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Everything posted by forameus

  1. forameus

    FIFA 20

    You b*****d. But then I was that b*****d on 19 a few times, so fair enough. What I would say, from experience of packing some really high-value cards, is that those coins are often worth far more than sitting in a player. I packed Prime Maldini fairly early in 19, and played a lot of games with him. I never understood people saying I should sell him, here I had comfortably the best player I have ever and probably would ever get, and he was brilliant. Why would I sell? Truth is though, if you sell that player, that money can go into the rest of the team, and suddenly you're far better than just that one player. I could have sold Maldini for 2.2m when I packed him. He eventually went for 1.6m I believe. That pretty much set me for the rest of the game, letting me buy Icons to try without too much fear, and just generally reinvest in SBC players that would stay for the rest of the game. I'd always advise to sell, unless you think the price is going to go up (it likely will in the next few weeks)
  2. Quite frankly it's disgusting he doesn't already have 50 caps. I'm seething, me.
  3. They'd still say it was taking place in some place called "Patrick", and put fucking Clyde's badge up or something.
  4. One match Basically one whole match where I'd say we got a really good result. Aside from that, we've either lost, drawn a game we should have won on paper, or beaten a lower league diddy. If I was him I wouldn't be mentioning the results at all. They've been fucking horrendous.
  5. A bit of stuff ratified at the recent UEFA meeting, including expanding the top division to 16 teams (so no relegation for anyone from the top tier then, niiiiice). The playoff stuff has been decided by the looks of it, with some interesting points Semi finals will all be on the Thursday, Finals on the Tuesday. Seemingly no "week of football" stuff, which is good, but they've probably picked the worst days for fans. Cheers guys. Not sure if this is new information, but from my understanding of UEFA speak, but we, as a group winner, are guaranteed to be playing a lower ranked team, no matter who qualifies. I think, at least. "If fewer than four teams from one league enter the playoffs, the remaining slots are allocated on the basis of the overall rankings to the best-ranked of the teams that have not already qualified, subject to the restriction that group winners cannot be in a play-off path with higher-ranked teams." The walk of "Paths" suggests that we also can't be against a higher ranked team in any potential final. Or maybe it doesn't. f**k knows. Looks like they've taken the sensible option and one semi-final will be drawn as the "host" for the final. Can't wait for the SFA to not do any planning and then have Robbie Williams booked for the Tuesday or something. Also can't wait for everyone gambling on travel from the four countries, in the hope that they'll get there. What was wrong with one host city? "The associations that have been awarded with the organisation of the play-off finals, must foresee the option of cancelling the venue at short notice in case of non-qualification for the final or plan to organise a replacement friendly match at the venue which has been reserved". Lol. There's a lot of expectation put at the SFA's feet here, isn't there? But seriously, imagine the SFA saying "don't worry guys, I know you're all disappointed about not going to the Euros, but do you fancy buying tickets for a friendly against Andorra instead? Full Euros draw will be in November, with placeholders for the playoffs. So we'll know our opponents ahead of the playoff, and we'll, presumably, know we're playing England and where. If that's not enough incentive, I don't know what is. It's here in punishing detail https://www.uefa.com/MultimediaFiles/Download/competitions/EURO/02/62/53/04/2625304_DOWNLOAD.pdf
  6. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I got Dybala out of the final Advanced SBC, swithering on whether to sell him. In using him in a couple of games he doesn't seem worth keeping when I could get 115k for him (and pick up Insigne and Koulibaly with the profits) Not that it'll matter. I'm fucking shit at the game. Again.
  7. Fan ownership always seems the kind of thing that a club gets when there is no other option, when someone has run the club into the ground, and it's up to the fans to save it. We have a potential takeover by a billionaire consortium, and our fans can't even hide their abject Fury when we play a square pass. My supports with the big 'uns
  8. Looks like WWE just can't help themselves. Dark segment after the show, Rollins is in the Sister Abigail, then fights out and delivers a stomp. Fiend gets straight back up, but then Rollins delivers multiple kicks, and then three more stomps to leave the Fiend down when the video ends. I know it's a dark segment, but for f**k sake, they must know these things get out? A character they're seemingly desperate to protect and keep strong, getting tanned in by the face, presumably in some attempt to "send the crowd home happy".
  9. Well quite clearly we should be putting up a border wall to keep these kinds out.
  10. 60,000* seater Firhill Thunderdome confirmed * well, that'll cover the Bing anyway.
  11. That's really shit for you, man. I get that some people want to stand, but when it's at the expense of letting people - not just kids - actually see the game, it's really poor. I remember going to the Gibraltar game outside of my usual season ticket seat that campaign, my first time sitting on one of the stands behind the goals (can't remember which one). There were several "footsoldiers" around, who seemed genuinely upset that not everyone around them wanted to stand up, to the point where they were actively getting at people who weren't, intimating that they were clearly better fans because they were standing up (at a Sunday night game against fucking Gibraltar. Gimps.). Which would be fine, but them standing meant there were a few families in the rows behind us who couldn't see any of the game. They're never going to be able to force people to sit, to be honest I'd publicise it more. You want to do the whole standing up all game thing, buy a ticket in this stand. Buy a ticket in the Super Fun Family Bouncy Castle Stand? You're fucking sitting. Everyone's happy.
  12. I only played about an hour of the first one, never really getting into it. I'd be all over a remastered version done in exactly the same way to run the two stories together.
  13. I think once you move on from that area (don't think you're too far from that point), you can pretty much go anywhere from there. I personally avoided the Eastern side of the map (Saint Denis and Annesburg) until later in the game, preferring them unspoiled as the story got to them. I usually just explored the immediate areas around wherever the camp was and where the missions took me. Only quite far into my second playthrough did I start to branch out and explore far-away areas to pick up all the secrets and that. No, I get that. It's probably the most "alive" a game I've seen of this type. Personally I'd have preferred there to be a little more variety (and generally more) of encounters with people. You can only really say a few things to them, and a lot of the time it's either just friendly or unfriendly, with very little variation. Other than that though, just the wealth of animals makes it feel alive. You can be in the most remote parts of the map, and still find life up there. Once the story really starts to grab you...it's really something.
  14. Assume that's for the Connie's Key Numpties (Christ...) game? I'm quite looking forward to it in a way. Not really looking forward to seeing our shitebag team come up against such a dirty bunch though.
  15. There's a few moments you can't save for what seems like no reason, but I think it's just in a locked state when you're coming out of a cut-scene or whatever. Didn't notice it being too restrictive otherwise. If auto-save is on, it often does it quite seamlessly in the background (sometimes too seamlessly as you try and recover from really fucking something up). The game is just generally slow to be honest. The early hours, particularly on replaying them, do seem quite a grind. I'm not sure the story really gets going until a lot later in the game (everyone who has played will know when probably). Some people won't like the pacing, and a lot have complained, but they get away with it with how good it gets.
  16. Could be dirtsheet stuff, but allegedly it's WWE who announced it. A 5-way for the Universal Title number 1 contendership ahead of Hell in a Cell. You know, the same PPV where they've already got a Universal Championship match. Anyway, it's Styles, Nakamura, Rey Mysterio, Ricochet and - somehow - Robert Roode. Not sure if it's to try and build some kind of triple thread, or whether the Fiend's going to come in and f**k everyone up, but seems an odd decision to put this now given they seem to already be building a match.
  17. There's more chance of the wrestler Kane getting called up than Shankland. Might sort out some of the shitebags in our team too.
  18. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I went for Italy as starter, and I'll probably end up with a Serie A squad long-term, as always. I always want to have some kind of Scottish squad, but I'm not good enough at the game to actually be successful with it.
  19. Unless...they actually go ahead and have Kofi win. I'm a great believer that you can make any story make sense with decent enough writing, so not as if him winning is completely unbelievable. I'd far rather Lesnar start going after something more interesting than just grabbing the title and then disappearing. He should be built up to have these attraction matches, and that doesn't need the title. But, let's face it, bit of a shame for Kofi that after all that effort to build him up to be a solid champion, he'll likely get fed to Lesnar in a "just-ok" TV match. Hopefully if that is the case, he'll at least be around for a few TV episodes, and can get that interest back that sees him put on good PPV matches.
  20. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I saw Icon Swaps on Reddit yesterday but wasn't aware they were replacing SBCs. That's...dog shit. Actually, read the article, and...meh. It seems like they're making good changes on one hand, then fucking it over with the other. "We didn't like that having Icon requirements in the SBCs fixed the value of lower icons, so we've taken away the SBC itself". There will be Icon SBCs, but it looks like it'll be the lucky dip grab bag style, where you get any of them (so probably the worst one). Losing the specific ones is bad news, as it takes away a lot of what made that middle part of the game fun. I guess it all depends how likely you are to pack an Icon, given that now seems to be the best avenue towards getting them. Given the theory is that pack odds are quite tied to market value, it would follow that it might get a little more likely. Still though, gutter.
  21. Not true. 58 goals for, 44 against. Technically correct, but if you take out the two Gibraltar results it looks a lot closer. Still in the black though. Doesn't really matter if you're conceding as long as you're scoring more than you're letting in. Goal difference doesn't really solve the issues of one aberration ruining a campaign, as has been the issue for a while. We could win games 5-1 all we want, but dropping points to the likes of Lithuania and Georgia undoes a lot of that effort.
  22. Should say, although it makes Rollins look like a wee bitch, cracking final visual with the Fiend looming over him to close out the show. I still worry they've hotshotted this too soon, but should be fun getting there at least.
  23. Does seem a bit on the nose. Can't imagine them screaming "THAT'S KANE GLENN JACOBS" back in the day whenever the big puce machine came in. In fact, it's the only part of the presentation they're really getting wrong with the Fiend. Absolutely nailing every aspect of him, Wyatt, the Firefly Fun House...then he comes out and the commentary team are just fucking awful. The quiet whispered "good god no..." from Michael Cole on Clash of Champions wasn't even good enough for a shite horror film. Just have them say NOTHING, how hard is it?
  24. Like Ballon D'Or nominee Harry Souttar playing in League One?
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