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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. Picture it - you're a policeman coming to the last hour of the hellish nightshift. One last call before clocking out. Reports of a domestic on the other side of Airdrie. The headlights illuminate the empty streets as your meatwagon snakes through the housing schemes. Your sat nav takes you to a grubby Airdrie block of flats. You don't like this part of town. You never have. The graffiti-covered closey door is open. You carefully tread between the broken bottles and syringes, like playing schemey twister. You tip-toe up the concrete steps as quietly as your boots will allow. The walkie-talkie's beeping reverberating around this concrete chamber. Your head turns as you reach the top floor. No.18 reveals itself to your left, the muffled sound of shouting can be heard through the walls.

    You open the door and find yourself on the landing. A solitary lightbulb swings from the roof, accompanied only by a moth. The floor creaks with each step. The shouting grows louder. You turn the handle on the livingroom door, one step, two steps inside... The shouting stops.

    BOOF! You are booted in the bollocks by Paul McGowan.

    That, ladies and gents. Is why he is our best player.

    F**k sake, you just beat me to it.

  2. Tommy has been full time with the club since the beginning of last season. He's Head of Media & Press Relations. However, the outward facing stuff is the smaller part of his work now. He's very busy with technology on the coaching side now.

    I think the club Facebook page has improved a lot, and especially on match days. Twitter maybe doesn't get the attention it requires. Kenny Ross does the live updates, and it's a thankless job I hate on the rare occasion I have to fill in. Kenny does it far better than I do. It's a fair point about the banner dating back to the pitch invasion though.

    As for United... I've said enough about them.

    Take your point on match-reports, but there's absolutely no denying our website and 'fan app' are shockingly ineffective vehicles for communication. Social media is a different thing all together — there should be someone doing this full-time if we're actually looking to grow our fanbase. We shouldn't be looking at what other SPFL clubs are doing, we should be looking down South to see how the bigger clubs are doing it (cheaply, too).

    On the other side, it's not long ago we were in the doldrums of Scottish football, so this sort of thing comes with time.

  3. The bitching between ludo and g_man really is tedious.

    Logged in tonight and with so many unread posts I thought something interesting must have happened!

    The sexual tension between these two has been brewing for years. Once the stars align and they finally ride each others tits aff, peace will be restored and we can all move on.

  4. We won't catch you imo. We had more chance of keeping ahead of St Johnstone but their results at tannadice and Celtic park put that to bed.

    Accies will probably scrape top 6 but Killie might be worrying the edges along with Dundee.

    Realistically I think we will wind up 7th at best. Hopefully I'm wrong though!

    We're going to fucking pump the hi-vis wearing guttersnipes over the road.

    Strap yourself in, Deefiant, we're top 6 bound.

  5. Rumple has summed up the situation fairly and succinctly.

    That's at least twice this season they've tried to stir up drama from absolutely nothing. I appreciate the necessity to try and sell papers, however there's a fine line between exaggerating stories and simply fabricating information to generate content. I stopped buying it (along with their abismal sister paper the 'Tully') long before I moved out of the City and it has saddened me to see both publications slide to such lows. Like it or not, these newspapers have been part of Dundee culture for many years now and to see them get it so badly wrong (again at the expense of Dundee FC) is a reflection of DC Thompson's unquestionably low standards.

    To summarise in language they might understand; The Courier is a tartan Tory, Dundee United infested journalistic sewer overflowing with a substandard and quite frankly outdated approach to reporting.

    Edit: typo

  6. I quite like the idea of walking around the highlands without the impending fear of being mauled by a wild animal, so I'm going to propose an alternative solution.

    According to various scientific and socio-economic predictions (see UN, WHO and Unicef), the decreasing availability of food and the subsequent shortages in the Western World will increase towards a natural tipping-point around 2025. This is obviously already a problem in other parts of the world, but we could potentially turn the overpopulation of deer into a subsidised source of sustenance for our society, addressing the problem before it reaches crisis point.

    Couple these bleak predictions with the reality that Iain Davidson is out of contract at Dundee in just a short matter of months, I propose that we combine a National Treasure with a National Concern and kill two birds (and thousands of deer) with one solitary, socially challenged stone.

    The answer is simple; equip Iain Davidson with a pair of night-vision goggles, an emergency flair gun and a machete and reintroduce him into the wild.

    Not only will he serve as a natural means of population control for the deer, he'll help the surrounding species and environment from being degraded. When the resulting pile of deer carcases reaches a certain, pre-agreed quantity, he would simply use his flair gun to alert conservation specialists who would gather the resources and distribute to communities accordingly. No need for human contact or unnecessary risk; this solution is cheap and relatively* safe.

    We would be protecting our countryside, feeding our children and keeping an honourable gent in work.

    *I acknowledge that an encounter with Davo may result in substantial injury, loss or damage, but local farmers could be paid an annual fee to help account for any disturbance to their estate.

  7. Oh, Craig.

    Let me explain this as you seem to be missing the point. The club is addressing an incorrect perception regarding our 'support', i.e. a collective, not an individual person or case.

    The implication (obviously... ) being that sectarianism is not – and has never been in my lifetime, at least – an issue at Dundee. It absolutely, undeniably isn't institutionalised as suggested in the article.

    Yes; it is true that every club suffers from the odd idiot; this isn't what DCT or the Club are talking about though. The Courier have labelled Dundee fans, specifically those that sit in the South Enclosure, as bigots and that is entirely baseless.

    Anyway, to lighten the mood, here's an image of a scribble I found on a wall in a pub in London:


  8. Surely after a few games the cardboard cutouts will be half fucked? I imagine a few will be broken in half or headless after McGinn smashes the ball into them as he defends. Or if we're shooting towards the Bobby Cox then I imagine a few will broken from a Gary Irvine cross.

    To be honest, it's easily the stupidest thing I've heard suggested at Dundee in a long time (and that's really saying something). Don't imagine it will actually happen.

    I fucking hope not anyway...

    I think you've got to destroy Tan's soul. I'm not sure how to go about doing it though.

    Two tickets to Les Misérables and lots of viagra.

  9. It would not increase his managerial stock, unless he done a good job. Simply accepting the job won't enhance it. It's all very simple to understand tbh.

    Then we'll need to agree to disagree, pal.

    Every year you see the same terrible football managers ping-ponging their way around the leagues, hired purely on the back of their previous roles. Why was Ole hired in the first place? Because of his name.

    If Paul Harley gets this (obviously much higher profile job), then his name will be better known within these circles and by the bigger clubs.

  10. Are you implying Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's managerial stock has risen?

    No, I'm making the very specific point outlined in my reply to you.

    There is no mention of Solskaer in my post as we're talking about the individual case of Paul Hartley, even if they were a direct comparison you're overcomplicating something quite simple.

    He'd be silly to take the job IMO (if he's even been approached), but you're deluding yourself in thinking Cardiff isn't a much higher profile job (that would invariably increase his managerial standing).

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