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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. 7 hours ago, kevthedee said:

    First season in the new ground we should have crematorium on the front of our shirts as a sponsor with fire and ash spewing out,would be classy as f**k.

    We should commission Run the Jewels or Skepta to perform at Dundee United's funeral at our new crematorium. f**k all this Wagner shit, time to splash the cash.

    Imagine, the lights go out, with a single beam of orange light illuminating a Willo Flood-shaped coffin before it bursts into flames while the music starts:

    Welcome mothafuckas to the Derrrrrrrry Crem,
    Where the Dark Blues laugh at United's shem,
    So sit down, c***s, and have a fucking toke,
    As the Tangerine Disasta goes up in smoke.

    Thank you.

  2. FFS, this really does my tits in. I really don't think this witch-hunt of Holt is fair.

    He's been a solid player for us and absolutely not the worst among the team IMO. Not saying he's earth-shattering or anything, just don't understand why he gets such a hard time while c***s like O'Dea gets away with murder. Most players in Scotland of any quality are right-footed and run down the right-flank, not the left, and LB's are very hard to come by at this level. What do you actually want, Matt Lockwood? Jonay Hernandez?

    Every team struggles in this position... he's one of the players that's got better every season. We've got bigger fish to fry.

    Thank you.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Netan Sansara said:

    What a beautiful deadline day. A striker of some form in, but most importantly Hateley has left. Assume we have @LiamDFC to thank with his tasteful marketing piece.

    Just heard the news. So fucking happy; won't ever have to see that fucking failure's face at Dens again.

    Eta: just ran downstairs screaming DERRERRY RUMBAAAAA, punched the fridge then cracked opened a bottle of red to celebrate. I'm off work tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy the only good memory that c**t has given me.

    Thank you to Neil McCann, Jesus, Rab Shannon, or whoever made this happem. Thank you.


    Thank you.


  4. 35 minutes ago, Jimmy85 said:

    Mental that Dundee fans are once again scrambling to hand over money to a stranger on the internet :lol: 

    I'm not a stranger to many of these fine c***s.


    22 minutes ago, Maslow said:

    Wouldn't want one. This is just fodder to the Jobby sleeves that say some Dees are more interested in them than their own team.
    Just like the dayglo post a couple before you .
    Get over it guys, They are an irrelevance to Dundee F.C. And I for one hope it stays that way for many years.

    No problem. Thank you anyway.

    Would hate to see anyone arrested for wearing this.
    Now about the game on Saturday...

    They can fucking try and arrest me for wearing a scarf. I'll be going Full Gowser if any such situation arises.

    Thank you.

  5. 12 hours ago, JordanTheDee16 said:

    If anyone knows where to get this scarf could they let me know cheersemoji838.png

    Love it.

    If there's enough interest, I'll draw up and put in an order for a similar type of scarf. Ideally, more offensive. I've quickly thrown this visual together (pic below) — the costs work out at roughly £8-9 per scarf but we'd need about 40 of us to make it happen as there's a minimum order quantity. I could just shell out for the bulk order but I'd want to know enough people were interested. I'm thinking of something like this:


    Please PM me if you're keen; I'll gauge interest and get the ball rolling. Once we've got enough interest I'm happy to agree the exact phrasing.

    Thank you. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Yenitit said:

    Rumour doing the rounds that MMJ acted like a thug last night after the game. That club's a fucking horrible, disgusting club from top to bottom. 

    If last night wasn't the last ever derby, then the next time they darken Dens' doorstep the c**t should be banned if he can't act properly, if the rumour is true of course. 

    Who, or what, is MMJ?

  7. After last night, I've also decided to forgive Marcus Haber for wearing gloves. I still don't like it, but I'll tolerate it. For now.

    41 minutes ago, The Master said:

    It was a good assist, but extra credit has to be given to McGowan; not only did he score the goal, but he left the initial cross for Allan to collect and lay off. 

    Bonus points for his celebration. Our Friend really does not like the DABs. Understandably.

    Thank you.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

    I'm not disagreeing with you - the three of them were culpable but Kamara and Holt were behind O'Dea to make amends for him flying in. 

    Anyway, who gives a f**k now? Let's get these shitey sleeved c***s pumped tonight.

    I just saw a jobby-sleeved troglodyte walking his mangey looking dog. Felt sorry for the poor wee c**t, looked like it had a pretty miserable existance from the way it was limping along.

    The dog looked fucked tae.

    Thank you.

  9. It's a tricky one, I agree about O'Dead but think he's a better leader than he is defender. Bit of balance required, maybe someone a bit more mobile (Waddell or Hendry) can cover for his slowness and inability to jump... might actually pan out well, all things considered. We need a balance of experience and youth IMO, particularly at the back; I think we're particularly weak when we play O'Dea alongside someone like Gadz or Julen — both similar type of defender.

    Anyway, as GMan said, tonight is the perfect time to put those worries away and give the Dayglo tossers a good old-fashion Derry kicking.

    Thank you.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Just thinking about the last 2 games in particular it seems to me there are 2 problems that haven't been addressed - 1) a lack of another experienced, decent centre half and more importantly 2) a lack of pace in the team. That to me is quite worrying. Owing to a lack of strikers it looks like we will go with 1 up top in a lot of games, with 5 in midfield (we are struggling to go 5 at the back owing to a lack of fit CH's). I'd be tempted to move Deacon over to the left wing. He's reasonably 2 footed but I think this would encourage him to cut inside and get closer to Moussa. It also leaves space on the right wing for one of the few players we have with genuine pace, Kerr, to exploit. I also think we should play Allan out wider, if Deacon is on the left then SA on the right. He's too easily double manned in the middle. Finally we need to look at the Hartley legacy players and see what we can salvage. Vincent I think would be an asset in a middle 3 of Gowser/Kamara/Vincent and despite my slagging of him Haber needs to come back in to the equation.

    I actually thought the same. That team was crying out for a Vincent-type player instead of Kamara, IMO. Only one game in, so will give him the benefit of the doubt but I was shocked he got MOTM.

    Also, we need to drop O'Hara and start with Gowser. Kamara would maybe do better alongside a busy player like Paul but he'd have to get much more involved if he's going to win me over.

    Thank you.

  11. Oh dear.

    That was absolutely fucking horrible. Felt exactly the same as last season; toothless, soft and lacking any plan, sadly.

    Only one of the new boys that gets a pass-mark from me is Hendry, looked solid when he came on, very vocal and wasn't afraid to get forward. Cammy, Holt and O'Dea had very average games, while Kamara was entirely non existant. Looked tidy when he was on the ball, but showed no initiative or interest in getting on the ball and/or moving us up the park. Too content to play a backwards pass then disappear back into the crowd. His MOTM award was undeserved.

    McGowan changed the game when he came on; his desire and ability to pass and move seemed to lift those around him. Too little, too late, though. Deacon was average, few nice touches but ultimately ineffectual. Same goes for Woulters. I liked a few of his clattering challenges but they were few and far between. Moussa was good up top — we looked toothless after he went off injured. Hope it's not as bad as his reaction looked (didn't see the challenge/fall, neither did anyone around me in The Derry). El Bahk again looked lively but too soft to have any impact on his own. I like him and want him to do well, but I think he needs to play alongside Moussa (I know that wasn't possible given the injury).

    Now for the killer blow. O'Hara is not good good enough to be a Dundee player. I was critical of him last season but I can't see McCann keeping him in the squad after that dismal performance. Total fucking shite. For a big guy he's a total pap.

    Shocking away support from County, as always. First game of the season and they can barely muster 200 fans (guess). Pathetic, but at least they go away with a win.

    Credit to County for kicking and scraping away, wish we could play like that tbh. Took no prisoners and knew when to waste time and commit professional fouls. They looked streetwise, while we looked naive, particularly in midfield. Bullied and beaten in the middle again, same as last year.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards. Need to put this one behind us and thrash the minks next door.

    Thank you.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Thomohawk said:

    The Courier says this morning that Kaiserslautern are interested in Hately. That is some fall from grace. Champions League quarter finals in 1999 and two UEFA Cup semis and now they're tempted by Tom Hately. I guess it's not too disimilar to us though given that we went from watching a team including Temuri Kestbaia and Claudio to appointing he who shall not be named as manager within four years. 

    Please never, ever use his name in this thread. Gave me a cold shiver just thinking about those days.

    Thank you.

  13. Well, well, well.

    This might just be the best and worst news of the summer. I am so fucking happy that Tom 'Professor Hatred' Hateley has been told he can find a new club. Conversely, I am so fucking nervous that this absolute charlatan now needs to convince some other poor victim that he's worth a shot. There's a few things we can do here, but I fear that we'll have to employ the same trick Motherwell used when punting him to Poland; the age-old Gumtree Car Technique. After crashing or damaging your car, simply get it fixed enough to look and sound in good order, then lie through your teeth to any potential buyers. 'Oh, I'm only selling it because I want the new model. I don't get much use out of it. It's a great car, but I need something bigger.' Aye, right.

    'Tom Hateley, aye. He's a quality, mobile, dead-ball specialist with leadership qualities. He's a hard worker that wants to mentor those around him and improve the team.'

    What I'm trying to say, is that Tom Hateley is essentially a clapped out, Category D Volkswagen Golf GTI. I like to think I'm a pretty level-headed person, but I have simply never hated a Dundee player so much. Fingers cross someone takes him. I still think my execution idea was better.

    Finally, he can take Haber with him IMO. I know he's well liked on here and I've already said this a few times, but I think he's a big donkey with next to no skill. I'd happily lose both from our squad — Moussa already looks better than him.

    Thank you.

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