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Salt n Vinegar

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Everything posted by Salt n Vinegar

  1. If Rangers don't get through tonight it will be a shocker. Need a second very early in second half. Fingernails taking a doing already.
  2. Ah... Thought you meant that the shy Rangers fans would burst out....
  3. If we are losing, there'll be 200+ non-Rangers fans on here.....
  4. The trouble is that the system depends on people being both honest and community-spirited. However, given the laughable level of the "good sense and judgement of the British people" over the months, I'll file that under "Aye, Right".
  5. Reality check time for the overconfident contingent in the support tonight. I have a horrible feeling that we are in bother. If Malmo score first, that's the tie gone I'm afraid. The performance against United at the weekend was awful. We must start at 100 miles an hour and kep up the pressure until there's no way back for Malmo. We couldn't do that against United. I regret to say that the mad couple of minutes in the first leg has put us out. Delighted to be proved wrong but the past two games have been shambolic.
  6. You can mock, but I've never been able to adequately replace my collection of quill pens. Still, the tarot cards led us to the miscreants, who were promptly put in the village square stocks and pelted to death with cabbages. A grand sight and a fine day out for all the family.
  7. Not quite seeing it that way. Whether it is other countries demanding them, or so many trips by folk from Scotland being from or involving other UK countries' ports or airports, it was probably inevitable. There's no point in Scotland saying "we're no havin' them on a point of principle" if every other country insists on them.
  8. After they are finished there, they are to march off to the Science Museum to protest against evolution, "the round Earth" theory and the moon landings. Then it's home to mummy's speciality, boiled eggs and dippy soldiers.
  9. Round 'em all up and get them jagged. (No, JAGGED.)
  10. What a pity he allowed Covid 19 in the first place....
  11. With all the sex-deprived horny gits back in the clubs, I'd imagine the better looking lassies will benefit from 'resistance training'.... I'll get my coat..
  12. Our house in Fife was burgled in the 1980s.... dreadful place....
  13. The trouble with systems like 'mask exempt' status is that in order to make them hard to misuse, you'd have to make the application and evidence process more rigorous. That would generate objections from folk who wouldn't accept being made to 'jump through hoops' (perhaps a poor analogy !) to receive adisability exemption - something to which they are entitled. @rseholes abuse the Blue Badge system, where the entitlement cards are large and made of plastic, so not that easy to fake, and even though there is a photo of the qualified person, it is on the side that faces down on the dashboard, so some rats use them when the qualifying person is in no way involved in the trip. Some folk then criticise the scheme as being too open to abuse, instead of hammering the b@stards who abuse it (not suggesting I've seen that on this forum tbf).
  14. No complaints really. We have been second to too many balls and United in possession look as if they actually know what they are doing.
  15. Still feeling edgy, but then I remembered... we haven't had our penalty yet.
  16. Can't help but think this forum would be a lot more realistic if everyone whose bets get gubbed posted them up too!
  17. Must confess that I'm feeling a little edgy about this. United's passing up front looks pretty good. Aribo has been the only Rangers highlight for me so far.
  18. I think it's quite interesting that we have folk talking about problems with team selection not long after folk were saying both on P&B and Radio Scotland that this year's title will be a skoosh because Celtic are supposed to be so far behind. Hearts away is always a tough game so looking back, Celtic's defeat there maybe wasn't too surprising. Now, if we win today AND Dundee give Celtic a hiding tomorrow, I could be tempted into the confidence camp... I think we definitely need another striker though. We can't bring on Defoe with a Zimmer*. (* other brands of mobility aids are available.)
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