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Salt n Vinegar

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Everything posted by Salt n Vinegar

  1. Fair question. I wasn't there, not quite my 'scene'. (Grumpy old git!) A summary would be bending the rules on masks to breaking point and physical contact being no problem. I don't want to identify the premises, but there was a quieter, less busy part where the sanity seemed to prevail, (where my son and his g/f were) and a busier part where folk were basically off their tits and acting as if it was a combined 21st, a hen night and a stag do all in one. My son's pal was in the latter area, so he probably won't be the only one. A rise in cases was inevitable, but I'm left with the distinct feeling that "we" - as in the population in general - could have done more to help keep the figures down.
  2. What you say is true, but all you have to do is look at the posts on this forum to realise that there appear to be many folk around who seem to think that Covid is a thing of the past. My son was at an evening in a well-known Glasgow night spot a couple of weekends ago and he told us about the widespread lack of sanity there. One of his group tested positive a couple of days later. It's pretty obvious that we haven't reached the highest ever level of infections because folk are being careful.
  3. This morning's phone-in on Radio Scotland was a fear festival along the lines of 'how awful it's going to be if we have the reintroduction of restrictions....' Might be a bit more helpful if they spent an hour asking folk what they're doing to try to reduce the spread, but I suppose that's a bit less controversial.
  4. The guy is right up there with the eejit who wanted a meeting in Downing Street about her fekkin' alpaca.
  5. Well, if folk are worried about genocide, I seem to recall hearing when I was young something about an angry leader being very judgemental about a helpless population and a flood....
  6. Wow. Crooks with pals on the outside driving huge vehicles around the country carrying valuable cargo... What could possibly go wrong?
  7. A couple of pretty judgemental comments so far.... I know, hardly unprecedented around here! What subject/s will you be studying?
  8. Cheers. But I must point out that it really is remarkable that just being a sane human being attracts attention. It's all quite depressing really. Still, I'm sure that the fans will re-energise the team on the pitch next weekend with rousing songs and chants about sashes, Popes, Northern Ireland, ruling waves, long-lived monarchs and all that other really important non-football stuff without which no 21st century sporting event is complete. Grow up lads ffs.
  9. What took so long? The Returning Officer had to adjudicate one ballot paper that thad no cross on it, but featured a cock and balls. The vote went to ACH as the voter's intentions were clear.
  10. The biggest issue with councils is that it's the same overpromoted council officials who make the key decisions no matter who is in charge politically. I think you'll find that the decisions are made by councillors, or by officials acting under a scheme of delegation approved by councillors which should be available for pubic inspection. All of the most senior officials are directly appointed by councillors. Happy to help.
  11. I really wish the mutant tendency in the Rangers support would mute the f#ck up - on the buses, in the grounds, on the streets and everywhere else.
  12. Listening to radio. We seem well on top so I doubt we'll be in too much bother. (Prepare "Famous Last Words" entry....)
  13. Sadly, in terms of the Brexit vote, the "losers" won.
  14. Quick summary of contributions made so far at the UN Security Council.... 'we call on the Taliban to be fair, reasonable and democratic' Wunch of bankers.
  15. Just seen the footage from Kabul airport. Those poor people. Folk falling off departing aircraft. How bad do these folk think it's going to get, if what's happening at the airport seems like the best hope for them?
  16. Trouble with that is that as long as there are still nail biters, nose pickers and folk who are too ignorant to wash their hands even after going to the bog - before handing you a pint - too many people are not 'personally responsible'. Maybe one benefit of the covid experience will be that some will have changed their personal hygiene habits, but given folks stupidity levels even in the pre-vaccine/high infection days, that's probably optimistic.
  17. Of course governments want the maximum possible vaccine take up. If it's not all used, the wee nanobots inside the vials will group together to form massive killer robots that will destroy humanity. (Sorry, rough morning....)
  18. Somewhere, a video games company employee is thinking... "hmmm, it would be a bit of a niche market, but you never know..."
  19. I dare say it is very sad for the owners, but I had to laugh when I saw that they wanted talks in Downing Street about the wretched animal. Pandemic, Afghanistan, Brexit, Belarus, spies in Germany, Biden asking for oil production to increase in the face of global warming, anti-vaxxers, covid deniers, GBNews, (Old Firm out of the Champions League ) ... and the owners want talks with Ministers about a fekking ALPACA? Get it shot before the damn thing dies of TB, or ends up on a stamp. Firm, but fair.
  20. Seems from a quick Google that she appears to be the patron saint of nothing in particular. I'll have no amateur involved in my building maintenance!
  21. I can just about understand why some folk might (MIGHT!) query a vaccine. Just about. It's more the "faith in God" thing that gets me. Folk who presumably listen to a mechanic about motor vehicle repairs, or to a financial adviser about handing money or debts, or to a tailor about making a suit, or to plumber if their drains were blocked, when it comes to matters of health ignore scientists and doctors and instead rely on faith to save their lives. If someone thought their car brakes were failing, I suspect they'd get someone who knew what they were doing, instead of hoping that the Lord would keep them safe as they head off on the motorway at 70. Maybe it's just me, but if I had a hole in my roof I'd be very unlikely to pray to whoever the patron Saint of Roofs is.
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