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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. 16 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

    Well this is it, as I said earlier, if you make it more of a complex then it increases your revenue streams, you put a bookies in as part of the complex then say we get 6000 attending a game, the majority being men who like a flutter, house always wins! Then if you add the guest rooms, most fans would like to stay there at some point, even away fans for a friday night game.

    Just a thought but Speroni could open another one of his restaurants, it would be a gold mine.

    Soapy Soutar could also run one of the pubs — we could call the whole plot of land The Derryplex. A walled, Dark Blue fortress designed to celebrate (and encourage) DDYB culture.

    Also, the more I think about it, the more statues we need. We should have each member of our 'Hall of Fame' immortalised in bronze, then distributed across the Maze. Each statue would have its own Resident Evil style puzzle that needs completing before distressed and slightly terrorised away fans can progress through The Derryplex Trials.



  2. Right, cuntos; let's get our fucking thinking hats on here, aye.

    What would you like to see at a new Dens? It's been mentioned a few pages back, but the new site is considerably bigger than the existing one. For those that aren't familiar with the piece of land in question, here's what we're talking about:


    Right next to the ice rink.

    This bothered me at first, but the more I think about it, the area isn't any better or worse than where Dens is currently located IMO. I'm trying to think if plus points and all I can come up with is that the proposed location might good for prancing popstars like Tom Hateley and Danny Williams (who will probably still be under contract) — they can swoosh around on the ice while everyone else is warming up.

    Let's look at how the areas compare in terms of size:


    As Eddie Annand always said, 'Bigger is always Better, aye.'

    The Kingsway will make it easier to get in and out, but there's a lack of good pubs in the area, sadly. Actually, there's my first request; a new clubbie. Lets put that as far away from the main road as possible to stop the regulars picking fights with moving traffic. Safety first.

    The next thing to add would be a giant statue of Bobby Cox giving the Lochee Fleet sign in the direction of Tannadice. Get it right fucking up you, United. This should be placed close to the Kingsway, so everyone entering and leaving the city is either saluted or Telt.

    Third, the stadium itself. As @Lichtie78 mentioned on the previous page, four SuperDerrys should be built to form the new ground. I'd go as far as to recess it into the ground and create old-style concrete terracing, complete with steel railings and wooden benches — none of this plastic seat shite.

    Fourth, we should put the away fans closest to the road for two important reasons. One; the noise and pollution from the road. Let those c***s soak it up while our new South facing MegaDerry gets the sun. Most importantly, though, I propose we form a 21st century garden maze that must be completed before traveling away fans are allowed entry. This should be of moderate difficulty and a challenge. We could also combine this with @jamamafegan's idea to reintroduce native species back into Scotland. Wolves, bears and lynx might be reserved for visiting OF fans.

    Various pubs and strip bars can then be slotted into the remaining spaces.

    This is roughly what I think it should look like:


    Thank you.

  3. 24 minutes ago, locheedfcno1 said:

    Is the Perth fuds always been obsessed with the mighty Dee??

    In a word; yes. 

    Oh dear, let's look at this clusterfuck of a post, one point at a time.

    14 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    No, you're wrong. A bunch of millionaire Americans with no connection to the club are willing to pile money1 into an empty space2 to keep Dundee afloat3, with no hope of getting it back, for a decade or more4.

    It's obviously a tremendously safe way to run a club.5

    They also talk about building a new stadium, personal training area and want to grow the global fan base. All hallmarks of a devoted bunch of owners, willing to be there long term...6

    In reading this, I'm going to go ahead and assume you have absolutely no understanding of what's involved in running a business.

    1. There are almost always operational losses following new ownership, particularly when you're investing in infrastructure. The day to day operations of the club are polar opposites to 10 years ago, for example. From youth set-up to odd-field activities, we're more stable than we've been for as long as I can remember.

    2. The piece of land you're referring to isn't owned by the club (as far as I'm aware), so why even mention it?

    3. Dundee are not in need of being 'kept afloat'. The purpose of the investment from FPS wasn't to 'save us', it was to move us forward over time. We were already afloat thanks to the existing directors and fan ownership. Unlike Rangers, we saved our club.

    4. This is the principle on which investment was accepted by the fan before diluting their shares. It was accepted on the basis they wouldn't be able to take money from the club until we were turning a profit.

    5. Compared to most other Premiership/Championship clubs, it's a much more sustainable model. It's a safer model than your own club, for example. And, so far, it's working.

    6. Yes — agreed.

    I know you're really, really trying to wind people up, but I think your time would be better spent looking at your own clubs fucking mental business model (see Fifespuds magnificent post above). Essentially, what I'm trying to say is shut your puss and f**k off.

    Thank you.

  4. I know for a fact that at least 2 ex-Dundee players 'regularly' read this during the Bomber Brown saga... to be fair to them, P&B was a much more vibrant place back then.

    I'd guess that quite a few of the players probably keep an eye in here. Scottish football is small and it isn't like they're in the papers every day. If any of you are reading, please relay this message to the gaffer:

    Stop playing Tom Hateley

    Thank you.

  5. 3 hours ago, Moo said:

    Looked at the recent form table and even though we've dropped silly points and played quite poorly in the last 6 games (Rangers excluded), we've dropped no ground on the top
    6 compared to the other teams around us. Thistle are the only team to match us with won 2, drawn 2 and lost 2.

    Shite stat but pleasing knowing we've been pretty poor and still not dropped ground.

    Personally, I'd rather we didn't look back at those numbers with rose-tinted glasses. We're been fucking dire to watch (Rangers game aside), we haven't been 'quite poor', we've been simply awful. I take your point statistically (and obviously that's all that really matters at the end of the day), but we really need to try maintain a similar level of performance (and formation) for the remaining games. Sunday was very encouraging, but that's literally been one of two games I've come away from Dens thinking, 'we played well'.

    The first time was against Motherwell. We literally played 'Well.

    Thank you.

  6. I think Holt's been pretty solid all season, tbh. He's been under a lot of pressure as he's had absolutely nothing in front of him.

    Just a thought.

    Eta: Hateley should be hung, drawn and quartered, with a limb hanging from each corner flag as a warning to current and future players to never be so shit.

    Thank you.

  7. What a day.

    I totally forgot to post this wee thought in the match thread earlier, so I'll do it now amongst kindred souls. 

    I just want to take a wee moment to applaud the progress of Cammy Kerr. At 21 years of age, he's become one of the first names on the team sheet each and every week. After Paul McGinn left in the summer, it was a much debated topic as to whether he was ready for first-team football, or if Hartley should put his long-term trust in him at all. Many of the younger players have had the odd game here and there, most have been short-lived. I for one am glad he did decide to recruit from within.

    We all know that he grew up supporting Dundee and that will always make him more interesting to us than the average player, but loving the club and giving 100% every game insn't what I want to congratulate him on today; it's his professionalism that I think is outstanding. He seems to get chopped down quite a bit (fairly or unfairly I'm not too concerned about here) but simply gets up and gets on with it. Doesn't look to get revenge, get silly bookings, lash out, etc, just forgets it and maintains concentration. I think this is a big part in him getting better, consistent each week and always looking to improve.

    Humble, hard working and constantly getting better. I think a lot of the players in this league could learn a thing or two from his attitude. 

    From one Dee to another, well done Cammy.

  8. 59 minutes ago, MarbellaDEE said:

    Alright lads. Having a bit of difficulty trying to get tickets for the game tomorrow. It's saying online that I don't have enough points to buy tickets for the game. Anyone know how I can sort this? Will be travelling down from Aberdeen tomorrow. Cheers

    Give the ticket office a call, they'll sort it if they can.

    01382 889966

  9. Selling club: We're all selling clubs. The reason that John Nelms said that we weren't a 'selling club' was most probably to try and milk as much from the Hemmings/Stewart deals as possible. It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to realise that. We didn't 'need' to sell, but we were always going to because it was in our best interest to take the money while we could. 

    Did it work? I've no idea — but that's almost certainly why they said it. Genuinely baffled as to why this is a point of criticism...

    Reduced prices: It's been talked about many times, but as far as I'm aware, dropping prices in Scottish football has never given improved crowds over a sustained period. Perhaps @HibeeJibeehas info on this? The only way the the cost of match-day football is going to change up here is if the SFA wake up and put some kind of cap in place. That won't ever happen as we're run by vermin like Neil Doncaster, so I wouldn't hold your breath of ever getting 'value for money' pricing at Dens or any other top-tier Scottish teams.

    Conclusion: Having a go at a set of people that have come in and stabilised a club that they've absolutely no connection with, then rightly or wrongly backed their employee to do his job, is harsh in the extreme. It isn't their fault that their manager has gone off-piste and signed utter shite like Danny Williams — Hartley is the expert in this situation and he's responsible for his recruitment, not the Americans. All they can do is trust him to do his job and back him where they can. Countless clubs up and down the country are in a horrible mess because their respective boards get involved constantly. We've had it ourselves. Couple that with our terrible record of sacking and replacing managers on a whim, which has gotten us nowhere in the past.

    I'll say it again; the only fair criticism of the Americans, IMO, is that they've been naive in allowing certain contractual clauses/deals to happen. The rest of the blame falls at the feet of the manager.

  10. 36 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    I have absolutely no problem with us selling players, and of course that's what i expect us to do. The problem I have is when owners blatantly lie by telling us we're not a selling club when of course we are. That to me shows ignorance and arrogance, and for the fees we're getting for these players makes us look like complete pushovers at the same time.

    A for my comment regarding Hartley, I want to love Hartley, I really do. I just can't anymore. We have a team of players on 3 year contracts who just aren't up to the standard. We also gave James McPake a deal before Gadzhalov so don't even get me started on that one. His stubbornness is getting us nowhere. He is convinced that his style will work and although it seems to be clear to everyone else that it isn't working, he doesn't seem like he's ever going to change. He's consistently playing formations which don't suit the players we have and is constantly playing players in positions they are not familiar with.

    I don't understand why people are happy. I can't think of any other business where a manager is given goals (win a cup in Hartleys case) yet fails miserably year after year and STILL gets full backing. Our cup performances have been shambolic recently and if anyone suggests otherwise they need a serious head shake.

    For the money we pay we deserve better. I pay my money week in week out home and away, and it's getting close to the stage where enough is enough. We're BY FAR the worst team I have seen this season and if we stay up it won't be by much.

    Smaller clubs (i.e. St Johnstone) are doing much better than us season after season so why should we accept the football we have to endure every week?

    We were outclassed by St Mirren for f**k sake.

    Hold on, that isn't what we're talking about.

    Hartley is a fucking nugget and he annoys the f**k out of me too. Your original point was about the owners. They've done what they said they'd do, they've given us stability for the first time in decades. I don't disagree with anything you've said about Hartley.

    I think the only critisism that can be made about the owners is that they're naive in terms of contracts and clauses, but to my mind they're certainly not to blame for the mess we're currently in. At least this time the circus is on the park and not the boardroom.

    Ps. I've just looked and you only joined last year so probably won't remember this unless you were reading before you signed up, but I was originally vehemently against the Americans taking over.

    3 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    You could have just said my nameemoji23.png

    But anyway, I want what's best for the club, and we are by no means an average side in this league. If you're happy paying the prices you see to watch the football you watch then fire on, but i'm not.

    You're not the only one. I read someone having a go at Bain this morning for not being a 'true Dee'.

    There are lots of you.

    Pps. Again, I've never once said I'm happy paying to watch this shite every week. My season ticket money could easily be spent elsewhere.

  11. 21 minutes ago, RossDee01 said:

    "We are not a selling club"emoji28.png

    Stewart, Hemmings and now Bain. Starting to really not trust these American owners, the fact that they never speak out is also worrying.

    Oh dear.

    What exactly are we meant to do in this situation? We're a shite, middle of the road Scottish side. Bain can easily triple his salary by going down South... of course we're a selling side, alongside most other teams in this league. If we can get some cash before he inevitably disappears, we should do it.

    Also, what exactly have the owners done to cause distrust? They've backed Hartley every year and allowed him to bring the players you mention (Stewart, Hemmings and Bain) in from utter obscurity... We've played awful football for at least two seasons now; no wonder Bain wants to go elsewhere.

  12. 4 hours ago, jamamafegan said:

    Someone's already nicked your idea.
    There is a population of wild wallabies on an island on Loch Lomond.



    21 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

    Scotland already has one of the only populations of wild wallabies outside of Australia living on an island in Loch Lomond.  Grated, probably not as handy in a scrap as a kangaroo but a few of them could probably swarm Forbes Farquhar-Belgeddes and the ilk, dishing out punishment beatings in rural Perthshire like some sort of paramilitary marsupial gang.

    I see this has already been pointed out by the above posters.


    19 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Thank you Scotland; this makes me happy.

  13. In true Scottish style, I think we should be thinking outside the box with this one, introducing something completely unexpected like the kangaroo. I'd love to drive around Pitlochry and catch a glimpse of a wild kangaroo kicking the shit out of the Hunter-Wellies wearing wanks that reside up that way. Or the fly fishers — f*ck them too. C*nts.

    Thank you.

  14. Gowser, Julen and Hateley better not start this fucking game. I'd potentially drop Wighton (I know... ) too, IMO. Can't really grumble about harry94's team, but if push came to shove I'd probably rather El Bahk (again, I know... ) in for Wighton.

    Not a lot to pick from, but if Ojamaa and Haber can do an industrial-level of clugging, maybe FEB can nip in between the cracks without getting squashed again. Or score a goal, then get squashed. 

    He'll probably just get squashed thought tbh.

    Thank you.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

    I'd prefer it if he goes at the seasons end after keeping us up. I'd consider him to have done a quite good job. Can we trust him to rebuild again? Nobody knows.

    Pretty much my thoughts.

    He's done well to get us up and keep us up IMO, but it's just too frustrating to watch the same abject performance every single week. I think he'll fall on his sword at the end of the season.

    Thank you.

  16. 30 minutes ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

    All day session on my chest. Can't say I am looking forward to this one.

    Not going to lie, I didn't enjoy having my chest done. Numbing cream won't help you on a full day session, if you're that worried, break it down into two half days. At least a 3-4 blasts has light at the end of the tunnel. I've had quite a few full days done and after about 4 hours your body just runs out of energy and there isn't much you can do about it.

    Not as bad as the armpit, mind. Or under the knee.

    Thank you.

  17. 1 hour ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

    Booked in for a new tattoo at the end of the month. Seriously thinking of getting numbing cream this time as I think this one might be quite sore. Has anyone used it before, if so what would be the best one to get?

    Where are you getting tattooed, and how long for?

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