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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. On 07/12/2016 at 21:17, RossDee01 said:

    We've got the most depth out of anyone in the bottom half of the league, there's no need to go out and spend in January.

    Nope; completely disagree with this one.

    Sorry, I like you but that just isn't the truth. Simply put, we have shite squad — probably the weakest it's been since Hartley took charge. I know none of us want that to be the case, but our starting 11(?) jsut isn't good enough to pull us away from the relegation spot, so why would our bench be even anywhere near that? The ones that we do have — Low (decent player), Loy (proven to not be good enough)... McPake (a good player but pretty old and suffering from a terrible injury record... ); even if they were capable of competing for first-team places, we don't have enough of them to help us in any meaningful way. We need to properly strengthen in midfield for us to stand a change of staying up this season.

    This squad of players should be good enough to finish above some of the shite in this league, and if they don't at the end of the season then serious questions will have to be answered.

    I'm a little bit worried about the lack of goals but hopefully they will come. No need to do a Yinited and buy every tom dick and harry and still go doon

    We don't have that time.

    The questions have already been asked, over and over and over again. We are where we are, and we need to get a few bodies in to move us forward.

    Just my opinion, but that's the situation I feel we're in. Happy to be proven wrong but I think we need a solid midfielder — someone considerably better than McGowan, O'Hara and Vincent...

    Doom and gloom. Thank you.


  2. Oh dear.

    Just when when I thought this whole debacle couldn't get more ridiculous... There is literally no acceptable reason for that image to have been removed. It was funny, and in no way offensive. 

    Why is everyone so sensitive these days? P&B never used to be this precious... if you can't take a joke or laugh at yourself, stay away from the internet. And certainly don't post on a fucking football forum where people actively enjoy doing such things.

    F*ck sake, Pie and Bovril.

  3. Okay.

    As I'm not much of an active member on the board these days, I'm quite careful to not get drawn into tit-for-tat. Actually, I've not done an MS Paint drawing in almost two years. This subject, however, has annoyed me and I think it's worth covering.

    It's all been said in this thread, so I'll get straight down to business and let the drawing do the talking.

    I call this one 'Caught Brown-Handed'.


    As we all know, Bobby Skidmarks is a pretty prominent member of our fine community. What many of you don't know, however, is that Bobby is a sex worker.

    The cold, hard streets of Polwarth are a difficult place to ply his trade. Inflation is rising, demand is shrinking and the area has changed. Times are tough; especially when there are people out to get you. With Red Dots. Luckily, Bobby's pimp, Raul, is an understanding c**t that doesn't give the faintest glimmer of a f**k regarding complaints. Unless, that is, it gets in the way of Bobby selling his Fanny Posters — 'Posters of Famous Fannies'.

    Regardless, the unfortunate set of circumstances that tried to fling Oor Boab off his sales target, also flung a few spanners in the works. Spanners that were scented, shaped and flavoured like shit.

    Human shit.

    Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this and that it reminds you to play nice.

    Thank you.

  4. Genuinely no idea who's playing next Friday. Assume the dayglos are playing some other seaside-league dwelling, fizzy-pop pub team?

    Also, serious question: were you actually born in 1975, or is that the exact Pantone reference of your facial colour following Craig Wightons last-gasp goal on Beautiful Monday (the game which relegated your team at Dens Park)? Little design joke there for you.

    If 1975 is indeed your year of birth, then that puts you in your early 40's. That is utterly tragic stuff.

    Anyway, enjoy your weekend.


  5. 2 hours ago, bobbycoxblue said:

    Dees stick together.. it's our way.
    We all know how easy the other lot over the road divide and crumble . Let harmony beak out emoji259.png

    Amen, brother.

    Btw can I just say, I fucking loved that 'Craigy Wighton scored the goal that sent the b*****ds down' song that broke out in the Derry on Saturday.

    Thank you.

  6. Hold on a minute.

    Not taking sides, but G_Man1985 does get a lot of unnecessary abuse. He's an annoying c**t sometimes but so is pretty much everyone else on this forum, including myself. 

    If you're going to give it out, don't have a tantrum when he gives it back IMO.

    Thank you.

  7. 54 minutes ago, D TOTAL said:

    Why do I feel I keep reading the same article every couple of months??

    You are. We all are. A few days ago, Hartley said something along the lines of, 'we need to stop saying we're good enough and do our talking on the pitch.' 

    Three days later he's back to saying, 'I have a terrific bunch of lads that are great to work with. I will keep encouraging them, continue training the way we have been doing – we just need a wee break.'


  8. To be honest, it's about this time that we usually sack our manager and replace him with a random figure from our past anyway. I think this time around, we should do something different. Let's sack Hartley and replace him with thee random figures from our past. Here are my suggestions for this triple-threat managerial tag team:

    Keith Wright; currently coaching Penicuik Athletic.
    Shaun McSkimming; did some coaching at Peterhead and is now a professional wrestler.
    Eddie Annand; plays for Arthurlie and runs a car hire company.

    Between them, they've got everything we need. Keith can be the brains, Shaun can be the enforcer, and Eddie can use his car firm to shuttle players about before and after games.

    Onwards and upwards, aye.

  9. Hartley has now lost my backing. The reason is simple; he's persisting with shite like Williams and Yordi. Even with a win of Wednesday (which at the moment seems impossible), I'll not be convinced he really knows what he's doing — he's gotten himself into a right mess with this squad, gamble after gamble will eventually end in disaster and I think that's what we're now seeing. I said it last week, but if the board are looking to retain his services then they really need to be strong and get him fucking telt.

    Not calling for his head, but I'm done sticking up for him.


  10. 12 hours ago, RawB93 said:

    Georgios Efrem scored in the Europa league tonight. Remember him?..

    We took him and Andrew Shinnie from Rangers on loan. Both good players for us and remember being disappointed when Efrem moved on. Think he only played a few games before going to Greece or Turkey or somewhere similar, and Shinnie stayed on a little longer... also think that was Jocky that got them in from his pal Valter Schmeeth?

    Fat c**t, thon Valter boy.

  11. 3 hours ago, The Master said:

    But not until quite a few games into the season. Even a year ago at this time a lot of us thought he was an absolute donkey because he missed sitters - Dunfermline in the League Cup is one that springs to mind. It wasn't until just before Christmas he finally found his shooting boots.


    2 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

    I like Gomis. Likes to play the ball on the deck, looks confident and seems pretty solid. The games I've seen him play don't think he does to bad.


    1 hour ago, K.T said:


    I hope at least one of our strikers does the same thing.



    Thank you.

  12. 19 minutes ago, srw said:

    I even highlighted key words. Theres no guarantee things will improve under a new manager, but Id take the chance.

    Hartley has been poor throughout 2016, not only this season. How long should he be given?

    Take a moment and think about this.

    You're right; we've had an absolutely terrible start to the season. Personally, I find Hartley to be arrogant and utterly unwilling to admit when he's got things wrong. His post-match interviews make so angry that I question what game he's been watching... however, he's the best we've had in a long, long time. We're not going to get a better manager than Hartley, and I think you're being pretty short-term with the old 'sack and replace' rat-race that has poisoned football for decades now. I'd rather fix the problems with Paul Hartley, than go back to square one in the blind hope that we'll stumble on some temporary success. The whole point in this John Nelms experiment was to build and develop the club over time.

    Do you remember the circumstances in which Bomber was brought to the club? I feel like we could be back to that type of miserable scenario, should Hartley get the punt. The clubs infrastructure is night and day compared to then and we have more to build on. The solution, in my humble opinion, is this: the board must step up and put a rocket up Hartleys arse, tell him to lose the attitude and concentrate on bringing a few loan signings to bring us to safety. The squad is no where near strong enough to compete week-in, week out and that's where we need to focus our efforts.

    It pains me to say it, but our season isn't going to climax with a top 6 finish or cup win — the goal is to avoid relegation. Hartley can still achieve this.

    Edit: typo

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