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Everything posted by smpar

  1. He wasn’t to blame for the goal against Thistle tbf. The ref had 4 chances to blow for a foul before they scored and bottled it. It’s true that he didn’t have any outstanding games for us though. Saying that, I’d be happy with him signing even though you can expect the odd mistake from him.
  2. I know it’s old news for some but just finished Money Heist. I thought it was absolutely brilliant, but some parts were a bit far-fetched and even silly at times. The first two series were absolutely brilliant, it’s very well thought-out. The third series has some poorer moments/episodes but it picks up again towards the end.
  3. It’ll be interesting to see O’Hara’s interview. If he gives it the massive club patter and genuinely seems ambitious I’m sure he’ll win a lot of people over.
  4. On paper we could end up having a very decent starting XI for this league but I can see squad depth being an issue. That’s only to be expected though, just about every other club will be the same.
  5. Nisbet has a far superior season - albeit in League One - compared to O’Hara. 10 goals in the Championship is not to be sniffed at right enough. The
  6. OWF Comrie - Murray - Watson - Martin Dow - Whittaker - Turner - Thomas McManus - O’Hara That’s our potential starting XI for next season, unless I’m missing anyone?
  7. A lot of credit to the board here, signing Nisbet on a 2-year deal, knowing that he’d be away after the first season, was a smart move. Cost us f**k all to bring him in as well. Looking forward to us making a mint when Hibs sell him to Huddersfield for £5m next season.
  8. If we do sign O’Hara, both he and the club need to address the Shiels incident as soon as possible. It’d leave an extremely bitter taste if both parties just ignored it and hoped nobody remembers him for that. Even if he does apologise early on, he’d still have a lot of work to do
  9. Aye he’s released a statement saying they’re staying together, and that his mental health was in tatters. I’m still not too comfortable with his initial statement, and the whole “I’m doing well” thing but I hope he gets the help he clearly needs.
  10. Bizarre of him to talk about what a good place he is in and how well he’s doing, knowing how public it is going to be that he is a domestic abuser. There was also a real insinuation from him that he’s innocently battling mental health challenges, prompting an outpouring of sympathy for him, which really doesn’t sit right at all.
  11. Just back from big Tesco and I’d say about 10% of us had a face covering on. At one point I noticed 15/16 people across 2 aisles not wearing a covering.
  12. I’d let you stay at mine.
  13. Someone hanging off a cliff edge or out of an aircraft etc, and being pulled up to safety. Annoys me even more when they lose grip and they still manage to get a hold of their hand again to pull them up.
  14. At least the little handicapped fella is able minded. Unless he’s not, it’s difficult to tell with the wheelchair ones.
  15. Music is definitely overrated but I find him funny. He's not taking himself too seriously and just enjoying himself while he can. I can see why people think he's trying too hard but I find him pretty inoffensive. The only thing I find irritating about him is describing his hometown, Bathgate, as being "just outside Glasgow."
  16. Also, on Tim being a kiss-arse because he went for a drink with David after Anne's snide comments, it seems that he does it to spite Anne. I do think it's another display of compassion to David with his need to be liked, but it also looks like a way of sticking the finger up to Anne, to prove her wrong that David does have friends and people do want to go for a drink with him.
  17. I read the Muppets scene as Tim having a bit of compassion for David; he knows David is desperate to be liked and to join in so he probably just finds it a bit heartwarming to see Brent involved in a wee bit of harmless fun. Tim clearly can’t be arsed with the job he’s doing, let alone as a branch manager, even if he will get a few extra quid. He knows his heart just wouldn’t be in it whereas the promotion would mean a lot to Gareth.
  18. Apart from crimes against comedy.
  19. I don’t think the amount (whatever that was) was the issue. The problem was the timing; Nisbet leaving on or just before deadline day left us with hee haw time to find a replacement. The sensible thing was to hold onto him for the rest of the season.
  20. I’d be upset if the club accepted the first, undoubtedly unacceptable, price they’re offered for Nisbet when the buying club can afford to spend a lot more than they’ll initially offer.
  21. A very simple reason for that; some people have appeared to be genuinely angry at the club. He’s a long way off the “seething” type stuff you refer to.
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