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Posts posted by FairWeatherFan

  1. 41 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    Ok, so the prize money is better but again I mention the war chest which was famous in the Junior era and which has not been spent, unless you guys have had a massive party. Taking 60% of the gate isn't a good look when you're sitting on all that bunce.

    Couple of years ago they paid out £400 to members that met their match obligations plus some footballs. Might have been a payment during during covid. Its been explained they were losing money with the Junior Cup last year hence the change. They've just went to actual prize money with no obvious change to their revenues other than taking more from members.

    Seems like any war chest the SJFA had is being chipped away at.

  2. 1 hour ago, wosgroundhopper said:

    This is my gripe when the West of Scotland League was formed, I think clubs not coming via the West Region Juniors should have ,teams should have been made to prove they are a worthwhile addition to the league i.e. have a meaningful fan base, have a permanent ground and show a financial forecast for the coming 5 years or so. With exception to the clubs that came via the West Region Juniors that had establish ground sharing arrangements, no new club should have been accepted into the league without their own pitch and I personally do not think they should have accepted clubs with no experience in adult football ahead of well establish amateur teams with decent standard of infrastructure and following.

    Glasgow University an established amateur club. Do have their own pitch. Just use Airdrie for licensing reasons.

    Drumchapel United was an established amateur club. Donald Dewar Centre's their own pitch.

    Bonnyton Thistle had been part of the South of Scotland for a few years. Have their own pitch.

    Really just St Cadoc's you're talking about that meets most of your criteria.

    Annbank United folded. Ardeer Thistle I remember being saved because Kilbride Thistle used them as a means to get in. Might want to think about the state of the WoSFL if you get what you wanted.

    Fan base is meaningless since 30/60 teams that bothered to give head counts from the West Region in 2019-20 were averaging under 100. It's committees that keep the majority of these clubs going not fans. Your 5 year financial forecast kills off semi-professional football and turns the WoSFL into an amateur league.


  3. 22 hours ago, honestly united said:

    I was thinking that as well, when you think at the moment the likes of Ethan Page, Juice Robinson, Shibata, Keith Lee, Kenny Omega, Ibushi, Mire, MJF, Rush, Scorpio Sky, Yuta, Britt Baker and Janie Hayter are all mid to top tier talent that hasnt been on air in months

    Don't think anyone's bothered by Scorpio Sky going missing. Hope he's alright, but they tried the Collision return. Making appearances in ROH and the tease of something with Men of the Year at Final Battle. Never went anywhere.

    Couple of names missing from the above suggestions are Ricky Starks and Big Bill. Vanished after dropping the tag titles early last month. They at least seem to be coming back as an act since they're in the Tag Title tournament.

  4. 7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    I don't see why a Dundee club would want to play in the Aberdeenshire or North Cups, they're not exactly big earners or high status.

    Wasn't the plan for Elgin to play in all 3 competitions and basically seen as a way to access the Aberdeenshire League since the NoS one has been mothballed since covid. Basically a structure for their youth/reserves.

    Doesn't look like its gone to plan since Elgin don't appear in any of the season's results.

    Midlands not having a youth league to go into, that might be a reason for a club to eventually join. Its not like they play a ton of games as it is and could have regional sections. Complete hypothetical and don't see it happening.


  5. 23 minutes ago, PossilYM said:

    Hopefully Dumbarton St Pat's are standing by.

    With a....

    decent ground.

    Going by twitter they're playing at their namesake high school right now.

    Doesn't seem like the more permanent venue they were hoping to have in place is official yet.


  6. 3 hours ago, Spyro said:

    As the bottom wrung of the system, there should ALWAYS be space for new, well organised applications from their own catchment area to join the league at any time. If they didn’t rush to fill the league with teams that have absolutely no grounding or foundations, then they would not be in the position of having to turn down good clubs like Annbank if they wanting back in next season.

    You could argue that Knightswood and St Pats were not well organised applications when they were put up for a vote last season. From what I remember Knightswood have used at least two grounds this season. The secondary venue may have been a High School pitch. St Pats I still don't think have organised a proper ground for making the move.

    Seems like the spot was just used up to save one team being idle in the 4th Division this season.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Brad Bobley said:

    I really hate to keep labouring this point, however…

    Community Youth Clubs NEED to have somewhere to go while they wait on an opportunity to join the WoS. Naturally, they will join the SAFA which makes perfect sense. Flippantly, clubs that don’t exist do need to go somewhere. They need to be registered to something (if above 19s, then it needs to be an SAFA affiliation), or else is there any point in existing?

    Again, I agree with your final point, but to gain the necessary accreditation, amateur affiliation, regardless of anyone’s opinion of the setup, makes perfectly logical sense, in the interim at least.

    A lot of the youth clubs would have typically started an amateur team if they wanted to do so. Which is why I don't see a problem with it.

    If somebody wants to deal with the specific issue of a youth club not having to go amateurs, I do think there's a solution that exists. The Development Leagues. There have been plenty of youth teams that have taken on the name of an adult team through "player pathways" or more formal mergers. Even situations like the Upper or Mid-Annandale team that was really a team from the Glasgow area. We know these don't really pan out when it comes to progression to the 1st team on a large scale. Yet there's still been an interest from the youth clubs to become part of the set-up.



  8. I have problems with this, but surprisingly enough its not this one.


    Pretty much every Tier 6 pyramid league has a barrier to entry. Both the WoSFL & EoSFL you need to be accredited  by the SFA Quality Mark Scheme. Can't really be an out the blue application going "why not apply?" and magically have that.


    Rising standards over the grounds are creeping in. Caged astros and types of groundshares being ruled out. Since most modern facilties aren't being built with spectators in mind and that's where newer clubs are coming from don't see how that changes.

    I haven't seen anyone particularly thrilled with the approach taken by the agreement. It's the start of a discussion that probably needs to take place with how the pyramid (adult & development leagues) have impacted things and the amateur game splitting into ever decreasing circles (saturday afternoon/morning/sunday/over 35s)

  9. 5 hours ago, Crazy Feet said:

    Are there any noises around interested amateur clubs stepping up?



    On 06/03/2024 at 07:40, glensmad said:

    There has been a number of enquiries over the course of this season about joining the WoSFL. It would not be good practice for these clubs to be named on here.

    Pretty sure St Pat's are one that still have an interest after missing out last year.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

    EoSFL isn't full, which is the point under discussion.  Therefore there is no "solution" required as mentioned above.

    Nobody has said anything about the EoS being full. The suggestions above have been about finding a means to extend beyond it. 

    There are clubs that would want to be part of the pyramid that can't access due to ever increasing ground criteria. Clubs that are currently in it that wouldn't be today if they were an applicant. 

  11. Even if there was the desire to do something. The SFA's handling of the licensing process will have slowed things down.

    Its often said that a 3-way split would be more balanced than what we've got currently. If you look at it from that perspective and the Highland T6 leagues being the last to party its not so bad.

    Highland (HL/Mid/North/NCL) = 22

    East (LL/EoS) = 34

    West (LL/WoS/SoS) = 26

  12. 4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    They're already in the League system thanks to the Lowland League inviting them in, what's the difference if they get into the SPFL?

    Stranraer Reserves aren't in the league system, they're just in a league that can't go anyhwere. No different than Celtic & Hearts. Something they're barely clinging to if they could only scrape 8 votes to keep them in.

  13. 9 hours ago, edinabear said:

    This is the same coach who told me about Rangers B joining the Lowland League before it was announced so no reason to doubt him

    I have no doubt that people within Rangers are kicking ideas like this about.

    Problems are: SPFL expanding by 6 members. SPFL accepting B teams. Reserve league reformed with enough teams and games to be meaningful. HL/LL accepting the changes.

    While i'm sure Ian Maxwell will plant a gold star on the presentation when it crosses his desk. Its got all the problems that kill these proposals off before they even get to a vote. Instead of killing some trees to make paper copies. Rangers should just get their LL bribe money together instead. Its the only chance they'll have of getting into a pyramid league.

  14. 41 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

    You've made that up out of thin air.

    They may well have. The suggestion though isn't that the SCC becomes voluntary. It's that the WoSFL membership votes to amend its own mandatory requirement in their constitution.


    The SCC Cup Competition Committee then needs to do deal with the fallout if it happens.

    I wouldn't put it past anyone trying. Especially, if its coming from Gartcairn who have ties to the person that took over the running of the SJFA. As you can see from the above snippet despite the original intentions the SJC would be upto the clubs to make work. The WoSFL made sure to get it protected in the constitution.


  15. 12 minutes ago, rhubarb1974 said:

    how can the SJFA put up the £20k prize pot but the South Challenge can't 

    You've answered your own question elsewhere with going back to two-legged semis as an example and taking the majority of the gate.

    27 minutes ago, Casper Wilson said:

    I don't believe there is an agreed constitution between the four leagues.

    There is, there's even a committee with reps from all the leagues.

  16. Just now, rhubarb1974 said:

    Yes and surely if a proposal from a member team is brought to the AGM member clubs then vote on it? So if Gartcairn are or have brought an amendment within the time parameters then surely this gets voted on at the WoS AGM?


    It doesn't matter who runs it. The committee is the WoS is there to act on behalf of the member clubs. 

    WOSFL vote to make it voluntary.

    The 3 corresponding leagues say its mandatory.

    What happens then?

  17. 1 minute ago, jimbaxters said:

    No, because I base my opinion on what I read here from Bankies fans. The latest of these is three posts above. The Juniors was/is beneath them so they despite the majority of their top league rivals being in the competition, they'd rather spend their time grizzeling about having no game on a Saturday when the cup ties are being played. It's entitlement, plain and simple.

    Wouldn't entitlement be thinking they'd have a cup game? Seen it said a few times over the season. Didn't know everyone was guaranteed a game.

  18. 35 minutes ago, PossilYM said:

    Plus Finnart Star look to be climbing the leagues.

    Points on the board, but could easily be squeezed out the Top 3.

    Longer term looking good for them certainly. Built on mid-table last year. Crownpoint to move into to create their own home. Have to imagine SFA membership and being around newer clubs like St Cadoc's, Gartcairn, and Drumchapel Utd as a worse case scenario.

  19. 23 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

    Indeed, unlike the WOS the EOS isn't at capacity in the bottom division and there's a nice regional amateur system below - compared to the mess of four dwindling leagues covering the same west central belt area.

    Chances are Inverkeithing wouldn't have got in based on their original application these days. Same with Edinburgh South. Letham couldn't get in based on their ground. Rosyth just folded chasing a ground good enough. Peebles Rovers are meant to be moving.

    As entry standards rise and the Third Division shrivels. What sort of links are being fostered to interested clubs other than better luck next year?

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