to do with Who since he jacked it in, and I've lost a bit of respect for him for that reason. When you take on the role, surely you must be aware of what it entails? For that reason, I'll always prefer Smith and Tennent to Eccleston.
  5. ^^^ very much this I'm level 67 and I'm fucked if I'm going to put in all that donkey work again. I've been on sporadically lately and thankfully haven't seen any modders while I've been on.
  6. Having just watched it a 2nd time on the I Player, I'm not QUITE as angry as I was when it finished last night. I still think it was very confusing in places and Moffat could have done a far better job, but a few questions I had got answered on second viewing.
  7. He has a new regeneration cycle, so I took that as he now has another 12.
  8. Guess I must be alone in my opinion. I thought that was a steaming pile of horseshit. As is so often the case with Doctor Who Christmas specials, I was left very very disappointed. Very poorly written, disjointed in places, Clara's family were predictable and dreadful and so many things were just left without explanation. Plus Matt Smith's prosthetics were shite. The only saving grace was the regen energy coming through the crack in the sky and Peter Capaldi.
  9. He is very hit and miss. Dee dee, Jacqueline McCafferty and Falconhoof are usually all good, not so keen on his stuff where he's talking to the camera though...
  10. Can't wait for this. The below might be the funniest sketch I have ever seen in a TV show in my life. Me and the Mrs were still laughing at it an hour after it finished...
  11. It is, as has been said above, (imo) the greatest piece of television ever. It's fantastically well written, doesn't pull any punches and is full of likeable characters. Damien Lewis is superb as Captain Dick Winters, a true leader of men. f**k it, I'm going to watch this again over Christmas. Currahee!!!!!
  12. Best of luck to Kenny, hope he does a great job. Also, on checking Morton's website, I uncovered this little gem. 10. Backroom Staff :: Alyson Hendry's profile Name Alyson Hendry Position Physiotherapist Wid.
  13. I'd argue it is a great show. That is all.
  14. That was an intense hour of television. I'm glad the Governor got his, but wee Megan
  15. If anything, he was an even bigger c**t in Still Game. Watching him ham it up and trying to force a weegie accent was horrendous viewing.
  16. Sylvester McCoy, for me, was by far and away the worst Doctor Who of all. He turned the Doctor into a ridiculous little court jester. The actor seems like a c**t as well.
  17. We all know how awful your taste in women is, you ancient broken wreck.
  18. Well, we all know how awful your taste in women is, young man.
  19. You clearly need to visit your local optician.
  20. Now THERE'S a shout. River Song has been a fucking awful character, with the "hello sweetie" chat and the pouting. I got sick of the sight of her very quickly.
  21. As a lifelong Doctor Who fan, this, for me, is the most emotional scene in the history of the programme. You almost feel it's Tennant having second thoughts..
  22. That's the Father of the guy who waited at the barriers...
  23. Can we save the arguements for another thread please? Let's for once all just be together on one thing? It's a fucking heart wrenching situation and the police, fire crews and general public did and still are doing a tremendous job.
  24. Did anyone hear the reporter on the BBC haranguing the chief fire officer? Were there injuries? What did they look like? Yeah but how badly were they injured? What were the injuries like? Dick.
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