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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Tbf that's usually a good sign. Quite a few players have left us with shite reports and gone on to do well at other clubs. It feels like that's the case, anyway.
  2. Adam’s pretty much on the money there, from what I saw of Blair. Looks like the ability was there to be a match winner but seemed to shy away more often than not. Tbf our entire squad performed to a sub-standard level last season so he may be better than that. Decent from a set piece.
  3. If at least one player or coach didn’t shout that when the own goal went in I’m looking for a new club to support.
  4. Joe Thomson starting for the reserves vs Dundee United. It will be great to have him back in the team soon.
  5. Derek Stillie is standing as the Tory candidate for Ayrshire Central in the General Election. I mind the chant “you’ll never be a lawyer.” “You’ll never be an MP” doesn’t quite have the same ring.
  6. I did the same tour circa 2008 and was told exactly that, probably from the same boy tbh. I can’t remember anything about the dressing rooms but certainly heard the same thing about Rangers and Celtic’s buses coming from the west and east side of the ground respectively. I’m sure I’ve noticed since then that their fans always have the same end of the stadium, with surplus supporters spilling into the ‘other’ end if they’re playing a team with fewer fans.
  7. I thought I was missing something when that happened. When he said it’d cost a tenner to replace I was expecting her to suggest something shit like £1 and eventually settle for around a fiver but she went straight in with £12 like a fucking diddy. What’s the WhatsApp story?
  8. I thought I was missing something when that happened. When he said it’d cost a tenner to replace I was expecting her to suggest something shit like £1 and eventually settle for around a fiver but she went straight in with £12 like a fucking diddy.
  9. Just about. Also funny watching Lottie settle for £60, for Tommy to step in with £40 and flip a coin with the seller to decide whether it’s £40 or £50, and the former take the huff even though the latter saved a tenner. She’s a whinging wee cow and can’t stand it when people don’t do what she says.
  10. 2 home wins on the bounce is good form, but it's still only 2 out of 5, with Queens only winning 1 in 5 away from home. I wasn't at the game tonight but I don't see why we'd need to change anything, although I don't think Crawford is too sure about the best combination of central midfielders.
  11. Poor old Dick is getting all mixed up in that case! He said it was him and Paton who signed Crawford.
  12. Nice wee interview with Dick Campbell on Sportsound there. He was told it’s around 833 games he’s had as a manager, he just replied “aye, ah‘ve made an arse eh a few eh them!” He was talking so sincerely of Dunfermline as well, I didn’t realise he and Paton actually signed Stevie Crawford.
  13. Looks like a flat 442 from us? Can’t imagine Turner and Paton will be anything other than alongside each other, with Turner given more freedom to get forward. Nisbet and Ryan has the potential to be a brilliant partnership up front, no reason they can’t get enough service from Turner, Down and Kiltie.
  14. Two easily avoidable goals then. Cracking effort from Ryan off the bar and Ashcroft channelling his inner Matt Taylor with that volley.
  15. And then the next week you owe two thousand pounds, and then the next week you owe three thousand pounds.
  16. She just seems content enough to make a suggestion, appear passionate about it and go in the huff when they (rightly) go with something else. As long as she looks all passionate about her own ideas, it minimises the accountability on her part if/when the final products turns out to be a pile of shite. Tommy was very lucky this week that there was at least another person more shit than him. Not selling the bikes was a big mistake for him, but I think he's also been saved by the fact that Sugar can see potential in him. Next week he *should* do really well; nothing to design, create or pitch, just to blag some random shite on the cheap. He'll win this round for his team single-handedly IMO.
  17. Fucking no chance were retailers collectively spunking £1million on that piece of shite.
  18. Lottie’s sole approach to this is to spit out random ideas and then if it goes tits up she can stand back and say “they just ignored me.” It’s common for contestants on this to not give a f**k if their team loses as long as they can shove someone under the bus, but she fucking excels at that particular tactic.
  19. I'm surprised the Club Photos thread hasn't stirred up more drama tbh, there's bound to be dozens of posters who have appeared on that (and haven't admitted it).
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