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Everything posted by smpar

  1. My girlfriend went to the cinema earlier and has just come back with ice cream. 8th of December. She got me Irn Bru flavoured ice cream though and it is just glorious. Sometimes, it pays to have a fucking mentalist for a girlfriend.
  2. People are absolutely desperate to blame Nicola Sturgeon/Alex Salmond/The SNP for anything. The comments section on any given STV article is evidence of this. Headline: Snowstorms expected in Scotland before Christmas "This is yet another failing of STURGEON or should I say JIMMY CRANKY when will she acsept responsibility you LOST in 2014 GET OVER IT!!!1!!"
  3. The whole "they didn't ask me to stop so it can't have been that bad for them" claim by McCafferty is one of the most repulsive things I've ever heard.
  4. Tired of being pushed about. #stoppedpushing
  5. I know what you mean, but clubs offering sums of £50,000 'hush money' suggests that they were well aware of how severe it was.
  6. Aye, I can only see this as the start of it all. It certainly looks like there are several more cases yet to be reported.
  7. Just read Tam McManus' take on the McCafferty. Apart from not quite getting the difference between 'did' and 'done,' it's a very interesting* read. *for all the wrong reasons, obviously
  8. Partick Thistle involved now. John Hart allegedly sacked over the allegations but they didn't contact the police. Sickening. Can't see this slowing down any time soon either.
  9. Christ, just noticed he has a rep of over NEGATIVE 2000. Rep points, by and large, count for f**k all on here but surely that's an indication that he's a spamming b*****d and should be banned permanently. He's doing absolutely nobody any favours by continuing to post, certainly not himself.
  10. Do you work with Mindy Simmons? "Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts."
  11. Like BSA says, scrap work (if you can) and spend some time with him.
  12. That obviously isn't me. I don't wear my best tracksuit to go shopping.
  13. On the supermarket thing, I'm sure there's some sort of psychology in the music they play that somehow encourages you to buy more. I also thought the reason for putting cheaper things lower down is so that the dearer items are at eye level.
  14. Really sorry to hear that. It's a horrible thing to go through. Was he diagnosed long ago?
  15. My one and only win came on New Year's Day, 2012. It's nice to know that I was once P&B's top contributor for the entire year.
  16. This stuff is fucking delightful. Highly recommended.
  17. Watched this earlier. Apparently the item is added to your basket (linked to your Amazon account) as soon as you pick it up off the shelf? How does that work? How does it know whose account is picking up what? Hopefully this isn't operated by the same fuckers who make the self serve checkouts at ASDA or the world will go into meltdown.
  18. Have to say I'm intrigued about how Hearts are going to be under Cathro, and I do hope he's somewhat of a success after Boyd's article. He's going to be under so much scrutiny though, there'll be an overload on analysis with every goal scored and sub that is made in a Hearts game now.
  19. It's being reported that he chose boys to molest if they performed poorly at training. Sounds like there could be numerous victims in this case alone. Horrible, horrible man.
  20. Must be one of those fancy, new mud-less 3G pitches.
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