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Everything posted by forameus

  1. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I'm comitting partial seppuku and putting a huge chunk of my club into the tedious upgrade cycle. I've sat at around 2000 players for a long time, and with league SBCs not being as rewarding, I thought f**k it. Keeping behind enough to satisfy first owner requirements, and any big players I get will go into completing another Base Icon, and/or Suarez (maybe, can't really stand the buck-toothed c**t). So far I've gotten Ter Stegen, De Gea and 2 Coutinho's, so that'd get me well on the way to one part of the Icon SBC at least. Still chasing that completely imaginary TOTY though.
  2. I watched the first 3. Skipped through the opener as it didn't really interest me. Women's match was pretty good. Bate/Devlin was unbelievably good. That final kick out...lovely. They seem to be leaning on that finish a wee bit - one last kick out to get the crowd biting before a very quick finish after. Guess I've just got the ladder match and the main event to go?
  3. You might have to bite the bullet, they were incredibly rare when I picked up mine, so people jacked up the price. A mate of mine got them fairly recently for much cheaper, but not sure from where. Quite ridiculous that Sony are presumably wanting to push VR, but aren't dropping more of these into the market.
  4. Worth watching without spoiling? Tried to get it on last night, but despite it being finished it wasn't on the network. Will try and work through it today if it's a good watch.
  5. You can jump down two fucking steps and end up deid in this game. Fall damage is ludicrous. Yeah, it's a long, long grind. It's not even as if it's one of those games that sends you out on shitty wee fetch quests to pad the length. I remember hitting a certain point in the game, fully expect that to be the credits and that's that. And I was happy enough given I'd probably put in 50 hours to that point. Then you went off to Skellige again and I think it was another 10-20 on top of that. On the base game. Then probably another 10-20 on each of the DLC. It's a fucking enormous time sink. Glorious though.
  6. While I don't agree with it, I can see where Celtic are coming from (if the story is real). International football matters far, far less than club football now to most people that matter. Celtic would benefit indirectly from Scotland making it to a major tournament, of course they would, but given it's hardly certain that them supporting this would lead to that, they have to look after themselves. Particularly if, as they'll presumably be hoping, they end up with a few more European games. Sad but true.
  7. Should they ever be sitting in the case of "not wanting to attract" any kinds of people? There's no reason why they have to exclude anyone. I know they're fucking hopeless at times, but surely there's a way they can attract everyone from all walks of life.
  8. You'd need quite the fucking trebuchet to launch Gary Harkins into the sun. Maybe the rest of the squad as the counterweight?
  9. I never really thought that much about Big Show until his Stone Cold interview thing on the Network. Not like I didn't like him or anything, he was just...there. But as is always the way with these things, he came across really, really well. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who isn't a dick who wouldn't be delighted for the guy that he's back in shape and back in the ring. The guy looked like he was proper marking out at his entrance. No reason why he can't challenge for any title other than the WWE/Universal. Could certainly see him in some kind of tag team. He deserves a final face run with some success. Either that or get him back in a nappy dancing like it's New Year's Eve.
  10. Suppose Steve Clarke probably isn't that good on a computer. I presume they've got him and his coaching team in there typing them up with the speed of them.
  11. Did anyone else buy tickets online, then not receive an email confirmation? Nothing in any folder as far as I can see, money is pending to leave my account, so it's clearly gone through. Really baffles me that any business that involves selling tickets really hasn't worked out the whole "selling tickets" part of the business.
  12. f**k...the bots are getting smarter lads.
  13. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Today at 6 they all go into packs, tomorrow at 6 the 12th man gets announced and goes in. No idea how long they'll be in. Would presume over the weekend at least.
  14. forameus

    FIFA 20

    7 chem you can get away with, believe you'll still get boosted stats, although minimal. On 4 you're getting basically nothing, while opponents will be getting considerable boosts across the board. I'd say look at 7 at the very least, but obviously the more the better. For that team, you need to pick the players you really don't want to lose, and say goodbye to some. Vidal in for Erikssen and moving KDB over would at least get your right side chem up. Think KDB would be on 7 then, and Benzema on 10. That triangle on the left is your problem though. All of them link to one person but no-one else.
  15. Lesnar is just a terrific businessman, isn't he? Can't be arsed with a title defence, so he'll get a short-ish cameo in the Royal Rumble instead then stroll backstage and off home. Lovely old job. Suspect he'll get a 15 minute stretch, probably absolutely murder a number of jobbers, before someone big comes out around 8 or so. Then he'll either be taken out of the ring so he can have a lie down until later, or he'll be outright eliminated. If they book it right and want the overall winner to go after Brock, they could tell a pretty good story through the whole match if they want to.
  16. forameus

    FIFA 20

    @Mayos Noun so did you pack all 3 TOTY or just the 1? Went through a few of the league SBCs I was close on after finally clearing off the fodder I had for a rainy day. As you cna imagine, pretty much f**k all. Got IF Martial on the last one though, along with IF barisic. Former looks to be crashing hard, so cashed in for 130k. Barisic will remain for my mythical SPFL/Scotland team that I never get around to doing.
  17. From memory, neither one was given with much hesitation. Could see the point if he waited, then made the decision, but he gave them both pretty much immediately.
  18. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I think they're EA employees actually. The managers who clearly aren't real are stock photos and probably made up names, but I think staff are real EA ones. Which is brave, given the amount of unbalanced people and their views on EA in the game.
  19. Probably the best thing RAW have put out in fucking years. Absolute horseshit, but in the best possible way.
  20. This for me. He looks like one of those players that gets it on their weak foot, and looks severely uncomfortable at the fact. Only it's on both feet.
  21. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Just...f**k off. It is. The other two need nine first-owned, but English is a bit more reasonable. I'm quite enjoying the Rivals objectives. I enjoyed the first go-round as it made me use players I'd never otherwise use. What's the point in intentionally handicapping yourself for no reason? In this case, there is a reason, and it leads to good things. Always knew Werner was a great option up top, but even his NIF is obscene. Did the Bundesliga 4 in 6 games I think. La Liga is proving more difficult, finding very few players to love in amongst that.
  22. Russo vs Riddle bro. Bro on a pole match, bro.
  23. I really, really hope that this was just something horrible and sudden and that everything up to there was him making his own decisions. If someone else did, and now, like others have said, his legacy is going to be people fighting over the scraps, then that's obviously not the way it should have gone. He has clearly done a huge amount for us, and for other clubs, in a sensible, level-headed manner, whilst in a situation where it would've been easy to have done something frivolous. Fucking awful for the family, completely irrespective of what it means for us.
  24. forameus

    FIFA 20

    This is why they really should rethink the ranks for WL. I've not played it too often relatively, but every time I do I'm usually sitting needing 2 or 3 from 3 to get to the next rank. It really heightens the games unnecessarily, when really you should be getting something for each win. Surely it'd be better if young thomas there knew that one win would get, say, another pack, rather than knowing he has to win 3 from 3 to get anything different. Given it'd make a lot of people play every last game, I'm not sure why EA seem so averse to it.
  25. leefy was the weirdo who had a particular hard-on for hating Thistle, wasn't he? Mantle taken up by that other Paisley OFTW.
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