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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. I would have taken this more seriously if it had been coupled with a genuine support for the team or women's football in general at any point in Tam Cowans past announcements previous to the game. As it was, it was clearly someone delighted with the opportunity to slate them while wielding a supposedly even handed approach as an unconvincing shield from the kind of criticism he's received in the past. I do think that the team and management deserve to be criticised for last week's match - but the idea that that's what Cowan was doing is a bit naive IMO.
  2. Coming down for the bromance Christmas party on the 21st though. Looking forward to it already.
  3. Lawwell now absolutely shiting it from Kilmarnock. Interesting.
  4. Two fantastic strips for Motherwell this season - love them.
  5. Haven't watched Killing Eve now, but I feel compelled to now. Abney and Teale is another one of the gentle, wistful, overtly middle class kids programmes that I'm trying to get my son into. He couldn't give a f**k. He likes Paw Patrol. Pathetic.
  6. And so ends the career of perhaps my favourite ever Killie player. The last one to come through the ranks who was older than me, and with his retirement I feel ends a last link to my childhood. Happy retirement Kris Boyd, what a forward.
  7. Absolutely this. The eventual catastrophe of a No Deal will be blamed on the government of the day by the raging Brexiteers who caused it. x10 if it happens to be a Labour government holding the ball.
  8. No actually, I went to uni with a girl from broadly the same area who I seem to remember saying he was a Hearts supporter. This was 2002/03, when everyone from an EH postcode (it seemed) maintained they had some connection to him, however tenuous.
  9. I always thought Fletcher was a jambo for some reason. How disappointing.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-48604023 "inadvertently"... Aye.
  11. #TB4 has been ongoing since last century, and you still don't understand it. Resign.
  12. This bit just has be in bits. What a pair of fucking muppets.
  13. I'd love them to win a couple of trophies, but realistically I'd be happy if they just won the Europa League.
  14. I just love Chris Burke. Even his face just makes me happy.
  15. I am definitely not a Darren and know that the Dobbie Hall is Larbert and not Stenhousemuir Shut it Darren.
  16. I think the front row were the only women who escaped the 1970s unmolested.
  17. Can't wait mate, vive la France. Genuinely can't believe we've got him.
  18. I turned the podcast off on Monday for exactly this reason. First time I've done it - some professional Celtic fan from Clyde1 absolutely stank the place out. Hope it's not a symptom of mainstream success.
  19. Jokes that explicitly cross check against the correct etymology are my favourites. FWIW I think the Hearts "dug-bow-tie" is excellent. Worth buying a dog for. 9.5/10.
  20. Livi have got to run out to that next season. Even if it's just in the "Holt firm" derby. Pls.
  21. I don't think that football in general, Celtic included, has covered itself in glory in terms of its reaction - so far - to what appears to be the surface of a horrendous, and largely unsurprising, historic child protection issue. But I also think it's fantastic news that Rangers don't have any Scotland internationals - cementing their diddy reputation. Hitherto this exchange I didn't realise that these were two opposite sides of a dichotomy, and now I'm not sure where to position myself
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