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Everything posted by forameus

  1. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I'll likely do similar, although all my coins will likely get punted into the league SBCs again and again. Time-consuming, but usually decent results. Holding out hope of maybe pulling one last big icon before the end, although unlikely I'll get there before this weekend.
  2. Germany have laws for this. Any gig you go to has your name on the ticket, and your ID is checked at the door. Doesn't stop people touting tickets, but I suspect it stops a lot of poor people who fall for it from getting in. Usually these gigs are organised well enough and with enough staff that these checks aren't a big issue. Can only imagine here that they'd open like one turnstile and have one guy checking IDs, but shouldn't be like that on the continent. It's a good thing. Anything that goes some way to stopping people touting tickets is a good thing. Then just offer a decent and robust ticket reselling service for those that genuinely can't go. I've got 6 tickets for a gig in Cardiff next Summer that I probably won't need all of. They'll be getting sold on those exchanges at face, because f**k being a wee tout gimp.
  3. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I had an absolutely disgusting day of pack luck on Saturday. PIM Seedorf (who I already had) then TOTS after TOTS. Also managed to pack those Record Breakers cards three times, which all quick sell for 65k. I went from worrying about running out of coins to being able to complete Alaba, Hazard and then Pogba all in one day. The game's pretty much done to be honest. I'll have a decent amount of spare time this weekend, so I'll prepare myself for one last Weekend League, then it's pretty much all over. Packs being this juiced is great initially, but you're already struggling to sell even the good cards. What's the point in packing a big card if it's worth a pittance and you can't use it?
  4. forameus

    FIFA 19

    It's simultaneously the worst and best time of the game. Everything's dirt cheap, so you can probably try some players you never could for pretty cheap, but pack weights being so good across the board means any chance of making any kind of money is pretty much gone. It's not too bad at the moment, but in the next few days and weeks, it's going to head straight into the ground like a fucking dart. I packed TOTS Ibrahimovich, thought I'd be quids in given he was in the millions. He's dropped to around 200k in a couple of days since he went into packs. Other TOTS are unsellable at their current price ranges. EDIT: I'll see what the objectives are like tonight. If they're pretty uninspiring, I'll probably be done with the game in a week or so.
  5. TO be fair, if you had him getting the tea, he'd at least retrieve it quickly. If he didn't run straight into a wall with it or leave it behind instead.
  6. Not sure there's much other than just people like seeing someone get the shit kicked out of them. Lesnar's supposed to be the heel, but they've never really managed to treat him as one. They got close with the stuff around him and Reigns, but even then he's not an out-and-out heel. Now he's up against someone who hasn't been a particularly good face. If that was a face Daniel Bryan in there, you might get a better reaction, but seeing Lesnar in full flow is still fun. When he cares, watching him throw people like javelins is good to watch. I'm not surprised people wanted to see more.
  7. Have to say, starting to agree on that. She was brilliant in the role they had her in before, shown even more so by how robotic and wooden Coachman is in the same role. But in this one she just seems so stilted. Wonder if she's struggling to cope with a yapping voice in her ear every 2 minutes, because it's hard to imagine how a comfortable, charismatic figure like her can turn into the "OOOOOOOOH" machine she is now.
  8. I know they're going to ruin him, but fucking hell I love this Wyatt stuff. He is nailing absolutely every segment he's given. Question is whether they can translate it to the ring. Would like to see Balor bring out the demon but finally lose wearing it. Not just lose, get fucking decimated. Despite their best efforts they've actually consistently produced a character from someone who was dead in the water. They need to keep it going.
  9. It was Slovenia. The Slovakia game was a Skrtel OG. Ah, so it was, my mistake. Was Chris Martin not the one effectively making him make the OG? Might be misremembering that too.
  10. Because Nintendo. Seems like something a "passionate gamer" would've understood.
  11. forameus

    FIFA 19

    EA seems to have sensed that I'm starting to get into the "can't-be-arsed" phase of FIFA. Opened Squad Battles rewards and packed Prime Socrates. Not quite the value it once had, but certainly better than a kick in the stones. Will try him for a few games, and if he's as awkward as some reviews suggest, easy 850k. Other than that though, the game's clearly dying. Just isn't that same pull to really play at this point. Trying to get through the objectives, but trying to score or assist with certain players is fucking punishing. And for what? A 91 card that'll get stored up in the hope of finishing an Icon? Meh...
  12. Was that not Slovakia at Hampden? Remember thinking a couple of minutes before the goal that it was going to be one of those nights, and despite battering ten men for what seemed like hours, we would just never score. Cometh the hour, cometh the huuuuuuge arse.
  13. Now that's damning! I quite liked Chris Martin actually. Admittedly looked like a haddy at times, but most of his appearances saw him thrown on with very little chance to actually change the game. He shouldered (big shooders, mind) a lot of the blame for being one of the best of a fairly average group. If we had anyone better in the moments he was called upon, he wouldn't have been there. and that's not to say he was bad.
  14. MAGGLE! Get the Blue Meanie back so he can f**k him up again
  15. Aye, that'll be why he's looked so brilliant. I didn't say he was the same player as Rhodes. The parallel is that they've looked far better at club level than they have at international (so far). Those two are by no means alone in that. I'd say he's better than Harry Souttar though.
  16. Writing him off, absolutely not, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility that he just never delivers for Scotland, while continuing to be a really good club-level player. Jordan Rhodes was lethal at club-level, but looked a bit limited and awkward for us. Chris Martin wasn't quite as prolific, but again, looked like a fucking caravan for us. Leigh Griffiths was probably our number 1, but I've never been totally convinced by him, and his excellent set pieces against England have masked what's been a fairly unremarkable international career. With the players mentioned, you probably need to play a very particular way. I imagine Rhodes could have gotten many, many goals for us had we set up to play to his strengths. But we'd also likely concede just as many because we can't afford to do things that way. I expect McBurnie is likely similar - a player who fits in in a very particular manner that we just don't play. Hopefully that changes. And I'd probably agree that at this moment, he's our number 1. That's quite a depressing thought, with the best will in the world towards the boy.
  17. While I completely see where you're coming from, unfortunately football is a business now. It's shite, and it would be a lot better if it wasn't, but at the top level it's largely a money-making exercise.
  18. forameus

    FIFA 19

    Think that's all that's left in the game for me too. I'd love to complete Cruyff after using his loan for a few games. Suspect he'll be way out of my price range though, and at this stage the game just isn't enjoyable enough to spend the time I'd need to get there. Maybe next year.
  19. From the gifs of his run-in and the brawl, have to agree. I've not really watched much of his stuff outside of his match with Okada, but just from these bits he doesn't look like he's concentrating too much on that side of things. Really looking his age. DDP needs to get a hold of him to give him some of that sweet Voodoo Yoga shit.
  20. Finally got around to chipping away at the 24 episodes I've not gotten to watch. Started with Big David, and he comes across absolutely brilliantly. I'm sure I'd heard that he was never the most confident guy, but not to the degree that showed in that. Made me wonder what wrestling would be like without the characters, if every guy was just playing themselves. Not advocating for it, but what's not to get behind from his story? Really nervous guy who didn't feel like he belonged, to the point where he seemed arrogant by avoiding people he was scared of being around, just wanting to chase his dreams. On yersel' Dave.
  21. Isn't Ospreay basically perma-injured in some way? Boy won't be walking in a few years.
  22. Aye, he runs the Firhill Cup, and very well I might add. Seemed a decent guy for that, but that's a highly embarrassing tweet from him. and if he's even partially responsible for that 71 cup win stuff (I didn't see it, but I'm ashamed by proxy) then...ooft.
  23. Is he as good as Harry Souttar though?
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