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Salt n Vinegar

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Everything posted by Salt n Vinegar

  1. Well, I suppose that's one way of looking at it. A more rational view might be that if someone knows well in advance that access might take longer, it might be sensible to turn up earlier. Just insisting 'I've turned up 15 minutes before kick-off for years, and I'm not changing now' is just infantile nonsense, IMO.
  2. If folk think they might be in such a state that they can't get into a football stadium, maybe they could have a think about coming up with a way a way of improving their 'condition' on the day to make access more likely. It might not be easy to watch Scotland matches sober, but it is certainly possible! If I can survive watching the 1-0 against Moldova on TV with no alcohol, a few feet from the kitchen and its supply of cold lagers and bottles of malt, it really can't be hard for folk to get a grip. Seriously folks, if we decide that social and/or sporting activities must be organised in such a way that they can only go ahead if someone off their tits on bevvy can participate, the country's relationship with booze is even more f#cked than some think. If someone is in such a state they can't press a button on their phone, I don't want them siting next to me or my family. Also, as far as those supporting the 'just lie about being exempt' bollox are concerned, I suppose the selfish will do anything to undermine public health if they think they are being 'clever'. Hopefully the system will negate that stupidity. Infectious diseases are too serious to piss about with.
  3. It's worse than you imagine in Germany... why, just last night the German national football team tried to claim asylum after a clearly planned "emergency" landing at Edinburgh airport. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58501227 The feds obviously didn't fancy a diplomatic incident with the Germans, so after a few hours, they were on their way. (Well, that might be how some rabid Brexiteers will see it.... )
  4. Avoiding controversy except for that bit, obviously...
  5. Just because you might be cynical doesn't mean you can't be correct.
  6. It might be that some regard NI as a soft touch. Income Tax = bad, National Insurance (a more cuddly title) = good. As for the reason, well, "f**k the poor" has worked pretty well in creating a hugely unequal society up till now. It ain't broke (from the Tory point of view, anyway) so no need to fix it. As the Tories have been in government for the vast majority of the last 50-60 years, I would be most surprised if things were much different. I think that since the Tories last won a majority of the Scottish constituencies (1955), by the time the next scheduled election takes place, they'll have been in government for 45 years to Labour's 24, 14 of which arose from elections won by that well known left wing firebrand Tony Blair. Next up - watching for a significant increase in the annual allowance for deposit in Shares ISAs... must find away to help the chaps and chums shelter more income from the evil taxman....
  7. So you are suggesting that a taxation policy which adversely affects the less well paid and has a proportionally smaller impact on higher earners is supported by the present UK Government. Hmmm. It is indeed a puzzle why any Tory could accept such a clearly ridiculous situation. I'll have a think...
  8. Nonsense! Anyway, that must be us about, what, eighth in the FIFA rankings now?
  9. I would ask how you know that, but I'll try to keep things positive....
  10. Can't make up my mind if Adams should be subbed. Could get sent off or could carry on causing havoc. Tough call
  11. Clarke juet said that he hopes it's a good game. I hope it's a crap game and we win 1-0...
  12. Hopefully we will be so far ahead by half time, there'll be no more talk of management/selection issues. (Reaches for next drink.... )
  13. I think there's also a potential for misunderstanding the views of the retired. Yeah, great, the retired wouldn't be affected by the N.I. increase (unless if course they extend it to 'the retired'), but many/most of the retired will have kids! Our two sons work. I don't want them to be paying even more in taxes while others (like me) escape any of the additional funding requirements for services. Wonder how the UK Government will deal with the 'consequentials' issue?
  14. For the avoidance of any doubt there's some of us who don't want the sectarian pish anywhere near Ibrox either!
  15. I know what you mean but even the match officials have to use the tunnel!
  16. Never mind the state of the football, there's too many Neanderthals in the stadium if the comments about some of the 'supporters' on the thread are anything to go by. (Warning - 'old git in the corner' routine coming up.) If someone is off their tits they shouldn't be anywhere near the stadium and if it is the case that folk were getting in with bottles, the dude in charge of stadium security should be out on his/her arse. I was around in the football specials 'sack a city for £2.50 return' days and when cans and bottles were routinely 'exchanged' between opposing fans. F that and F them and F anyone who thinks it's ok. If we hadn't had the early goal last night, a duff decision near the end in front of pished fans could have turned into a horror show. A referee being smacked on the head by a half bottle of 'tonic wine' would remove any concerns over qualification for one campaign at least. The half pished roasters are making a comeback? Great way to get kids back to games.
  17. To look for the most optimistic outcome, I'm expecting an awful game and hoping for a 1-0 Scotland win. What a depressingly familiar outlook.
  18. I made a very bad decision before the game. I decided not to have a drink until we were 2 goals up. Gaspin'.
  19. Get them some strips and taxi to Hampden just in case!
  20. Just when I'm slightly cheered up by some positive posts, I find myself hoping that tonight's "Eh? Whit!" result has already happened as Azerbaijan drew 1-1 in Dublin.
  21. And I have no idea why some of that text is in red!
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