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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. 59 minutes ago, locheedee said:

    If printers are being difficult then you could always try and find someone with a knitting machine - if its new enough you can get them to weave it to any design straight off the computer... (an ex of mine was a textile designer)

    That's a very, very good idea. Might actually know someone that owns one.

    Thank you.

  2. 1 hour ago, Pinko said:

    On the opposite scale of physical how do you reckon Wighton will get on this season?

    Looks like he'll be stuck out wide for the most part where I don't think he belongs. Would love to see him play off the striker if given the chance.

    I think this added physicality will only help the Delicate Duo (el Bakh and CC33). These big bruisers will hopefully rifle their way through formations, allowing those two to slip between the cracks, 'feed off scraps' (hate that phrase) and generally play to their strengths.

    The reason they've been so poor (IMO) is because our frontline gets marked out the game, easily. I'm optimistic that will be different this year.

    ETA: Finally appears we're getting some balance.

    Thank you.

  3. 12 hours ago, DEEJANGO said:

    Spudster has the Cammy The Menace one. 

    Deefiant is a total fucking p***k anyone who feels sorry for him needs to grow a pair.....he's a thieving scumbag, took him far too long to get in touch. He has obviously shat it when he seen posters were getting close to his name and being outed. I chipped in the year before and think it was Harry84 who collected the money with no problems and done a fine job might I add, didn't last year due to not being on P&B (thank f**k or I would having been seething oot ma tits) If I was one of the ones who had been made a c**t of I'd be wanting my cash pronto and a boot at his bawz. Thank you

    Ludo get Gowser as your profile pic.

    I've chipped in a few times too and wouldn't be put off doing it again.

    I'm still really thinking about doing this scarf thing, spoken to loads of printers but they all take fucking ages and charge an arm and a leg.

    Thank you.

  4. 7 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


    It was a done deal. He was in Aberdeen to finalise the move. It got held up because Sunderland agreed compo with Aberdeen for McInnes and Aberdeen didn't want to sign anyone if they were changing managers, it was then held up as Sunderland approached Grayson a few days after, Preston approached Neil and when the May transfer was mentioned, he asked them to keep hold of him.

    Everything was agreed on the Thursday, for some reason he didn't go up until the Saturday. If he'd gone up a day or two earlier he'd be an Aberdeen player.


    So did the deal get done?

  5. 6 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    The May deal was done until Grayson was approached by Sunderland and Alex Neil began talks with Preston.

    So it wasn't a 'done deal' then. Idiot found, outed and (rightly) ridiculed.

    Please just leave us alone. I'm begging you now.

    Thank you.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:


    Carranza Khishanishvilli Palenik Rae   


    McSkimming            Lovell

                  Grady Annand Caballerro

    Just thinking of my favourite Dees and thought i'd pay homage to Paul Hartley by utilising them as he would. 

    Some mental choices there, but I'll have a go.

    Julian Speroni

    Barry Smith (C)     Zurab Khizanishvili     Jim Duffy     Jonay Hernandez

    Greg Stewart     Georgi Nemsadze     Gavin Rae    

    Fabian Caballero

    Dariusz Adamczuk     Leigh Griffiths

    Thank you.

  7. I can't wait for actual football to start.

    Until then, I think we should discuss an important topic that's been largely ignored because we had an ugly manager under Paul Hartley. Things have changed, though; we have the suavest, best looking and sharpest dressed leader in the league. Who do we feel is the ugliest c**t to manage a team in the Premiership?

    My vote goes for Tommy Wright. A fat, greasy slob that makes even Mixu look well kept. He probably wears a knock-off Casio bought on a beach in Benidorm, too. Tart.


    A close second goes to Neil Lennon. A genuinely unfashionable character (in all senses of the word). No style, internally or externally.


    Martin Canning is a bit of an ogre, too.

    Thoughts? Thank you.

  8. 12 hours ago, JockysJetpack said:

    Can someone with good photoshopping skills please edit this to something more befitting of that waste of a shirt.


    Sure. Here you go.


    This is how I imagine the Scottish Corner of Hell. Tom Hateley presiding over the eternally Damned United fans and a small army of Alan Main-shaped imps.

    Thank you.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Chateau Lafite said:

    Yes chaps, this all new robust football is progress. We've been so namby pamby, certainly in midfield for ages, getting knocked of the ball by feathers and lace doilies, so some physical fortitude coupled with ability sounds like improvement. It's the league cup that will tell how good the improvement is, as last year we were insipid and delicate against both East Fife and Peterhead who both muscled us into ignominy.
    Btw Cammy Kerr is exonerated of any collective accusation of being namby pamby.

    Strong use of 'ignominy'. Thank you.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Fifespud said:


    Remind me to have the birds and the bees chat with you Dee Man.


    It's 2017.

    Donald Trump is president, Dimitar is inbound and grown men wear gloves in the middle of fucking summer. Anything can happen.



    Apart from United getting promoted this season. That will not happen.


    Thank you.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Connor Sammon is set to leave Hearts. He's a striker that I could see McCann moving for. Another non-goalscoring striker on the books is not what we need though.

    Two reasons why this won't happen:

    1) McCann was in the paper today saying he won't go for players that have been around the block; he's only looking for new faces that have something to prove (i.e. young and hungry, not old and fat).

    2) Your offensive avatar.

    Thank you

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