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Everything posted by forameus

  1. It's interesting to see the coverage of this outside of Scotland. Whenever it's mentioned, it's talked about how amazing it is that the club's being "given back to the fans" and how great it is that a lottery winner bought the club to give back to said fans. It's almost like nothing could possibly go wrong.
  2. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. In theory the squad isn't that bad, but in practice they're...well, they're what you see on the pitch. They're utterly devoid of confidence, and clearly have a tendency to turn into absolute shitebags. With a bit of a boost in morale, I expect we'd see better performances, as the players clearly have it in them, especially ones like Cardle and Zanatta. I expect if they're confident we'll see much better results. But having said all that, we still need major surgery on this team, even if that's just to get some of the shitebags out of the firing line and bring some belief into the squad. We can't just sit there and hope that Cardle and co suddenly decide one day to start playing again.
  3. Yup. People might not like it, but it's how football is nowadays. International football is a sideshow, and even absolute no-mark clubs can easily tell national teams to piss off, such is their power in the game.
  4. Looking at him, I'd imagine the track marks were tranquilizer shots sustained while bothering a village in his homeland.
  5. While it's clearly not clean-cut, how are WADA "not the good guys"? There's clearly something very fishy going on in Russia with regards to doping, so WADA are acting. Not like they're picking on a country where there's no smoke or fire. Purely from a competition sense, particularly in Athletics, Russia will deserve everything they get. "everything they get" though will likely be f**k all relating to the Euros.
  6. I don't think it's quite as bad "in the flesh". It's pretty fucking far from being the best top they've ever had, but not quite as bad as the first photos made it look.
  7. Was decent enough but if you thought Rey was going over brock you need your head examined. Obviously no-one really thinks that beyond the "well, maybe...", but that near fall will have had a lot of people biting.
  8. Broken Skull Sessions was a good watch, but still really weird to see him talking so far out of character. Really must be the end if he's busting that out. Very honest too, and shows just how hard it must be for these guys to let it all go. From their stories, they clearly fucking love the life that wrestling has given them, and even though he fairly honestly talked about how he wanted to go out on top, he admitted that as soon as Vince calls him and needs a favour, he's there. Kind of sad in a way. On the positive side though, the short trailers they'd been running made him look fucking ancient (same age as SC...mental), but once he actually started talking, he's engaging, switched on and speaks really well. Personally I'd go all out to try and build him the feud and story that can let him have one last match before retiring. He talked at length about how he didn't want to go out after 30 on that performance, and I expect he won't really want to go out on some of the horrible matches he's had recently. He's going to be limited, but I think he deserves that last hurrah. Put him in the Hall of Fame, and let the guy's hips rest.
  9. Super Mario Odyssey is an absolute joy of a game. If you want that kind of platformer, there's little better than it, and it's incredibly polished compared to a lot of games these days. Good mention for Rayman Legends too. Haven't played it on Switch, but it's very well put together on PS4
  10. I imagine it's like one of those Apprentice tasks where one of the absolute goobers brings in a box with big smiles, then opens it and everyone has to pretend they like what's in there.
  11. Read the article on BBC, and it's very vague. The bit you highlighted seems written for Athletics, where it's possible to compete as neutrals, but it doesn't outright say that Russia are out of the Euros, more that their hosting rights get removed. Even then you've got several outs that could see them avoid the worst of it. The biggest being the "unless legally or practically impossible". Decent enough lawyer could surely get around that, given I can't imagine UEFA will be that interested themselves in the extra work of moving things around.
  12. Was that the one with Brown essentially running a handicap match against their whole team? Or am I thinking of a different game. Seem to remember a photo of him with four or five absolutely raging players in front of him, while he grinned like a loon.
  13. Should've used a motion photo. A few frames after the photo was taken they both fell down separate mine shafts.
  14. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Few words missing there? If it's "don't need", I took Giggs in the first batch, and looking to get the remaining 15 to take Keane, so I do need the 24. Suppose you can just forfeit. I always get that feeling like "it's only an 80, maybe I'll win" and then lose an awkward 3-1 where they race into the lead in the 85th. Say what you like about EA, they know how to structure a squad battles AI to really get it up you. And yes you can. Politano, Vardy and Giggs are all waiting to elbow the Mexicans oot the way.
  15. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Yeah, I'm doing that. But as soon as you start relying on those, they fire you an 80+ across the board set, and you have to play 1 game before you can refresh again. I'm not looking forward to playing with the Mexican jobbers, but even less looking forward to the Legendary battle with the Championship players. Think that's getting kept til next week and a new set of refreshes.
  16. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Finally have to agree. It's never seemed too bad for me, but it's recently got much worse. I was off on Wednesday so decided to try and churn through the Rivals objectives, and dipped to a record low of 200 skill points. Natural level on 20 seems to be high Division 7, but crashed almost to 10 with this. I know when I'm playing people I should be beating, and if I lose to them I'm ok with it, as usually Rivals works quite well. But I'm constantly coming up against teams that are clearly controlled by someone way better than me. Which in turn means I'm punted down, and likely playing people worse than me and ruining it for them. Yesterday managed to get 5 wins in a row fairly easily, which shouldn't be happening. I'm now 2 single player challenges away from a full 24 tokens. Just the Mexican League and English Championship to go, but that's 11 games I need to win in Squad Battles. Fucking yippee.
  17. I'm well up for an advert where Barry Scott shouts at Scott Brown as he's shiting on his floor. New direction for the lad.
  18. To be fair, Scott Brown seems to thrive when he's getting all the vitriol. Coming into these games and having thousands of "Footsoldiers" raging at him would be a masterstroke.
  19. Is it just the attention you want with the stance of hoping that?
  20. Just as little reason that we can't beat Serbia. It's just been made harder, but it's not like we're up against England or Holland like in previous playoffs.
  21. It is what it is, I suppose. We should be able to get through a semi, then it's a 90 minute literal playoff to reach a tournament. If the players can't get up for that then they don't deserve to be there. Time to practice several months of forgetting the past and get right intae these c***s.
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