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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. 6 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    4. Gavin Swankie - Heart of a pea, scored absolute stonkers against us, before finally joining us and turning into a quivering shitebag. Only time he ever went for a 50/50 he absolutely blootered the ball in my direction and obliterated a bovril I had on the wall.

    Great reason. 'Quivering shitebag' is an accurate description IMO.

    Thank you.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Or I'll just not count them, because it's a pain in the arse collating through the thread for the few lazy b*****ds when 50+ have actually voted.


    Which is also fine. All I'm saying is don't pull your hair out if people (myself included) are too lazy to do both. I don't really care about the 'results' but have enjoyed reading peoples reasons.

    Thank you.

  3. Paul Dixon — Judas c**t

    Charlie Millar — Fat c**t

    Dougie Imrie — Annoying c**t

    Barry Ferguson — Snivvelling c**t

    Neil Lennon — Another snivvelling c**t

    Willo Flood — Shockingly ugly c**t

    David Goodwillie — R****t c**t

    Billy Dodds — Fucking big eared midget DAB b*****d

    Hamish McAlpine — Dottery old c**t

    and last but not least:

    Paul fucking Hegarty — Absolute fucking c**t

    Thank you

  4. 1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

    Hartley at least had a promotion, a top 6 finish and an 8th placed finish (12 points clear of the play-off) that in some way justified that time and patience though.

    McCann's a TV pundit in his first management job who was appointed having won 2 out of 5 games in a relegation scrap and having initially left the club somehow ended up back 3 days later with a 3 year deal and a permanent post.

    Who knows, he may turn it round but as it stands if Dundee fail to win against Rangers on Friday then they'll be going into December on less points than the Club 12 season. That team at least had mitigating circumstances that accounted for their league position. Similarly though Dundee were bottom at this point last season they were also only 3 points off 6th. This season they're 9 points off 6th place and a manager who's apparently falling out with players left, right and centre.

    That's brutal reading, but every word of it is true. 

    PS. Just what everyone wants to see:


    Of course he fucking has.

  5. On 31/10/2017 at 22:58, G_Man1985 said:

    At one point people thought he would be at a top team. Could of been correct , however he is a c**t and we should of tried to get rid of him.
    I want my players in my team to give a shit. He dosnt and hasn't done for a long time.
    He is a c**t

    Harsh but true. 

    Thank you.

  6. Well... what a shit weekend of football that was.

    I said at the start of the season I'd be happy to avoid the playoff spot. Looks like we're on-course to achieve that... by claiming the automatic relegation spot.

    In seriousness, if we can somehow scrape 10th this season and have a base to build on next year (given the fucking mess Hartley left us in), then I think that would be a good outcome. I know some Dee's won't agree and think we should be challenging for top-6, but that s absolute nonsense imo. We're miles away from that. Also, the comments about McCann signing loads of players... that's simple. He had to — the squad was filled with complete dross. It's not like he's brought in a tonne of high-earning superstars, these are guys he's brought in to try get us out of a hole. IMO we've better players this season and I think he'll turn it around.

    Stay in the league then go from there.

    Thank you.

  7. 37 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

    Have you heard mccann interview tonight ? He sees no issue about being bottom and won't be changing our style of play. So far it's led us to bottom

    So again will ask. How long do we give mccann? Until end of season like Hartley. A one season wonder mccann is going to be ?
    Only yourself and Ross see a different point of view regarding McCann .

    3 points next week against Hibernian?


    I think you need to re-read what I wrote. I never said I'm happy with our awful results or the team selections. What I've (quite clearly) said is that we're not as bad as last year. We are still shit, but last season was horrific.

    Also I've already answered your penultimate question (if you were asking me); I said I'd give him until late December.

    19 minutes ago, srw said:

    We have less points than we did last season at the same stage, so statistically speaking, we are worse.

    We have conceded the most goals in the league, thats not decent, its not even bad, its utterly pathetic.

    I agree with that. Can't argue with numbers, although I'd like to propose an alternative view. The other teams have strengthened and improved while we've taken baby-steps forward. We've also lost really shit teams like ICT and St Mirren in recent years, replaced with better teams like Rangers and Hibs. I'm not making excuses but we got off with murder last season IMO. We should have been relegated the way we were playing — we were just lucky there were worse teams than us. We don't have that luxury this season.

    The point I've been making is that I don't think we're as bad as last year. In contrast to that, we've a harder league against better teams. Terrible run of form/luck; nothing is going our way. It happens in football. It's been a shitstorm of a season so far, yet despite this, I'm still not as nervous as I was last year under Hartley.

    He's the manager and he needs to be allowed a chance to fix his mistakes. If he's still fucking up by December then punt him and move on. That's my view.

    ETA: if anyone expected a top-6 finish then there's no point even arguing the point. We are not a top 6 team and we won't be for a few seasons.

  8. Fucking hell guys.

    Today was very, very shit but we're definitely not worse than last season. Not yet, anyway. Short memories on show tonight; last season was some of the worst football I've ever seen played at Dens. Yes, we are dire but last year was absolutely putrid football. 

    IMO we're one good striker away from a decent side. Decent young defence (the best we've had in years IMO) and a decent midfield. Shite up top, but that's exactly the same as last year. Is Moussa any better or worse than that fucking Yordi clown? Both awful. Kamara does my fucking head in but if anyone is actually saying this squad is worse than Williams, Hateley et al then you need your brain looked at.

    Seriously, though. Think we need to all calm down and look at it objectively. Terrible run with some stupid decisions. Will he listen to people and make the required switches? Hartley sure as f**k didn't. 

    Just my opinion but I'd give him until the late December run-in. 

  9. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Shame it has to be spent entirely on the youth squad, while Celtic get to spend their £10m on anything


    I hate Celtic as much as anyone, but they've got that far in the tournament while everyone else has done f**k all. They can spend their money however the f**k they like.

    Thank you.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Look forward to bombscare centre halves, a dozen shite midget midfielders, 1/2 a dozen wingers despite the fact he doesn’t believe in them and no strikers. Plus everybody he signs will have a record of serious injury, his father in law will be his assistant and he looks like a tramp. He’s also fond of a project - a totally unknown foreigner from the Kazakhstan amateur leagues, been sacked from your club for being a complete bellend, been out the game for 9 months with a fucked knee? Welcome to Falkirk. Oh and everybody will be on 3 year watertight contracts, except any good players with potential, he lets their contracts run down. Finally he doesn’t believe in the players being physically fit.

    Good luck.

    And he's very stubborn.

    Thank you.

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