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Posts posted by LiamDFC

  1. Just got this from the fans trust in response to my email:

    This information is as new to us (Supporters Trust) as it is to those reading the article on the BBC this morning....

    I also suspect, having spoken to Kenny Cameron last night, that it is news to the SPL Chairmen as well. As such we are unable to offer any view or opinion at this stage, but will pass your comments on to the club.

    Sounds like Cockwomble may have gone rogue?

    That is a truly terrifying prospect. A red-eyed, ridiculously dressed rogue cockwomble roaming the streets. Off the radar.

  2. What?

    Look the only way the long term stability of Scottish football doesn't end with Rangers and Celtic on top is if one of those clubs ceases to exist. This will not happen. Airdrie died but didn't stay dead, Rangers have an even greater financial incentive to be alive and nothing you, me or even the authorities can do that will change that.

    I want to know why relegation to SFL1 with a whole load of concessions to the SFL isn't enough for some people to accept. For years of match-fixing Juventus received relegation to Serie B and a 9 point deduction. I know it isn't exactly the same situation as a Newco but it is a punishment for a much more serious offence.

    And if people want to talk about rewriting rules to suit Rangers, rules were rewritten to the detriment of Rangers when they entered administration. Transfer of shares were moved from a board power to a general Meeting power, points deductions were increased and specific penalties were brought in for Newcos.

    This is an extra-ordinary circumstance that calls for commensurate action. And at the same time positive changes can be made for the whole of the game.

    Using the Italian leagues (who have another corruption case blooming) and subsequent poorly administered punishments as an example effectively kills dead any candor your argument may have.

  3. YES ! if your team wins a few titles plus gets into the champs league every other year,then suddenly there is an influx of armchair fans who start to go to the games because there is a winning team.After a few years of being in a dominant position at the top some fans will develop a superior winning mentality above the rest.

    Supposing Hearts as a example have a few good seasons and then eventually wins the league,all the other SPL fans rejoice the OF have had their stranglehold broken.

    Soon after some of the Hearts fans will become obnoxious and arrogant with "we are the champions" and "we are better than anyone else" basically they become arseholes of a sort and will act like the OF fans you have become to hate.

    Everyone hates the winners or dominant force eventually because of a few bigoted obnoxious fans.

    Okay. It is clear to me now that your understanding of the word bigot is incorrect.

  4. Here's a simple point:

    Media men such as Traynor, Young and many more used the excuse that they are football journalists, not business writers, as their excuse for not exposing more about the goings on at Ibrox.

    Yet these same individuals tell us our Scottish football clubs rely on Rangers and their fans for our businesses to survive.

    They know so much about finances of clubs they rarely report on, yet missed all of what was happening at Ibrox, where they almost live. blink.gif

    Somebody should be asking them about this.


    This is the big game. Perhaps after the Rangers fiasco comes to its natural conclusion we could get rid of a few other dirges on the Scottish game — namely Traynor and co — before focusing the Diddy Death-star upon the shiny emerald stain that is Celtic FC.

  5. there's nothing difficult to grasp. People relocate to avoid tax, it's a moral argument. I quite agree about the private jet nationalists. The point is you couldn't make money in any society without the society being there in the first place, and for the society to be there people need to pay tax. Every bit avoided is just another bit you or I have to pay.

    A good point explained well.

  6. Let's play a little game, based on what little we do know, which is basically everything's a mess. What percentage would you put on the following, my answers in brackets (keeping in mind I have not a scooby about law or financial legality);

    Rangers no longer existing as a professional entity in any form next season; ( 5%)

    Rangers being in division three; (10%)

    Rangers being in the SPL with a team of third rate kids and struggling to avoid relegation (75%)

    Green being the genuine saviour and Rangers rising like a phoenix from the flames and taking the SPL by storm next year (0%)

    The SPL/SFA copping out and letting them away with minor punishment, thus ensuring second place in the SPL next season (10%)






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