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Posts posted by energyzone

  1. Why have they increased the entry fee for this match compared to previous rounds? Is this agreed by the clubs?

    I remember in the days of £5 entry they used to increase the junior semi price to £7 which was a bit of a money grab and this strikes me as the same.

    Does the host club get a fee for use of their stadium?

  2. Anything involving member clubs is relevant to member clubs and supporters. I get why a few are raging but the junior cup is still clearly a big deal to a lot of folk and obviously pretending it isn’t, isn’t working out so whatever this is, appears the alternative. 
    Having been to both cups, the south and junior are in completely different levels. The junior cup is like festival, a big event, has been for over a hundred years. In my own opinion, they should just sit down with each other and thrash something out to work together on one cup. One side has for example a great established cup and the other has more member clubs. Plus many other positives on each side.
    Could potentially have the best non league cup comp in Europe. 
    Do you feel it was devalued a bit this year?

  3. It's not depression I have, it's a death wish. Another 14gram this weekend and I'm lay in bed crying my fucking eyes out. I'm physically and mentally done with this shit. I don't have the fortitude to do it but I'm obviously trying my fucking hardest out with.

    Thats my issue bro, powder

    At least you guys admit that you have a problem - it's an important first step and you deserve credit for opening up about it, even if it's anonymously on this forum.

    I don't know if your issues are because of the drugs or that they are just one of the symptoms. Either way, they clearly aren't helping. This thread is a safe haven - we are all supportive and some decent advice is given out on a regular basis. I don't have any personal experience with drug misuse unfortunately (or fortunately), but I've met enough addicts during the course of my career to know that there is plenty of help out there. And I don't just mean from the NHS - I mean from people who have been in your position, or are in your position who can help. Hopefully someone on here has a bit of experience with this kind of thing and can offer some words of wisdom or signpost you to somewhere helpful.

    But please post if you are struggling, it helps to talk, even to strangers on the internet. I'm sorry you're going through a really hard time and I hope it gets better for you soon.
  4. Think there's not much doubt Darvel wanted it so it's more Auchinleck Talbot that people are skeptical about on actually wanting to progress. Clydebank and Kilwinning are also clearly gung ho so you could argue most of the WoS's top 5 have their focus fixed on trying to make it to the SPFL now rather than chasing TJ's Holy Grail. Pollok seem to have soured on the SJFA this season after what happened with the Irvine Vics game.
    I don't remember what unfolded with Tranent but worth bearing in mind that although the people who post on here (including Tynieness at the time) tended to be in favour, Bo'ness United's membership initially rejected the move to the EoS at a general meeting and the committee (minus Tynieness by that point) only did a U-turn at the very last minute along with Linlithgow Rose and Broxburn's (?) when they realised they were going to be left in a drastically weakened east superleague.
    Two years later a licence was secured along with promotion to the LL so that initial reluctance didn't seem to lead to a desire to stick to the EoS premier. Even Bonnyrigg Rose leaving the east region was not without significant controversy AFAIR.
    Were Tranent not one of the first Junior clubs to apply for EOS membership along with Dalkeith?

  5. All this is true but because it happened in the past doesn't mean it was right then and should continue.
    I have said this before but it has needed changed for years but because it was Talbot affected all the time nobody gave a f**k but on the odd year it was their team it was a scandal.
    I was hoping the new set up would resolve this but it has been worse

    It wasn't just Talbot affected. Other clubs had to wait weeks without a match just for Talbot to catch up and play on a Monday night with nothing at stake. At least you had leagues and Scottish cups to ease the pain of 3-game weeks.

    A 20 team season could have easily been accomodated if they had delayed the WOS League Cup for a season and told all the teams involved in the Junior cup that if they wanted to take part in another association's competition then they could fit it in when they could, instead of giving them prime time Saturday slots mid-season.
  6. I don't know the full ins and outs of what went on with McGowan, Syme and Monti over the course of the last 6 months, but McGowan has a platform to set the record straight if he chooses to do so. I think the fact that he hasn't offered an explanation to the contrary speaks volumes.

    The pile on by the rest of the Darvel players doesn't really show them in a good light. Mick Kennedy has conducted some very good interviews recently and comes across professionally but unfortunately the rest of them are acting like a gang at the moment.

  7. Just read on another thread there that Liverpool will have played the maximum possible number of games this season, 38 league, 13 CL, 6 FA Cup and 6 League cup making 63 matches in total.
    Talbot will play their 57th in the Junior Cup final. Ridiculous to put working men through that. Roll on next season with a 16 team league.

    Involvement in the Junior cup was optional of course [emoji12]
  8. A Guest team can never win the Lowland League. Just finish 1st. The Championship and the place in the SPFL2 Playoff would go to the highest real LL team even if they finished 3rd/4th in the table.
    The expectation is that if it happened it could be challenged by Club 42.
    Was there an attempt to change the rules regarding that recently? So if a B Team won the league, the next highest non B team couldn't qualify for the play off? I'm sure there was some attempt which was (as always) an effort to encourage promotion for the B teams.
  9. Worth a wee look on Twitter as Syme,Miller,Morrison and the other Darvel mercenaries/neds having a go at Buffs media for stating the fact "Chris McGowan opts to sit out ahead of a move to rival club". Personally I think the comment is very reserved and simply states the facts as they stand. 
    The tweet from the club was factually correct so I'm not sure why Syme had an issue with it or what point he was trying to make.

    McGowan chose not to play against Darvel last week for the same reason. Slightly unprofessional.
  10. Unless I'm reading it wrongly they hail from Kilwinning.
    There is an amateur Kilwinning Rangers team which have apparently applied for WOS membership for next season.

    I don't know if they are under the Kilwinning Sports Club umbrella but there do appear to be two separate boys club pathways in Kilwinning, one of which I think plays out of the Almswall Road 3G facility so I don't know if it's a tie-in with them.

    Maybe they have to change their name to be accepted, hence the Eglinton?
  11. Cheers gents, it's appreciated.
    Like I said, I don't feel as though I am in a place where I should be worried, I just feel myself being worn down a bit and felt it might help putting thoughts into words and this seemed as good a place as any!
    I guess the best advice I can give is keep busy. With exercise preferably. But find a hobby, keep yourself from dwelling on it too much. But you'll always find a friendly ear in this thread and you'll be absolutely fine in time. Post as much as you feel helps [emoji106]
  12. Colin Boyd, Chairman of Kilwinning Rangers made a hypothetical point on that thread that if one club refused to play the colts they (the Colt teams) would be gone within a year.

    Where would a club stand if they refused to play one of these entities? Are they considered regular members of the league and ties against them require to be played?

  13. No easy game now imo, teams find another gear when playing us and want to destroy our hopes and dreams of the title. 
    I think this is unfair. The standard of our top league is better than it ever has been (if we say that the WOS is the natural successors to the Junior League). Teams at the bottom end of the table are capable of good performances and results against those at the top, as I've seen for myself against Kilwinning this season. I don't think it's anything to do with wanting to stop Talbot winning the league - there are only two teams that can win it now and I really don't care which one does. It's not that deep.

  14. All Scottish FA licensed member clubs sign a declaration saying they are committed to the pyramid system, so the WoSFL champions are committed to playing in the Lower Pyramid Play-Off and, if they win it, they are committed to promotion. They can't just say "thanks for the trophy, but we'll just stay where we are".

    What also has to be considered is that several other WoSFL clubs' league status for next season hangs on whether the WoSFL champions win the play-off or not. If they do, then only 6 teams would be relegated from the Premier Division, and consequently one extra team would also move into the First Division and Second Division from this season's Conference places.

    A few teams will be relying on the integrity of the WoSFL champions' performance in the play-offs.
    Love the last paragraph.

    Fully prepared for Talbot winning the league and fielding their U12s side in the play off final!
  15. The attendance has been out of sync with tickets sold for as long as I can remember. The SC Quarter Final a couple of years ago where we lost on penalties to Aberdeen was close to capacity, yet they announced the attendance at just under 10k which was clearly inaccurate as it would have left around 8k seats empty.

    If the 3 home ends are almost sold out then it must be our best attendance for many a year.

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