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chomp my root

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Everything posted by chomp my root

  1. Not this time but I've used the term in rhyming slang too.
  2. Fair enough, Shereen Nanjiani then, I'll not judge you for that one !
  3. That looked like an exercise in public humiliation, how long did they have to buff up
  4. You're probably right, he's a very, very influential man in the world of DFC.
  5. Just to keep everyone in the loop, the Fife Dark Blues night with Cammy and Bobby has had to be cancelled/postponed. I'm not sure why at the moment but for those that were planning on going, as soon as I know when it's back on I'll put another wee ditty on here. Apologies for the short notice.
  6. I'm guessing it's the same with zee Jarmans, we seem to have picked up some good players from 'nowhere', its good to see. I wonder how many guys lower down the leagues could be hoovered up and brought on with the right management.
  7. Greg Stewart has got better each game pretty much. Against Celtic he was played as a midfielder I thought but he coped really well. He's been a bit of good business for us I think. I'm more than happy to have him start games and I can see him being quite important for us as he develops with full time SPL matches.
  8. The best advice I (and probably every single P & B'er) can give you is 'kick her in the pie'
  9. Royal Dutch seems to ring a bell, I'm sure there were some more. Edited 'cos I'm a simp
  10. Kestrel and some of the Spar Lagers were end of the month stuff when I was in my early 20's. By this time I was exclusively a lager drinker so if we were skint we'd sit in someone's flat playing cards and drinking cooking lager. We made the mistake (a few times, no excuse really) of buying the 3.5% stuff going for quantity over relative quality and and all you do is get giggly and piss like a race horse. I'm not too nostalgic for those days.
  11. I've done a 'boys' barge holiday, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to get properly bat faced but we did get more than a little squiffy at times (as you can imagine) and we did batter into a moored boat which fortunately was empty at the time. We checked for damage and vamoosed sharpish. There is a canal etiquette as well, and I'm pretty sure we were reported for being ball bagged although with hindsight it may have been an empty threat. The barges can only do about 4 miles an hour so you should have plenty time to avoid each other in theory, although......
  12. I had a joiner let me down last week, got a hold of another one today who seemed keen but has changed the time he's coming round twice now. Supposed to be meeting him tomorrow now, coincidentally not a million miles from where you are. Frustrating because its fitting a kitchen and I could probably do it myself but thought getting a pro in would be quicker. If I'd started last week when the first guy let me down I'd probably have finished by now. In summary ALL joiners are now officially bar stewards
  13. Well that's just plain wrong, I believe the proper P & B way is a good old fashioned 'kick in the pie'.
  14. They'll rue the day they crossed you mate Hope you get it sorted.
  15. I mind years ago being surprised by the number of sherry drinking tramps but it was pointed out to me that it had the best level of booze to £ value. I don't know how scientifically they researched this but I'm sure they had fun figuring it out.
  16. Surely for SJC it would be a he/she I thought 'Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia' when he called her 'the waitress'.
  17. I don't know Lucky numbers or Scotsmac, I don't think I've tried El Dorado either but I'm aware of that one. I was more of the discerning Thunderbird kind of a chap myself.
  18. Close but no cigar, that was a navy term for them I've never lived in Dundee, I'm a glory hunter
  19. Its about numbers for some I'd say, otherwise why would he mention it.
  20. Too much hair for spawn of Griffiths. Harkins however......
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