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Posts posted by bluetooner

  1. Personally speaking, I don't think there's anything wrong with caring more about yourself than other people sometimes. I think leaning too much in the other direction is stupid.

    I do agree with some things, mostly my own/friends and families health but as i said before it is only a car. Your insurance will cover the cost of getting the scratches taken out if you want to, and if not it doesnt actually harm the running of the car, so save up the money to get it fixed if you are that "ashamed" of the scratch or worried about it.

    However, your excuse is certainly better than something like "because i feel like it" or " i was in a rush so had no time to find a different parking space" that some people come out with :rolleyes:

  2. How could another car door hit my car door if I was parked in a parent and child bay? In Tesco you can open your door fully on both sides and not hit the car parked in the adjacent bay! Have you ever seen one of those bays!

    I am 100% certain it happened at work, in a normal bay, caused by someone hitting my car door with theirs. When at work, I use staff bays normally but on the rare occasion they are full, I'll use a parent and child bay unless they are busy.

    I do not think that makes me - in general - a person with a disrespectful attitude. I cannot believe I get accused of jumping on my high horse on this forum (Indeed, Im sure you've said it in the past) when the likes of you are kicking about around here! :lol:

    It may not have been a car door, it may have been a trolley or something similar. Since you didnt see it the only thing you can say it was likely to have been a car door when you were parked where you were. I take it you dont even know when it happened that you are not sure? it could have been weeks before you saw it :unsure:

    We are jumping on our high horses in this case because of your disrespectful attitude towards the parking spaces (you dont like the idea that your attitude is disrespectful, but im afraid it is). It is also a snobby way of being disrespectful, in that you are doing so because you feel your car is more important than other peoples cars that you should not have to park somewhere it might get scratched but others should.

    And as for me saying you jump on your high horse, i doubt i ever have. I may have said you said something snobby, but that is quite different from jumping on your high horse ;)

    You should be sticking up for me, you actually know me! I aint coming down to your house to watch The Shining and eat pizza EVER again! :lol:;)

    Thats it, you have broke his heart now. :lol:

  3. I'm not going to be labelled uncourteous and disrespectful because on the odd occasion at work, I'll use a parent and child bay and I'll park in an empty row of disabled bays at 10pm at night! :lol:

    I actually think, in general, I'm a very courteous person but yes, there are times when I could be courteous and fail to be. I don't think it's as big a deal as the likes of bluetooner would make out though, I can't do everything to the PC brigades approval all of the time. :)

    If you are that worried about being labelled uncourteous and disrespectful, then dont park in these just because you want to make sure noone scratches your car (again you havent admitted it may have even been when you were parking in the child/mother spot or anywhere else anyway :unsure:

  4. To be honest, I'm an inconsiderate b*****d, and to be quite frank don't give a flying f**k if some mother has to struggle for 2 minutes longer because i want to park close to the store. The fact is, there are so many disabled/parent child bays that this would never happen.

    I can see half of you fuming with anger at my blatant lack of respect for people. There is absolutely no point in telling me how shocking this is, my attitude will not change. There is always PLENTY of disabled spoaces as there are about 200 of them. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE

    Can you give me 1 good reason that you HAVE to park closer to the shops? :blink: and then we will get off our high horses ;)

  5. What's the big deal! I'm hardly one to jump to the defence of Sam (but someone mentioned recently she's hot, so now i'm gonna ;) ), but come on. I never park in disabled spaces (then again my car is a wreck and I don't really give a f'ck about it) but I know TONS of people who do. There are always plenty of disabled spots left in case someone who is in need of one enters the car park; there are far worse crimes being committed out there. I'm sure you're not a stringent obeyer of the law ;):P

    I never said there weren`t far worse crimes, i just pointed out that it shows a lack of respect towards disabled people that able bodied people park in their parking spaces (same with mother and child). I think as well as a lack of respect towards them, its also pure laziness. As for being a stringent obeyer of the law, yes sometimes i will break the law. However i also have a lot more respect for other people than is being shown by Sam/Dubya and the TONS of people that you know who do so.

    Which I hope was caused by some mother struggling to get her child strapped into it's child seat in limited space because all the mother & toddler spaces were taken up by some equally inconsiderate driver as yourself!

    There is NO excuse for any able bodied driver using a Disabled or mother & toddler space, no matter what time of day or night!!.

    If I had my way, cars doing this would be clamped, with a really hefty fine attached!

    As BT says this type of attitude is just typical of the lack of respect and consideration for others which is all too prevalent in this society of ours today _ really sad!


  6. I think you - as usual - have blown the situation out of proportion.

    I would agree that if I just rolled up in a disabled/parent and child bay regardless of other options then it would show a lack of respect but parking in a disabled bay at night when they are all empty is not showing a lack of respect towards anything or anyone, nor is parking in a parent and child bay on the rare occasion there aren't staff bays and P&C around the staff entrance are in plentiful supply.

    You're entitled to your opinion of course as I am entitled to disagree with it.

    So, tell me, the times that you park in these spots, are there NO other parking places available at all? anywhere in the parking lot? :unsure: as surely they are other options available that you could park there (atleast until your break) that you wouldnt show a lack of respect towards the mothers/ disabled people.

  7. And I disagree!

    I've taken care to mention in every post that I only do it when the staff bays at work are full, and you have no idea how rare or often that occasion is, but you only see what you want to see! :P

    What does how often it happens got to do with anything :blink::blink: I assume from what you say that 100% of the time you cant get a "staff bay" parking spot then you park in the restricted areas. Whether that is 1 time a month or 1 time a year or 4 times a week is irrelevant.

    edited to add:-

    What do you disagree with? that it shows a lack of respect? :unsure:

  8. Scathing!

    The car cost me over £6000 and it already has a f'ck off big scratch on the passenger side door that the garage have assured me was most likely caused by another door banging into mine. Yeah, probably pathetic in your eyes but it's the unadulterated truth!

    Congratulations, you are a saint and I a sinner!

    And? what makes you so special that you feel you have to park in the large parking spots to stop this? It seems you are not sure that it was caused in the parking lot. It could have been caused anywhere, including parking in your extra large parking spots. My car cost may over $6000 also, and now has a big dent in it because of an arsehole reversing into me in a parking lot, but you dont see me crying about it, stuff like that happens. Thats what insurance is for, and if you dont want to pay it out of your insurance you can a) get used to the scratch or B) save up the money to have it re-painted.

  9. He's not talking about the badge he's talking about the use of a disabled space by someone who is fit to walk an extra 20 yards, which is pretty contemptable.

    I know. Its not even as though at night you would have to walk an extra 20 yards either, since most of the parking spaces that are close but not disabled will also be free. (same goes for St Sam whose excuse of my car is more important to me than some woman with kids having to park further away is also pretty pathetic). People should be glad that they are able to walk this extra little bit, instead of being stuck in a wheelchair or disabled in such a way that the extra 20 feet is actually a lot of hard work. Even when i am using my wife`s grandfathers car with a disabled badge, i still park in a normal spot. Its all about a little respect for people who are disabled, and even respect for your own fitness (think of the extra 20 feet or so as doing a bit more to keep in shape) but with most things in life, the younger people are getting the less respect they seem to have for others :rolleyes:

  10. I wouldn't have thought ice hockey would be popular in the South like Atlanta :unsure: Is it not more of a Northern / Canadian game?

    Are Five showing ice hockey still in the UK?

    It isnt all that popular, but still gets a decent following. In Augusta there is a minor league Hocket team, that regularly gets attendances in the 1000s.

    However, it may not be very popular, but the last 2 Stanley Cup winners have been southern teams :lol: (Carolina and Tampa bay)

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