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Everything posted by GreenockRover

  1. SFA are just trying to look all big and professional with their discussions about disciplinary measures. They are - in effect - shooting bullets into a corpse that hasn't yet been declared clinically dead - yet. The big decisions lie with the SPL board and how that all goes if another Rangers-esque side appears like a resurrection (nearly Easter after all eh ?)
  2. They (the other non- old firm clubs) just need to hold on a bit, see RFC croak, dissolve the SPL, re-invent it in another format and ensure the newly formed leagues' wealth is distributed in a fairer manner than it has been, with the Ugly Sisters scooping the lions share. As Hughie Green always said... "..Opportunity Knocks" !
  3. No, no, no, NO !.......... "He" won't set up OR sell fcucking anything ! He is a secured creditor of RFC !!!!! His money comes to him via the sale of the ASSETS by the ADMINISTRATOR - either from the state of administration (unlikely due to CVA not being agreed by HMRC) or from LIQUIDATION - ie the closure of RFC (Highly probable as I believe this is what they WANT TO HAPPEN. I know its a bit of work but please read through the threads..... its all there, honestly.
  4. Pish. Whytes' plan has been to liquidate this debt mired grog-box from the start. He is more than half way along his path as it is. Good to see the other side of the poisonous divide (John Frances McFall) is spouting off about the FSA conducting an investigation. Another frickin useless political grunt who feels he needs to have his say whilst at the same time adding fcuk all to the evidence other than speculative reasoning. Trust me John Bhoy, if the FSA had something concrete to go on they would already be involved. Away back to the house of Lords and go back to sleep ya spud. Politicians..... eeewwww...
  5. correct. But he has no intention of being involved once liquidation is achieved.
  6. *deep breath Yes they can. The club, being IN ADMINISTRATION, operates as normal but with a greater control of income and expenditure. ie the administrator controls what gets spent and where income goes - all to the stated aim of protecting potential creditors' interests. This is what they mean by trading under administration. Suppliers and the like can trade safely from that point knowing that they will get paid for anything incurred from the DAY THE ADMINISTRATION STARTED. There's shit loads more to it but my head hurts and you get the idea ? ................please
  7. Can't be done I'm afraid. If my bread shop goes tits up owing HMRC dough () and someone else buys the shop from the administrators to start his own bread shop, the new shop owes HMRC nothing........ see how this works ? If RFC as an entity dies (liquidates) then the debt is a write off. No-one could resurrect RFC as an entity without coughing up to HMRC but who in their right mind would do that ? New name - new game. Welcome to the sewer known a business law and taxation....
  8. Really ?? Has the Tax Tribunal upheld the claim then, or are you assuming something not yet factual ?
  9. Sadly that'll be all for the authorities and the press. An act, a front.... a cover. This 'manouever' has been in the planning for some time, getting the right players in the right place (to borrow a footballing lexicon) in order to extricate themselves from a swamp of their own design. Makes me puke.....
  10. Problem there is... they (like many other yo-yo sides) can't AFFORD to be in the SPL. They vote yes, get a wee pat on the back and close the door quietly as they leave for pastures more familiar. I love all the dream talk fellas, nice to fantasize and all that, but - really......
  11. During administration - add it to the pile, call it in and hope for a decent settlement from a CVA if the new buyer wants to maintain the name. Out of administration - not gonna happen, not as the current club. (liquidation) Whyte/The Club are positioned to let the club, as it is, liquidate, sell the assets to a willing buyer and leave town. what Whyte/the club would have to do to rectify this? Have a reversal of thought - they have NO INTENTION of rectifying this. Don't hold your breath...... Indeed. However the current Government are too cosy with big business to be arsed with that type of thing.... where will their free directorships and freebies come from if they do what should be done ?
  12. Well folks ! Now that Craig Whyte has paved the way... has anyone around san starko seen our illustrious board of diddies sneaking in for a wee meeting... ?
  13. Bang on. Now watch the horror unfold.... Remember, a CVA ultimately only represents a partial settlement of the total liabilities, based on the number of unsecured creditors only. Unsecured creditors get the scraps off the floor - not the meat on the table. HMRC have pursued Harry Redknapp (failed), Portsmouth FC (limited success) and Plymouth Argyle (again limited success) in an aggressive approach to the financial skullduggery often operated by not only Football Clubs but by hundreds (if not thousands) of businesses every damn day ! Any club currently using foreign nationals in their team may also be abusing the EBT (Employee Benefit Taxation) system. Maybe not to the same giddy amounts as the Govan Gang but they will be as guilty as them. AS I said before HMRC officials - being public sector - are not as astute as their private sector counterparts and frequently get their efforts diluted or completely binned by corporate smart-arses, costing you and me fortunes in lost tax revenue. The fact that this one has involved Rangers is just giving the age old tax problem a bigger forum to get exposed in. Country's fooked lads..... Carry on.
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