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Posts posted by energyzone

  1. Aye your right about Abbey Park but the Kop section behind the goals was a pretty good vantage point. My granny used to live in Ladyford Avenue so I have a soft spot for the place even though I'm a Ladeside supporter. Back to Buffs Park, could they not move the barrier on the seated stand side nearer the pitch. Think that would help and there is a wee natural slope there.

    Possibly - the only thing is the dugouts take up quite a bit of room so it would probably only give you about 20m either side. Better than nothing I suppose. The barrier was there long before the club moved.

  2. Unless you sit in seated stand you cant watch the game and see the whole pitch from that side of the park. Also no terracing in any part of the ground so unless you are right up against the barrier or are 6'5" once again you cant see the whole pitch. Watching Clydebank's game on telly on Monday night after being at Kilwinning on Friday night and at present would much rather watch a game at Holm Park than Buffs Park. Just doesn't seem to be designed very well for the spectator IMHO.

    The stand is in a great position for viewing while sitting, but it means you can't view the whole pitch while standing anywhere along that side. It's very restrictive in that aspect and pretty much removes almost a third of the total viewing area for standing spectators.

    In an ideal word it would be moved back away from the touchline and rebuilt on a raised platform. But I'm not sure if the refreshment and toilet cabins would then get in the way. Also I imagine it would cost an astronomical amount to cover or move in the first instance and at this level every penny is a prisoner.

    For a 2 or 3 year old ground I'm sure you'll agree it's not bad though.

    There was hardly any terracing at the old Abbey Park either though - a raised hill with some sleepers covering half of one side, a covered section behind one of the goals and some recently installed steps behind the other.
  3. I know one team had to lose and Meadow have been playing well recently but today is a hard one to take, especially as the draw opens up in the next round and we could have been playing some top teams (and new clubs) from the Lowland League and east of the country.

    Realistically the league is gone unless something remarkable happens, so this competition could have been something to get the town going if we'd drawn a big club and/or got to the latter stages.

    We need a bit of experience in the starting line up but the management team will be well aware of our deficiencies and where we need to strengthen.

  4. I actually have family who lived in his constituency.
    It's a very weird part of the world (not in a bad way, I actually like it down there).  Whereas much of Southend is a run down chav infested shitehole, Southend west incorporates Leigh on Sea and Westcliff, which are very affluent areas. 
    We talked politics once at a family gathering and I asked my cousin why he voted Tory. He just looked at me and said 'what else is there ?'. He didn't mean it in a bad way, he just grew up in an area where he knew hardly anyone who would consider voting for anyone that wasn't Tory. 
    Amess had to us what seems like a pretty shaky record. He was unashamedly right wing in his voting habits, but people would have voted for him even if he'd been eating babies. 

    The voting habits/records are misleading. These are used pretty much weekly by the opposition at Westminster to gain political points but have no grounding in legislation or legitimacy. For example Labour can bring forward a motion each week during a day debate to say they condemn the government's record on austerity and put forward a bland motion to, for example, increase nurses pay, without having to detail how it should be paid for, how much they should be given or provide a cost analysis etc. This will then go to a vote which the Conservatives will obviously vote against and the motion will be defeated. The opposition and political activists or commentators can then later say that a random Tory MP voted against awarding nurses a pay rise and score a political point, knowing full well that they never had the power or expectation that the vote would go through.

    Ultimately voting records are used as a political weapon but aren't a true indication of the views or work of an individual MP.

  5. Difficult to say, the local rivalry would be taken away but competitiveness would be the same, top LL sides against Talbot at beechwood I am sure there would be a good crowd from Talbot and some neutrals but maybe not a big away support, although saying that there didn't seem a great deal of Darvel fans last night.
    I thought there were quite a lot of Darvel fans - I was standing where most of them were situated and they made a good noise when the goals went in. I've seen far worse opposition crowds at Beechwood.
  6. There was a similar situation in the St Rochs v Kilwinning Rangers Scottish cup tie a few years back where a mass rammy ensued in the last 5 minutes - on that occasion the match was halted for about 15 minutes and the referee eventually restarted it after giving the remaining players a coaches a talking to in the centre circle. But he had assistants and I don't think there was anything like the blatant punching we saw on this occasion from the Irvine Vics coach.

    If the SJFA have decided that both clubs should be ejected from the competition them I would say the referee did the correct thing by walking off when he did.

  7. Darvel moved the ball well in the first half and their second goal was a good one, especially coming only a minute after Talbot had equalised. That said, the Darvel goalkeeper was probably the busier of the two in the first half. I missed the opening goal as I was just coming throughout the turnstiles.

    Talbot dominated the second half without creating much. The Darvel defence was excellent throughout but their midfield completely fell out the game for the first 30 minutes of the second half and it was only in the closing stages that they began to create a few chances and really should have finished it as a contest towards the end.

    From a neutral point of view I thought the referee was fine - both sets of fans were shouting for everything as is expected at a football match, but he wasn't swayed by anything.

  8. Enough chances to win 2 games. Embarrassing the way Henderson sets his teams up to play 
    I thought Hurlford played quite well considering the stark difference in squad depth between the teams. It wasn't like they stuck 10 men behind the ball and rarely attacked. Talbot did almost nothing in the first half but were the better team in the second period and some of the missed chances were really wasteful.

    As an aside, were the dugouts at Beechwood always on the same side? It seems strange that they are on the far side to the changing rooms.
  9. Im not really sure i’d agree, im as pro-pyramid as most but whats the harm so long as it doesnt interfere with other games? Its clearly not taking assistant referees out of the senior game so i mean batter in surely? The more games my teams rivals play the better imo.
    Are matches in other competitions not being rearranged to accommodate junior cup matches? I may be wrong but I'd imagine the Strathclyde Demolition Cup wouldn't exist if it weren't for the junior cup being an alternative competition?

  10. And there folks, is the problem in a nutshell. Here's one of the proverbial "good cops" telling us that it's not up to the police to come up with a solution for the racism, homophobia, misogyny, corruption and criminality endemic within law enforcement. That's our responsibility.
    Nothing to see here, Couzens wasn't a real police officer, Everard shouldn't have been out, women need to handle these situation betters, the police do a fine job.
    And don't criticise us unless you have a solution for the problem neither the government or the police top brass are willing to admit exists.

    At no point did he say it wasn't the responsibility of the police to solve the issue. He even backed it up with this before you replied:-

    Sadly, I would agree with all of this and I don't think it's insignificant. A big chunk is up to the police to try and fix this and to make people feel safe again. I would admit it is a failing on our part and that something has to change to address it.

  11. A few of the results recently have been disappointing but it's not like we are losing matches by a huge margin. The ones we are losing are by a single goal. We deserved at least a point against Pollok, should have been out of sight against Glenafton before blowing a 2-goal lead and the same can be said for the 4-4 draw against Rutherglen.

    I didn't see the Cumnock match, or St Cadocs so I can't comment on those, but we are sitting 4th, in and amongst some of the strongest teams in the West and 5 points clear of 5th.

    Losing Monti is unfortunate as I don't think there is anyone who can replace his creativity at present. Saturday's match against Clydebank is crucial.

    On another note, why are the matches not filmed from the media tower opposite the seats?

    Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk

  12. I didn't think it was offside either, but then the assistant referee had a better view than me.

    I thought we deserved a point today - I didn't think there was much between the teams. Pollok were the better team for the first 20 minutes then the rest of the first half was fairly even. The goal just before halftime was so sloppy and completely preventable. It was probably Pollok's first proper attempt on goal.

    Second half we started playing some football and deservedly drew level. But then we started being a bit passive and handed the initiative to Pollok. Having said that, we didn't really create much and it was pretty scrappy throughout.

    I do get the fear every time a cross comes into the Buffs box though. Barclay almost never comes for a cross and isn't commanding at all. I've noticed it before but today I was watching through my fingers every time the ball was swung in. It's a major weakness at the moment.

  13. This is an SFA registered cup competition now,it can’t just be scrapped! It’s mandatory for WoSFL clubs to play in it.
    If clubs want to play in other optional minor cup competitions then they can’t complain about fixture congestion.
    Exactly. Clubs didn't choose to be part of a 38 game league but once that became apparent they could have easily pulled out the least important competition of all.
  14. May well happen, but you are assuming that a West of Scotland team will beat an East of Scotland team each year (assuming neither get beat from a South of Scotland team in play-offs). In a one-off match, more often than not in recent years, top West of Scotland team came out winners against their East of Scotland opponents. But if it is a home and away match(es) to decide overall Premier League winners, no guarantee WoS will win each time.
    It's more likely now that three previously successful East sides in Kelty, Bonnyrigg and Boness have all been promoted. I would have fancied Talbot against any of those sides anyway over two legs.

    If Talbot go up then next year's West Premier will be even better in terms of likely winners and a title race.
  15. I always fancied being in aviation when I was younger - but then decided I'd rather be a journalist. Did that for 12 years after finishing uni, but always kept looking at going down the air traffic control route.
    Eventually decided to go for it about three years ago and went through the selection process - managed to get the job and fully qualified as a controller about four months ago. Absolutely brilliant.
    What was the selection process like? And how do you find the day to day job?

    I always fancied it myself but ended up in a job where the pay increases and pension you build up each year forces you to stay.
  16. Heading up to Fort William with the intention of getting myself up Ben Nevis via CMD. A few of the boys have seen a few pictures on Instagram and started getting wet feet already as they’re not massively experienced walkers. 
    We’re considering splitting into two groups to try and reconvene at the top and head back down together, would a 2.5hr lead time for those doing CMD be enough to do so?
    It looks terrifying in pictures but it's not that bad when you're actually there. I'm not an experienced climber at all and neither was one of the other two I climbed with. My fitness at the time wasn't 100% and the weather was poor so it took me quite a while. Basically from the moment you reach the ridge you are clambering over rocks all the way to the summit of Nevis, so it's quite fun.

    I did something really stupid though - the weather was fine until just before the top of CMD then the clouds rolled in. For some reason I totally forgot clouds = wet, so I got very cold and wet very quickly, having forgotten to put on my waterproof jacket. I was then miserable for the rest of the day.

    The only thing about going down was that we took the tourist path halfway then diverged from it to try and find the North car park again. But the path seemed to disappear over a river so we ended up wading through bushes etc for quite a long way.
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