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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Reckon there's been a bit of that going around. Wout's season was probably about a fortnight too long. Getting a podium on the time trial was the last hurrah because he was burst by the end of the road race and Roubaix was brutal even for folk on a good day. At least it's not really that long until the next round of classics.
  2. Gilmour is such a special talent. He could find space in a phone box and some of his passing to clip the ball to folk is delicious. Watching the way he plays makes you wonder how he's playing for us. When you see the wankfest the media down south put on over Rice & Phillips who aren't close to the level of talent for me.
  3. Improved a lot in the second half tbf. Looked like he'd won his shirt in a raffle for 45 minutes though.
  4. There was a point in the first half he was just shouting and pointing at everyone around him after a nondescript tackle on the half way line. Absolute wee man syndrome.
  5. Can't wait until we throw on Christie in 25 minutes time.
  6. Reckon we can close the book on the Patterson over SOD argument, short of the former turning in to Cafu at half time.
  7. If you'd told me 4 or 5 years ago that Hanley was the key man in defence I'd have laughed at you.
  8. Patterson's absolutely miles out of his depth, McGregor might as well be sat at home and Dykes is just Dykes.
  9. Let me know how it goes. I'm currently knocking down Deathloop before I buy another game but this is looking delightful.
  10. Every time I see Bara on the telly before an international game I feel a wee bit proud of him. Seems like an exceptionally sound c**t. And he loves a stegosaurus.
  11. Ramsay looks like he's a bit of a baller in an attacking sense, but is a definite no go as it stands defensively. But he is barely out of nappies and has plenty of time to improve on that. And maybe he'll eventually not have a clown car next to him at centre back.
  12. I posted similar to this a while back pointing out that the only reason anyone gives a f**k is because he plays for Rangers. If he had played 5 games for St Mirren/Livingston/Dundee Utd nobody would give a toss about him getting picked or not and that SOD merits being first pick right now but gets criticism for everything. Obviously it was met with iTs NoTHinG tO DO wItH PLaYiNg fOR mOtHErWelL responses. Which is, of course, bollocks. FWIW I hope one of either Patterson or Ramsay kicks on and becomes a total PLER because we need a long term option there. But as it stands if Patterson warms the bench outside of games in the cup against diddy teams I don't think anyone can seriously say he's deserving of starting every game for Scotland.
  13. It seems to be that reducing allocation would be a very snide thing to do now there are no regulations that say we need a red zone. For that reason I am completely on board with giving them f**k all.
  14. ^^^^^ People being worried to miss a day or two of work is not something that should be on them to worry about. It's a societal issue that should be addressed.
  15. To elaborate, I'm meaning now that it's been proven that basically everybody in my work's job can be done from their kitchen table. I've turned up at jobs in the past absolutely floored with bugs and just got on with it but I don't think there's a point now. My job is desk based so short of locking someone in a cupboard you can't really stay out of anyone's way. It's definitely dependent on management. I've had management in the past who gave me a hard time taking a week off when I had tonsillitis, but similarly I've had management who have told me to go home and rest when I dragged my arse in with what turned out to be the early stages of the flu. When I worked in call centres they had the worst approach to people management I have ever experienced.
  16. My hope from this is that it stops people loaded with whatever cold is going around from going into the office like some kind of martyr. The number of times someone would be coughing & spluttering, snottery tissues on their desk, Lemsip in hand only to then pass it on to all the folk nearby. Just stay the f**k at home until you're not contagious.
  17. Had a smashing dinner at a Vietnamese place underneath it. That was definitely not an overrated attraction. On Berlin I couldn't tell you whether the Bundestag is worth going to as when I went past the queue to get in was enormous and I wasn't wasting hours of my few days there waiting on it. As for Sagrada Familia, I thought it was fascinating. We caught it on an early morning as the sun came through the stained glass windows and it was beautiful. Also a wander round cathedrals is smashing when it's roasting because they are always cool inside. Parc Güell is fine for a walk around but don't pay for the closed off bit. It's just rammed with folk fighting over places to take a selfie and tbh you get a better view over the city if you just walk up the hill at the back of it.
  18. Just watched the finale there. Was it all a bit daft? Aye. Enjoyable watch though.
  19. Good to see they're doing similar at the Trek HQ with Deignan's bike. Blood all over the bar tape and everything.
  20. Moscon the racist puncturing out of contention is it?
  21. I mean absolutely fair play to him. Total chaos all over the road.
  22. Very much this. O'Hara looked like an all action midfielder who took games by the scruff of the neck for a while pre-covid but looks like a limited action midfielder who doesn't really offer that much. Grimshaw is absolutely commendable in that he'll run himself into the ground every week but he's not very good at the whole playing football bit of being in the team. I don't think we can afford to have them both in there. Wouldn't mind seeing Donnelly get more game time and perhaps Goss can offer something going forward.
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